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Travel to South Korea Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

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They say there were 150 cases of coronavirus in Daegu, Korea over the past 3 days due to a super spreader! Not sure how far away Daegu is from Gangnam. Even though more people die of seasonal flu, flu is predictable in that those who die tend to already be compromised, ie elderly who then develop pneumonia, asthmatics or those with copd, etc. What is worrying about coronavirus is that it has killed young, healthy people! It is very unpredictable. I hear Korean clinics are being very strict about who they see in their clinics and have been turning away Chinese patients or anyone who has arrived from China. This means that the plastic surgery industry is suffering in Korea and clinics may be more flexible with lowering prices? The last time prices dropped drastically was when China banned its people from visiting Korea a few years back in retaliation to the US putting anti missile THAAD in S Korea.
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I asked the same question a little while back and decided to postpone until May, but I'm skeptical this will be sorted out by May. I have an uncanny feeling that for everyone, life as we know it is about to change. Travelling may no longer be an option, unless it's back to your home country. We'll have to see. There's nowhere for this thing to go but up until they can launch the vaccine in 18 months, especially since re-infection within a week or so of recovery is possible, and with 204 cases in SK it might not be long before they start to close clinics. Businesses in Daegu are already shutting their doors.
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Total infected is 433 and rising. The dangerous part is that infected people may show no symptoms for days and can transmit virus to others. In addition to high rate of infection, my concern is not being able to find flights back home and then be quarantined for 14 days, if the situation worsens. Last thing I want is being very sick in a hospital in a foreign, non-English speaking country.
Although my trips are not until mid year, I am concerned and am anxiously watching development of situation.
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So it's been almost a month since I last checked in... I don't think I need say I told you so, but if you saw the numbers coming out from the US and Europe lately I think that was inevitable. You can also see a ton of articles/experts talking about how SK has one of the best actions taken to take care of the coronavirus (yea there were some mistakes, but come on.. look at what is happening in the US and EU just like I predicted/stated would happen).

At this point, I think it is foolish to fly anywhere. Practice social/physical distancing and honestly... don't even think about making any plastic surgery appointments until a vaccine comes out (at the earliest will take 1 year... realistically at least 2).

At the end of the day... do some research and don't just blindly listen to whatever one source says.
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I also want to point out there is a huge possibility of a second wave, so no place is out of the woods yet... but there is no city-wide or country-wide quarantine like in some places because proper measures have been taken thus far.

According to the news, ICN is receiving less than 5% of normal capacity. All passengers from Europe and a few other countries will be tested for COVID-19. America will probably be included in this in the next couple of days. Currently the test is free for the people being tested (so Europeans, etc).

Actually there has been a huge surge in infections from people being caught at the airport (Europeans and Americans). There have been people entering Korea to try to get free, easy testing and free treatment (basically free.. I saw some foreigners saying they paid $40 for 15 days treatment at a hospital), which sucks. The government is reviewing whether or not to start charging foreigners for testing and treatment since basically the Korean citizens are paying for it with our taxes. But the tests are still cheaper than other places (the airport tests are $150 ish).

BTW, I know this was mentioned before where someone said people had to pay $160 or whatever for tests, but that is only if there is no reason to be testing you (no symptoms, haven't been in contact with someone with COVID-19, haven't been to a country with many cases, etc). If you do test and it comes out positive, you get refunded the money. So basically... free.

Great decision! Hope you can come back when this all dies down. :smile:
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The airport is like a ghost town. Standard check in procedures except temperature check before entering departure gates
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