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Asian eyelid surgery

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i am actually not quite up to date on all of these new procedures like the 3 point method that you mentioned so i can't really comment on that.

as for my epi, you can kind of see like the scarring but it's nothing noticable and i'm sure i'm the only one who can tell since i know what to look for. my friends that i went to high school with didn't notice any difference and said i actually wasted my money -_- but i assure you, there was a big difference and i also hadn't seen them in a couple months since i was in korea and i was wearing glasses at the time when i first saw them when i came back. i could tell a difference and so could my family...besides that, i just went to college right after so no one knew how i looked like before and i was also open about the fact that i got it done. people actually are really surprised when i tell them because they think it looks so natural
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I'm From PA in USA, How abt you? I'm want to get my surgery on 1/4/2010, I'm in the process of making a reservation right now at bk and waiting for them to reply. Can you travel during that time? How old are you?

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I thought I would never look at this thread even though I am asian with single lids, I really love/loved my eyes. People always tell me I have pretty eyes, and they're even kind of big by asian standards... but I've been really insecure lately and I don't know if it stems from living in a "white" society but nevertheless, I've seriously been considering eyelid surgery. Everyone I've been able to discuss this with say I definitely should not, but sometimes I feel like maybe I could make my eyes "better". I really don't know what to do, and just any opinions or advice would be appreciated. :smile:
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I don't think you're insecure because you've been raised in a white community. After all, it is a feature that the majority of people possess - Indians, blacks, whites and many Asians have double eyelids and if you become dissatisfied with them, I don't think it's anything to do with Caucasians. It's more about what the majority look like.

For me I think it was the media. I am Eurasian, and I look at all the Eurasian celebrities on TV ... none of them have "infolds" or single eyelids, and they're deemed attractive by everybody, therefore I want my eyes to look more like theirs! The rest of my features are also quite Western so I feel that they SERIOUSLY, HONESTLY do not fit my face.

We all have our reasons for wanting it done, so don't feel bad about it. My advice is to think it through a little more, get to grips with why is it that you want it done and whether or not the reason is temporary.
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Hey Miss Ritz, think if you are content with your eyes and they are beautiful as is, then nix surgery. Plastic Surgery is still surgery and there are signifcant risks involved. Maybe you would get a "better" result by "white society" standards, but is it "better" to you? I personally had p.s. and love my results and by no means think anything is wrong with p.s. The risks are only worth taking if its something you absolutely convinced you want to have. It's normal to feel insecure from time to time, but if you've been happy with your eyes most of your life then there is a lot of beauty in them. :biggrin:

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I serious can't believe how many people who is gong through surgerys like this..It's kinda sad, but I mean people are allowed to use their money any way they want. I just think that for me it's wrong since having monolids has nothing to do with the eyesight, it's not a physical malfunction, it's a facial trait for East Asians..
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