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Topclass (HyungJoon Kim): Fake promise, Unprofessional Liar

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Short Version:
- Topclass (Hyung-Joon Kim) fake-promise everything before you pay
- Hyung-Joon Kim ignores what customer wants & does what he wants.
therefore free consultation with Topclass is waste of time.
- Hyung-Joon Kim is a liar, in my report he wrote down that i "want" things opposite to my request.
(either he doesn't listen, or he altered the information after his failed surgery)
- after your payment & surgery, topclass could say they can't do it (but others can), this means either they're unskillful or irresponsible, or both.

long version:
in 2016 Dec, i was looking for a dramatic pointy nose, back then people here mentioned topps in purseforum.
the b&a photos of topps look ridiculous, the tip is way too high looks like the Back Triangle softkey ◁ .
i thought it would be fine just to tell them to lower the tip.
Hyung-Joon Kim promised he could do it in first consultation BEFORE i paid.

on surgery date, i repeated what i want, but this time Hyung-Joon Kim argues some nonsense such as "nose tip should be pointed upwards" like their ridiculous photos ◁.
i knew what i needed, so i simply disagree.
he then walked off the consultation room, without asking if i have more questions.

the result was totally rubbish, nose tip was fat round & high (opposite to my request, pointy & low), even rounder than before surgery.
the nostrils also became very visible from front view.
Kim made excuse that i didn't have enough skin to stretch (that doesn't affect pointyness)

i had to get rid of that ugly nose asap,
i requested Topclass to change the doctor for revision surgery in Sept 2017, which they offered Dr Yong-Hoon Chun.
Chun was an improvement over Kim, doesn't have that cocky attitude.
if the lack of skin to stretch were real, i would rather have the nose bridge implant removed to release more skin,
but Chun said he could do it. (pointy nose and low nose tip)
However, the result was only pointy nose while the nose tip is still high as f***.

i went back to them last month, which they lied & accused me that i "wanted" that round high nose.
i asked them to remove the nose bridge to allow skin stretch for lower tip,
now Topclass change their promise, saying they can't do it.
i consulted many other clinics which they all agreed it is possible. (View, Kirin, Opera, Nana...etc)
eventually sorted out by Hyundai.

this means Topclass is either unskillful or irresponsible, or both.

aka: topps, top class, top-class, 탑클래스성형외과
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can't you read? no one asks for opinion on their style.

this thread's focus is to warn people that Topclass are irresponsible liars, fake-promise before our payments.

(oh if u just wanna talk about their style, find me a natural version of that type of nose, & also find me 5 clinics which do that "very Korean style") gosh you don't know what u're talking about
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can't you read?

this thread's focus is warning others about this irresponsible clinic which fake-promise before our payments.
no one cares about your opinion & strange preference on nose style.

LOL "very Korean style", find me 5 clinics that do your so-called "very Korean style". you have no clue what u're talking about.
go do some research before leaving smart comment, or did you get paid by Topclass to leave a false positive comment?
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i'm so sorry that you had to go through this.. He clearly isn't doing a very good job being a doctor cuz they should respect patient's decision over their own taste. I don't know why that's so hard to understand... If he knew he couldn't achieve what you wanted he shouldn't have pushed you into getting the surgery
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can u read the thread before leaving irrelevant comment?

this thread warns others against an irresponsible clinic fake-promise before our payments,
fail to achieve their promise, instead they can only manufacture factory (clone) noses.

no one asks for your strange preference on nose type.

also, your knowledge of Korea/ Nose is funny. find me 5 clinics which do your so-called "very Korean style".
or did u get paid by Topclass to leave misleading positive comment for them?
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thank you for your kind word :')
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This all day!! No sense of aesthetic at all. For them one size fits all
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thank you for your kind word :')
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@wintermelonHX & @cythr , get a life instead of attacking negative feedback threads.
these 2 trolls leave smart comments without reading threads, then "like" each other's comments, how pathetic.
their trolling activities are also found here:

as if those 2 get paid by the clinics.
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I don't see the point of insulting someone else's preference of nose. Also insinuating that she is a premotor is just rude. A female nose should be slightly upturned as if not (like in the photo of the nose you said you liked) it makes someone look quite masculine and harsh which is basically the opposite of the beauty standards which is why most doctors don't do noses like that on women as they usually know the basic science behind what makes a face attractive.
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1) this is a warning thread, not discussion of preference. Thread Hijacking isn't welcome.

2) i am male, why should Topclass enforce your so-called "female nose" on me?

3) you saying female nose should be upturned (or one particular type) is totally absurd.
no body part should be in one particular shape.

4) back to topic, doctor's stubborn fixed opinion on attractivness = factory.
they have right to stay stubborn, but shouldn't lie about willing to be flexible before customers' payments.
as others above agreed "they should respect patient's decision over their own taste"
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Wow, I'm very sorry you had to go through all these. At first i was surprised by your shorter version review and then I read your longer version review, I wish I could give you a hug :sad:
I hope you are happy with your result from the revision surgery and never have to go through something like this ever again! :smile:
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