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My experience at The Face Dental (TFD)

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Hello all

I just wanted to share my experience at The Face Dental.

I had facial contouring surgery at another newly popular clinic that’s frequently mentioned on purseforum (I will save the details of this absolutely horrible experience for another time). The awful doctor who operated on me left me with obvious asymmetry and a crooked jaw line.

I was desperate to fix it so I started researching online for qualified and reputable doctors who specialised in this area. I spent all day reading reviews on forums and eventually reached out to Dr Lee at The Face Dental. I contacted him via Kakao and he responded very quickly. Dr Lee is fluent in English so it made communicating very easy. It’s so rare that you can talk to the doctor directly and not have to go through a consultant. I sent him photos of my jaw and he assured me that he would try his best to help. He did not over-promise and said that we would find a way together. I felt confident in his ability and knew that I could put my trust in him. My flight was scheduled for a few weeks later. During this time, I messaged Dr Lee everyday with many, MANY, questions, all of which were answered quickly.

On the day of my arrival, I went to the clinic to meet Dr Lee. He was sympathetic and genuinely wanted to help me. I was so touched by his kindness that I broke down in tears when he said “I know it is hard when you come from another country alone and feel like nobody cares” It was the first time anyone had asked me how I was feeling.

After all the crying, I was taken to do a 3D CT scan and x-rays then Dr Lee showed me on his computer screen what he thought we should do to correct the asymmetry.

I told him that I was worried about nerve damage from the previous operation because I still have numbness and lack of sensation. I also have lip paralysis on my right side where my lip is skewed and droops downwards. Dr Lee used a tool to tap areas of my face and asked if I could rate my level of sensation from 1-10. He showed me where my main nerves are and how close the previous doctor had come to cutting it. He said that he would avoid cutting near the nerves by at least 5mm but the previous doctor had left little margin for error.

He measured the distance of the jawline to my teeth to determine exactly where to make the cut. He touched my jaw over and over again to be sure. I’m not an expert but I think it takes a very skilled doctor to identify and correct the mistakes of another doctor’s work. We went through everything in meticulous detail and decided on what was best. As I only had 10 days in Korea, surgery was scheduled for the following day.

Day 1 pre-op: I arrived at the clinic in the early afternoon feeling very nervous. We went through the operation plan again. He held my hands to my jaw so I could feel exactly where the cuts will be made and again asked for my thoughts. I told him I was happy to proceed.

We then went down to the operating theatre where nurses and the anaesthetist tended to me. The anaesthetist had a very calming voice and was gently comforting me and telling me not to worry - I drifted off to sleep shortly after.

Day 1 post-op: I woke up in my private recovery room with a very swollen face and a pressure band around my head. The pain was bad but tolerable. I was greeted by a very sweet nurse. She told me that she was here to help me and to let her know if I needed anything. My lips were super swollen to the point where I couldn’t talk so I communicated with her by writing on a small wipeable white board.

Shortly afterwards, Dr Lee came in to see me and to tell me that the operation had been a success and he would come in to check on me again.

The nurses came in frequently to top me up with water and IV drips. They also helped change my ice packs. I didn’t need to ask for anything - they were so sweet and so attentive!

After a few hours I was able to walk around and felt ready to go back to my Airbnb - which was a 15 minute walk away. The nurses did their final checks on me and then off I went with the medicines and ice packs that they had prepared in advance. I was very worried about the effects of general anesthesia but I made sure I stayed hydrated and that seemed to help.

On my first post-op night at the Airbnb, I took off the pressure band to eat some porridge. As soon as I put it back on, my mouth filled with blood. Feeling panicked, I messaged Dr Lee. He replied straight away and told me that the pressure on the incision sites was causing the bleeding. He instructed me to continue to gargle and to keep the pressure band on for the first day then to message him again in 10 minutes. I did as he told me to and sure enough the bleeding stopped. I can’t tell you how reassuring it is to be able to contact Dr Lee at any time!

Day 2 to 8: I went to the clinic everyday for Dr Lee to check the inside of my mouth and stitches. I also had swelling treatment where I laid under a light. What is so nice about the clinic is that everyone is so friendly and warm. They remembered me and always greeted me by name and with a smile. They made me feel like a person and not just another patient.

Day 9: I had my last swelling treatment and check-up with Dr Lee. My swelling had come down a lot faster than he expected. I think this was mostly down to the care I received from the clinic. Dr Lee said everything was healing well and he was happy for me to fly home the next day. He said to stay in touch and message him if I had any concerns or questions.

I am so grateful to Dr Lee. He corrected the assymetry and fixed the mistakes made by the previous doctor. Despite the swelling, I can see the drastic difference and my lip and smile is staring to look normal again. I still have lip paralysis on my right side from my primary operation but I hope that the nerves will repair in time.

I have only good things to say about The Face Dental. I was on the brink of a mental breakdown when I arrived there and Dr Lee’s kindness was what helped me to get through this whole ordeal. After having gone through the nightmare experience of my first surgery, it meant so much when Dr Lee told me that everything is going to be okay.

I hope this review helps someone who is considering The Face Dental. The doctor and nurses is what sets this place world’s apart from the other clinics. The level of care and compassion from the team there makes so much difference. There was another foreign patient during my time there who underwent double-jaw surgery and Dr Lee insisted that she came in to see him every day so he could check on her and even on the day that she was flying home. This says a lot about the kind of doctor he is.
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Hi Tennabruem

The Face Dental’s prices are very reasonable and they don’t overcharge foreigners. I paid a lot more at the last clinic I went to only to be botched! V-line at TFD is 4.4 million but I paid a little more than that since it was a revision.
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Hi Kateciao

Sorry I missed your question. What would you like to know about the clinic?. TFD specialises in teeth, jaw and facial contouring. It’s small-sized but warm, friendly and clean. Prices are very reasonable compared to other clinics. You can contact them for a quote.
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Don’t worry;)
I already contact TFD
But they told me they don’t do rhinoplasty :sad:
Do you know a good clinic for that ?
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