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Korean Plastic Surgery Clinics for Face Contouring and Revision Rhino

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Hi everyone, I’m currently researching for PS clinics in Korea to do revision rhinoplasty including bone osteotomy and face contouring (cheek + square jaw reduction). So far I have shortlisted this list for my pick with selected surgeons. Pls give me your kindest feedback and opinions if you have any. Thank you

1. The Plus PS (Dr. Jeong for nose and Dr. Kim for face contour.)
2. DA PS (Dr. Lee Sang Woo I know he’s a specialist for face contour. Is he good for nose too?)
3. Hyundai PS (I heard Dr. Hwang Ho is good, not sure what’s his expertise)
4. Dream PS (yet to contact)
5. Topface PS
6. Marble PS (is this one of the blacklisted Clinic?)
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