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Double Jaw Surgery - finding an orthodontist before vs. after surgery?

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Hi Purseforumers! For those of you who have had or are considering double jaw surgery (and are going with the Korean "surgery first" method where you only need braces afterward):

Did you already lock down who your orthodontist is going to be prior to the surgery? Is coordination between the orthodontist and surgeon absolutely required? (Or did you just go for the surgery first and then look for your orthodontist later after the surgery is already done?)

Also, got any tips on how to find an orthodontist familiar with "surgery first" and willing to work with an overseas surgeon? I've been consulting with orthodontists in my home country (USA), but most here have not even heard of "surgery first" (and require braces before and after) or are unwilling to work with an overseas surgeon. :sad: Any advice would be welcome and appreciated!
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