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Looking for BA and inverted nipples surgery, will go to Seoul very soon, please help with advice!

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I started to seriously thinking about breast augmentation and nipple surgery relatively recently. My main issue is inverted nipples and I can’t say that my breasts are too small, I actually like the size but the shape…this’s something I really wanna change. Now they are a bit saggy, although I have no kids (lost lot of weight for the past year). I was researching on breast lifting methods but none of them would give me the breast shape I want, so I decided why not to insert implants and finally have round shaped bobbies? At the moment, there are 2 hospitals that attracts my attention the most: Nana and HerShe. I’ve seen lot of people posting about those two here on Purse forum. I already contacted them but have a feeling like I’m missing something… Maybe I should consider some other hospitals as well? Please advise!
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Hi not sure how old you are but if you’re considering having children in future I would hold off on inverted nipple surgery. I consulted about the same thing in my 20s and was told it can prevent breastfeeding. After having my first child my inverted nipple naturally came out on its own from the baby feeding and has stayed that way permanently. My nipples were semi-inverted though, it might be different if yours is fully flat. However I’m glad I never went through with surgery.
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I’ve been searching for the last week on both Purse and RealSelf and found out about one more quite popular place Banobagi. I contacted them right away and prices were surprisingly pleasant but anyways…I made an appointment with Nana as well and let’s see who’d impress me the most :smile:
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  • 2 weeks later...
On thur and fri I met both Banobagi and Nana and I think that I liked the first one more. I had my consultation with Dr.Barn he showed me so many pics of his work, so I understood that he’s very experienced and skilled. The price I was quoted at Banobagi was a bit higher than from Nana but so far, I’m looking for a really good and natural result and money should be the last thing to bother me now. I didn’t make a deposit yet, but consultant was kind enough to book a surgery date for me (have to put at least 10% by today tho). So, wish me a good luck as my surgery is gonna be tomorrow and I really hope that everything’d go smoothly.
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  • 3 weeks later...
It’s been a bit over 3 weeks already! I’m totally in love with my results! Banobagi staff was so kind that also offered me a drop off to the airport and helped me a lot as I couldn’t lift heavy things. 2 days before Christmas was already at home, could even go for a crazy annual shopping with my mom. I didn’t make my boobies bigger, as it wasn’t the main target. But now they look way sexier. Dr.Barn said to keep compression bra for at least 4 weeks and then switch to sports or wires bra for at least 2 months… not a big deal for me. Can’t imagine if could get a better result, love it so much. Happy New Year, btw!
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Im 53, after six breast surgeries, since the age of 24, my best advice to you would be, unless your breasts are truly misshapen, don't tamper with your breasts, at all.

You will want or need a revision definitely; you will lose any normal feel in your breasts, as you will have a foreign substance inside them; the skin and the insides of your breasts will never be the same after you tamper with it; even your nipple sensation will be affected.

My nipples always hurt. I breastfed my first two babies, before I had surgery; the latter two, after BA, I couldn't breastfeed, because it was so painful when they suckled on the nipple.
Now, my breasts are misshapen after many attempts to make them look normal.

I wish I could make them look normal again but I just don't want to have another surgery. This desire for perfection through elective plastic surgery is like a parasite within.
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