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I though the problem was in my squared chin, but was wrong

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01. b.jpg Before
02. b 101954376.png Before
I think it worth to start my story from my before pics. My main concern was very wide cheekbone. I was also thinking to get genioplasty as also considered my chin quite square-shaped for my facial features, but after consultation realized, there was nothing wrong in it. I was offered to get a one-piece V-line with zygomatic bone reduction, which I saw quite an adequate solution on my situation.
03. a 175336797.jpg After
04. a 150011333.png After
These are some of my after pics and as you can see the difference is quite dramatic. I do use some filters but just to fix my skin tone as it’s really bad. I don’t touch my face shape any longer tho. I proceeded a surgery in January and it’s been 9 months already. Perhaps you saw some of my pics on Regen’s IG as I also got the maximum discount for pics disclosure in order to cut down the price. They offered 30% off for that and I thought why not?
The main thing I liked about my doctor is that he didn’t actually take out my bone, he cut it and shifted to, as far as I understood him, prevent excessive bruising and swelling, making the recovery period much shorter and easy. I stayed in Seoul for a little over a month and that was more than enough.
The total I paid for my surgeries was around $12,000 usd for both one-piece v-line and zygoma.
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I like the method he’s using for bone shaving surgeries. I got a consultation at regen last month for orthognathic surgery. In my case I need to cut my upper jaw, because my left side is way shorter than right side, creating awful asymmetry, but he explained that he won’t take it out, he’ll just make a cut, reposition the bone as well as my lower jaw and that would also create a v shaped line. I’ve seen some other surgeons but he was the one who impressed me the most. Alice, their English-speaking assistant also offered me a discount for sharing my pics, but I’m not sure if I’m ok with other people seeing me swollen in blood lol. The most important fact about him is that I could notice while was sitting in his office that he’s really passionate about what he’s doing, that’s really impressive. I’m glad you had a good result, I think you chose right hands!
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