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Mini V-line at TFD

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Well I finally did it. My biggest insecurity has always been my disproportionately huge lower face, and it’s almost a thing of the past.

Online Consultation in June: by the time I scheduled my skype interview I was already pretty sure I wanted Dr. Lee to do the job. He was always really responsive with questions on kakaotalk. What I really liked about the Skype interview is he doesn’t upsell. He asks what your concerns are and addresses whether he can fix them. In consultations with other places I was recommended reduction in jaw angle, chin, zygoma and buccal fat you name it to contour my face into what they thought was ideal. Dr. Lee however really listened and understood my aesthetic (not a dolly face but a more balanced and smooth face). I asked him about shaving my cheekbones like other clinics said; he said that that was unnecessary because my eyes and nose are proportional to them (DAT HONESTY). I told him that I actually like my jaw angle and would like to keep it, so he recommended mini-v with buccal fat removal.
He also warned that buccal fat removal might make you look older, since baby faces have some chub.

I made the deposit ~1200usd a few days later and secured the surgery date of my choice. Yeah, I know a lot of people advise against this but 1) he was legit and I wasn’t worried about getting ripped off in any way here and 2) I was paying for the peace of mind since I wanted to get the surgery done ASAP and have as much time as possible for aftercare/recovery on the trip in case things go wrong.

Pre-surgery consultation November: flight landed at noon, got on an airport bus to my Airbnb, and walked to TFD (about 15 min) for my consultation at 4:30pm. I got there early but the staff were still able to work with me. Filled out paperwork, pre-surgery directives, took xrays/scans/blood samples, had the consultation with Dr. Lee in person. At this point it has been a while so I reminded him that I wanted to keep my chin length and angle. My jawspo was Jung Chaeyeon (angled but really dainty jaw). He said that my vertical proportions were good so I don’t need to shorten my chin but will make it narrower. With the xrays and ct, he was able to explain what cuts exactly he was planning on doing. Again the conclusion was mini-v with buccal/chin fat removal.
I talked to the manager about payment. She’s adorable btw. I’m pretty sure she cut me a break and gave me a discount after expressing confusion over the muscle reduction showing up on the list.
Paid an additional ~4600usd and got out of there.

I had a last chewy meal and showered. (You need to fast starting midnight before the operation)
My surgery was 9:30am the next day.

Surgery day:
I went up to the 5th floor/recovery ward to change clothes. I could just keep the panties. In the gown, I had ANOTHER consultation with Dr. lee and another with the manager to make sure I followed the pre-surgery rules, discuss blood work, and be crystal on the plan.
Then I was walked down to the basement/OR. Got on the bed and was knocked out.
Next thing I knew, it was over and I was asked to move to the wheelchair, went up the elevator to the ward and got in a bed there. The GA nausea was seriously no joke. I was glad I fasted cuz I definitely would have thrown up. I think the intubation was the worst part cuz my face was pretty numb but my neck/throat were painful af. The time between the surgery finishing and going home was the hardest part. I wasn’t allowed to have water and even when I had it, swallowing was super painful.
Dr. Lee saw me before I went home and assured me that he thought the surgery was a success. I got another X-ray/ct done. Got meds (50,000krw). Went over aftercare info. Got scheduled to come back in 2 days. Then went home.

I got back to the Airbnb and tried to knock out but I kept waking up every couple hours because my nose/throat was blocked (again probs from the intubation recovery). My mouth also bleeding constantly. This only stopped after doing the nasty gargle prescribed.
ADVICE: bring extra pillowcases! I have been drooling (?) leaking something onto the pillows at the Airbnb and feel so bad.

Day 0 and 1 are pretty uncomfortable and ugly. I pretty much just left the Airbnb to walk around super early in the mornings with the compression band on.

Day 2 morning follow up with the doc to remove bandages and laser to reduce swelling. Scheduled another follow up on day 5. With a face mask on I look pretty normal and walked around town.

I’m currently day 3 post op and still very swollen on one side.

Attached are my before surgery jaw angle that I wanted to save. one is day0 and day 2 neck bruises. My (neck) bruises may be atypical though; like they go up to my eye.
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  • 4 weeks later...
May i have you kakaotalk?if u dont mind i want to see befote afyer picture
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  • 4 months later...
Hi Cheesybeast! My jawspo is also Jung Chaeyeon!!

I'm currently considering FC procedures and buccal fat removal. Could I PM you also? Just wanted to hear more about your experience with TFD.
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