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Doublejaw surgery (The face dental or zeah? or any oth recom?) / undereye fat repositioning revision

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Hi, I'm new here, have been reading alot of the posts but but just never got round to registering.

I'm thinking of doing double jaw surgery for a few reasons:

-although there's nothing wrong with my bite, my lower jaw protrudes out which makes my face and chin look extra long... it's bothered me alot since I was young and even though I've had braces 2x it only managed to halt an under bite happening but not "fix" the protruding bottom jaw... I really regret not getting this when I was younger... I'm like 38 now... sigh and I'm thinking is it too late?!

- my tmj jaw joint makes clicking/popping noises and surgery would be the best way to stop it. only recently it's gotten worse and louder. when I open my mouth wider the bottom jaw will tend to incline to the left... and I find myself chewing to the left as well to try to avoid the popping of the jaw

-due to protruding jaw, this has made the middle of my face seem flat even though I have quite a high nose bridge and nose (ppl comment I have a Caucasian nose even tho I'm Asian). and coz of this, when I'm not smiling it makes my face seem to look quite ABF (angry b*tch face) even tho I'm not!

-my jaw is very similar to the example attached and im praying ps can fix it once and for all, and I don't get nerve damage (which I'm worried abt most)... I've always felt so conscious, wary, not confident and unhappy about my smile and being in photos because of this
and my chin and face looks extra long when I smile widely showing my teeth

-ive actually had fat repositioning surgery under my eyes before to help dark circles, it's fixed it alot, but as I'm born with really dark circles, it seems it's come back a little... I'm thinking if I should so revision for it? I did it originally at teuim with Dr kwon... I got it alongside double eyelid surgery to fix my drooping double eyelids as there was extra eyelid n seemed to cover my double eyelids alot. Dr kwon fixed it naturally which was great, but I'm just thinking it I shd get it done a bit more obvious... or if I shd wait for my double jaw first, and see if the whole fixed jaw with own nose and current eyes is ok, before considering more on my double eyelids

after reading all the reviews and trying to sift through the fake reviews (person who posts posts only once then they disappear)... I've narrowed down to these 2.

-the face dental (they seem to have quite a lot of positive foreigner reviews and Dr Lee seems quite good with explaining)

ive kaotalked both and waiting for a reply with quote..

-zeah dental (I can't seem to find many reviews on this? anyone have any comments on them?)

sorry for the long post!
any other clinic suggestions or comments n tips would be great and appreciated... I'm just still 50 50 abt the jaw surgery due to the long recovery time it seems? and I'm worried it'll be heaps exxy... I can take anything under 15k usd (under 10usd I would be super happy)
and if it's too soon to get revision on under eye dark circles yet (I got them done in 2017)

and if anyone knows of any kaotalk groups I could join to find out more abt these clinics or double jaw surgery I would love to join if you could pm me details
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  • 3 weeks later...
Join us on Kakao TFD chat, I’m heading to Seoul to see dr Lee for 2jaw as I have very similar issues to yours.

Use this link: https://open.kakao.com/o/gCMzcr9

See ya there!
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