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Trans girl with long and wide Face

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As i mentioned in the title i am transgender and i have a long and wide face.its not extreme,im average height for a European girl,1.69 cm, but i still feel very insecure about the size of my head.im planning to get v-line and double jaw surgery to shorten the lower part of my face but is there any way to make a wide face less wide? v-line and double jaw will make it shorter but i am thinking that if a Face is already wide and long if you make it shorter then it will look bigger and wider than before.i know that for this case people recommend zygoma reduction but i have very small cheek implants because my natural cheekbones( or zygoma in korean plastic) are flat,i naturally have no cheekbones to reduce!so is there any other way to make a wide face less wide?
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If double jaw surgery can shorten your face, really depends on the position of your upper jaw. I don't know what your face looks like so I will just throw some guesses. If your jaw is making your face look wide, then v-line can help with that. If your face is wide around the eyes and it is not the cheekbones, it would mean your eyes are far apart I guess. It is said ideally the distance between the eyes is the width of one eye. I think a bit more than that works too, especially in females. Still, there is no fix, if they are really far apart. Since you didn't mention it, I assume the vertical length of your nose is not an issue. That would also not be fixable.

Back to double jaw: long face and flat cheeks sounds like there might be an orthodontic issue too, so double jaw could benefit you, but that's a blind guess. I think they will only do double jaw, if your bite is good or near the end of the orthodontic treatment to make it so.
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