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Can plastic surgery fix someone extremely ugly as me? living in a rock bottom life all these years

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tbh i don't think u're ugly
(i'm honest with my opinion. u may see my other posts, things i dislike i would speak up)
u look like a normal asian dude.

i would rather be friend with a normal looking asian dude than a plastic face.

i would say only get ps if you really dislike certain part of your body,
but never let the clinic decide how to "improve".
if it doesn't turn out right, they can bs "its just different standard of beauty".

you can see there are negative reviews throughout this forum,
getting ps doesn't mean improvement.

perhaps just lose some weight.
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Hi All,
First of all, thanks for getting back to me having my back here but i don't think losing weight is gonna get me out of this (or did i not lose enough?).....i shed off my weights like 3 times throughout my whole life yet the world/people around still turned on me by treating me like a dirt and making fun of me which pretty much ruined my social life/job career as a whole.......i remembered making a thread like this back in 2011 in other forum (https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=138834113&page=1) which they pretty much told me the same thing but it just didnt work in the real world. I am so depressed throughout my whole life that i have to count on alcohol and drugs just to make me feel a lil better and no one ever come across this before.

This was me in 2012 after i cut down tons of weights
And this is me right now

Can someone help me out and tell me what more can be done? If i ever turn to plastic surgery can i get this fixed (or i am too ugly to be fixed?), what kind of surgery should i go to???

i dont want to spend the rest of my life living like this and for sure i dont want look back with pain and broken heart when im in my death bed.....my life been going downhill since my teenage days which i have yet to get it back up and sometimes i just wonder am i cursed or something.

To look normal and have a normal life are what i been longing for my whole life and i wouldnt give up this fight till my very last breathe.
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make yourself look clean first. Shave your beard and chop that hair. Get a new and short hair cut. And change your style of cloths. No baggie cloths. Stylish jeans, skinny, ripped jeans pair with with a simple white T-shirt and printed not too much and a pair a basket. Simple.
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Oh and hit the gym and get buff! Trust me it will boost your confidence ;)
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Hi Dash, thanks for the comment i tried but didnt work :S
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I did look into before and after pics of some ps hospitals in Korea and found that those household names like id hospital/banabogi/view/grand hospitals had some of the finest outputs i ever seen yet it might be just some photoshop stunts to draw people over.....with that said, what kind of surgery do you think can make me normal??? I never asked for anything more than that I just want to get on with my life like everyday folks out there...thx to all of you though or else there’s really ain’t no place in this world for me to bring this out
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This was me in my slimiest shape ever (back in my college days) but I still couldn’t get any girl not even on dating apps where I barely get any match and even if I did most of those were just ghost matches or one liners... (I know it sounds cringy but to be open up to y’all the last time I was in a relationship was back in high school lol) I just wanna know what else can be done surgically or anything that works 8256C3CB-F396-43BF-B6F5-7F85C230F814.png
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You are being to harsh on yourself. You look like a typical Asian male. My suggestions like others have mentioned is to lose weight ,hit the gym, build some muscle. This will show on both your body and face. Clean up your hair, a shorter cleaner look. And also the adult palatal expansion/braces. Orthodontics and fitness make huge transformations in peopled appearances. Do this first before you consider plastic surgery, there are no short cuts in life.
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I'm going to have to agree with this statement. Yes, that picture of you may have been "you at your slimmest", but judging by the picture, you weren't actually in shape! I don't see anything wrong with your nose, chin, etc.
Go to the gym ...
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Hi Villacola I don’t get it. I already hit the gym b4 and cut down as much as I can (there’s nothing much to be cut) as well as ate clean which you can eee from that pic, nothing else can be done to fix my face at that point, yet people were still being harsh on me in my everyday life and if y’all didn’t buy that I can even take video of it.
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Hello Wilsonteh90,

I honestly don't know what to say at this point. I think most of us agreed and said that you don't need plastic surgery. I would say that your face looks a little chubby, but that's something that you can lose by doing exercise. Your eyes, nose, chin, etc looks fine. Actually, you have a really nice looking nose. I'm pretty sure that a lot of men would want a nose similar to yours.

I'm not sure if it's the baggy clothes that you were wearing in the picture that made you looked not in shape or what? It's hard to tell. If you usually wear baggy clothes then you should try clothes that are a little form-fitting. I'm not saying that you have to wear skinny jeans!! Just clothes that fit your body type better.

Also, the people who are making fun of you ... it's a reflection of THEM and not of YOU! Sometimes, people bring other people down to make themselves feel better. I'm not sure who these people are ... but if you personally know them, then you need to cut them out of your life as soon as possible.

In the meantime, you really need to work on YOU on the inside! Despite the popular notion, no plastic surgery in the world is going to make you feel good about yourself if you don't even like yourself on the inside! That's what I sense from you! If you truly like yourself then you wouldn't care about what other people say about you.
With me, I generally think that I can look better (I have a receding chin for christ sakes). HOWEVER, at the same time, I don't care what others think of me and I don't let their comments control me!! To be honest, no one ever says anything about my chin because of the way I carry myself!!! Yes, I hate my chin, but I walk around with my head held high anyway. In fact, when I point my chin out to people ... no one had seemed to notice it until I said something about it. I guess my self-confidence and personality hides my imperfections. Work on yourself and your self-confidence!

Good luck with whatever you do.

“Loving yourself starts with liking yourself, which starts with respecting yourself, which starts with thinking of yourself in positive ways.” - Jerry Corsten
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