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Asian eyelid surgery

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Hmmmm, so I hear he has curly whipped hair....maybe that explains it. He's running around helping patients like Superman! :roflmfao:

Seriously though it's hard to find a good doctor that's nice too. I'll be considering Dr. Park if for some weird reason Dr. Kim doesn't work out :noworry:
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oh yesss.. i hear that dr. park is a very noble guy, and there are people who say that a doctor who has that much time to tend to his patients probably doesn't have good business...but dr. park's credentials and such are also very honorable!! so i know that business is booming over at his clinic hehe. i hear that he will give out his personal mobile # and says he will answer any questions or concerns you have post-op.

and calf surgery at his clinic is famous!! i'm so glad you're happy with your results ashmi99!!!

and, i was going to go to oz clinic just for medial epicanthoplasty, but after hearing you had yours done in the states, i'm starting to reconsider!!! which clinic did you have it done at, if you don't mind me asking, and, are you happy with the results from your epicanthoplasty? did it leave a scar at all? how long did it take for you to look ok enough to go out in public? what was the procedure like? did the doctor cut the inner portion of your eye, suture it, and the sutures were taken out days later (like dr. park's epicanthoplasty procedure)? hehe..i'm sorry for the onslaught of questions~!

Thank you!!!
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I had my eyes done by a local clinic/plastic surgeon. Nobody who even specializes in eye surgery, let alone asian eye surgery. I had both the epicanthoplasty and double fold procedure done and no, I was not that happy with the results. I also suffer from slight ptosis in my right eye. I would recommend you go to Dr. Park if you can afford it. Like he says, many of the American doctors do not make the asian eyes look natural.

When I had my eyes redone at Oz, the doctor also tightened my right eye muscle so that it looks more even with my left eye. Yes, stitches are removed a couple days later, I believe. Honestly, you can go out in public after eye surgery about 4 days later, I think. Once you can wear makeup, it's fine. I had my eyes redone in May 2005 and they are still opening up and changing to this day. For me, it has been a very gradual process for the swelling to go down and the fold to get soft. It may not be that way for others, however.
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it does scar but it's unnoticable within DAYS~!

here are pics of someone who got it done by dr. park at Oz clinic:

5 days after the procedure

7 days after the procedure

another girl who got the procedure done by dr. park at Oz clinic:
final result-after nearly 10mo

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Thing is I'm getting my nose done too. So wouldn't getting your nose done pull the skin on the inner corner of your eyes? Then if you do the epi, I'd think it'd be a tiny bit close looking. :Push:
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Hi everyone,
this is my first post on this thread,

it's nice to meet you all.

Gosh, it's so hard to find stuff about asia double eyelid surgery. Anyways, I'm glad I found this forum.

I've read up on all the posts...I've heard of oz and bk.

Do you mind if I ask some questions regarding the clinics?

Hi kimosa, how are you? I'm sorry to hear that you want a revision. I hope you get the results you want.

What made you want to do a revision at Bk and also do you mind telling me who did you get your original double eyelid surgery with? (you can pm or email the answer if you don't feel comfortable saying it here).

Hi ashmi99,

I'm glad Oz was able to do a good revision for you.

Do you still have the ptosis? I think I might have a little ptosis, and might need levator surgery don't know for sure though.

Oh, and as a note, I am also planning on going to korea for consultation, don't know when though. either that or japan, I saw someone's pic and they got from japan, looked so lovely, and I saw two clinic websites, all pictures look lovely, but than again I think it was nonincisional, and i am interested in incisional cuz more permanent.

Best of luck to you all,

kaikai :smile:
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Kaikai - I got my surgeries done from James Tang in Houston, Tx. Are you in the Houston area btw?

I picked BK because I heard they were good and I did email with him several times to tell him my problem and seems he can fix it and plus I liked the before & after pictures. :yes:
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how does a non-incisional work? I don't get it!

My sister got it done many years ago for free because we were family friends with the doctor. My parents asked if I wanted to do it too but I was too scared!!!
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they put stitches in to form the line, and take them out ~5 days later and voila a crease is formed~! :yes:
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Hi kimosa, thank you for replying

When are you going to get it done?

Does anyone know about legitimate doctor licensing/malpractice in asia?

And I heard the pming is down, until you get 5 posts up is that true still?

Thank you guys,

Good luck with your decisions

kaikai :smile:
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I'm planning on going December of this year. Seems so far away to me.

I have no idea on the malpractice stuff going on in Asia. I'm sure it's harder to find out about things overseas.

As for the PM's I forgot how many posts you needed but just go under control panel & send message. If it won't let you, keep posting lol :P
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Hi lvluv,
"PS" means Plastic Surgery;)
When you will be there? If the timing is right, maybe we can meet up.
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Hi Kimosa,

FYI :There is 2 method of epicanthoplasy surgery.

Old Method "root Z-epicanthoplasty" ~ Z-plasty is the cut they do in regular epicanthoplasty and this method leaves big scar at the space between eyes at the epicanthal fold.

New Method "Magic epicanthoplasty" ~ leaves no scar at the space between the eyes, it leaves unnoticeable scar just below lower cilia on the lower eyelids.

This is what Dr Kim told me.

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So I am assuming Dr. Kim does the magic epi?

I am still kinda confused on how they really cut the skin there & get rid of the fold. I mean I saw an animated thing once showing where they cut but it didn't show if they cut skin off or just make cuts & sew, etc. :confused1:
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