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How do people pay by cash?

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This is more general than ps. I’ve read that paying by cash is lot cheaper than card and minus the VAT.  This might sound stupid but how do people get millions of won in cash ready for their clinic / what is the most convenient and efficient way? Like do they exchange it in their original country and have it already prepared before going to Korea or do they use atm in Korea. I would have tried using an atm in Korea for my card but there’s usually a limit amount I can’t take out each day. E.g my card can only limits £300 cash withdrawal a day. Staying in Korea for like two more months just to take out cash everyday (lol)  and reach the x amount of million won doesnt seem efficient. But also exchanging it in your country and taking it to Korea also sounds long and risky. I think you also have to claim it in the airport. Plus what if the amount greatly changes once your in Korea in the clinic like what would you do with the extra cash or if you need way more cash? 

Does anybody know the best way? Without any extra cost and most decent exchange rate? I have no life skill lol

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From what I’ve seen people do bring cash to Korea and convert their currency at a foreign currency exchange place. When Citibank was still operating in Seoul I was able to get cash that way. You should look into your bank’s foreign ATM options and Reddit communities  

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