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Asian eyelid surgery

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are you still considering going to oz for calf reduction surgery in august? I'm thinking of that time frame too.\
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  • 2 weeks later...
hey me too. count me in if u guys are going
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Hi, I haven't read all the posts between page 1 & this page but why do some Asians want their eyes changed?? I just dont get this surgery... I'm not judging I'm just interested in hearing your personal reasons for wanting this done, if anyone feels like sharing.
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Hi guys!
I'm not trying to get double eyelid surgery but I was wondering if anyone knows about a surgeon that will do medical Epicanthoplasty? Or has anyone had the surgery or know someone who has and how it was?
Basically it is the surgery that gets rid of the inner corner extra skin covering the tear ducts.
I know that all eyes are beautiful and what not in their own way, but mine are pretty extreme. There's no really start/end to my eye.
Alright, well I took a picture butttt this new camera I got, I guess doesn't work on my macbook, but the layer of skin that covers the eye goes about an inch down.
Here's an example: (NOT MY EYES)

My eyes are like theirs but a LOT more extreme. More like the bottom one but it curves down more likeee )( on each side. From side angles and stuff it looks reallyyy ugh. Help?!
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  • 4 weeks later...
How much does Dr. Edmund Kwan charge? Also I read that someone else went to Dr. Kwan for double eyelid surgery and did not like her results.

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I'm Asian myself and don't really understand it either. I'm fine with my eyes. :] I guess they do open a bit wider than a lot of other Asians, but either way - I think it makes us unique, and a lot of the time prettier.
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Omgness after seeing your pictures...and reading about your experience..I am now officially TERRIFIED of even considering the surgery. Even though your eyes look great, I always thought they put you under in order to do the surgery -not LOCAL. YIKES. The eyes are such a delicate area...

I've been putting off getting a consultation. I feel like I will eventually have to get it though. An eye doctor recommended that I get the surgery for medical reasons, and this was about 4 years ago. And if I'm going to do it, the best time would be now in my life because it's the most convenient.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey guys,
I'm new to this discussion and feel very pleased to have found a forum where we could talk about the eyelid surgery procedure intensively.
I myself already got my eyelids done twice during the last year. First time I felt very dissatisfied because after the swelling was gone, my eyes didn't look as big as I wished. So only 6 months later, I went back to China and felt very pleased...well,my eyes looked very bright, very big:smile:
And NOW...my eyes are still big...and I'm very much aware that what I desire is truely ridicoules, but I want real caucasian eyes...eyes with a real big fold.
So I'm planning to get my eyes done for the third time next year during summer. Can anyone of you imagine what kind of danger this might have?
Thank you very much:smile:
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if you look good now i wouldnt tamper with it. from what i understand revisions of eyelid surgery has much higher risk. risk of what im not sure. but think long about whether a few mm more is really worth it. i personally think too big eyes on asians look ridiculous. i saw an asian woman with basically completely round eyes and i didnt think they were attractive. you can definitely review with surgeons what the risks are. i know some wont even do revisions. so make sure you find someone qualified. there are probably only a handful in the world that are. but best of luck whatever you decide.
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