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Asian eyelid surgery

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i think in korea they use local. in the us i think its sedation then local. local injections hurt like *****. the top surgeons for this are prob charles lee on the west coast and eric choe on the east coast.
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I can only speak for myself. I possess double eyelids, but the lids themselves are rather heavy. I'd like them lifted for aesthetic appeal, much like any another ethnicity that undergoes blepharoplasty.

Has anyone had work done by Dr. Meronk? Or even a consultation?
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hi guys,

im currently in korea and got double eyelid surgery done 3 days ago. i had multiple creases on both eyes and wanted just one defined crease.

i supposedly went to one of the most renowned doctors at dream clinic in apgujungdong, gang nam.

he seemed to know what he was doing and told me that unlike most koreans, i lacked fat so he had to transfer fat from the side of my eyes towards the middle where my eyes were "sunken in."

i did the non-incisional but with incisions inside my eyelids so that there are no visible scars on the outside.

for the first 2 days, i had a really difficult time opening my eyes which i believe is normal. however, even from the first day i was a bit worried because my left eye was more difficult to open... it's day 3 now and i got my stitches removed. the doctor told me everything is fine and said that once the swelling goes down, my eyes will appear more symmetrical.

however, the more i look at my eye, the more discouraged i feel because my left eye is half the size of my right eye... my left eyelid is covering more than half of my eye making it look extremely droopy and tired compared to my right. im hoping that over the days, it will recover but im beginning to wonder whether i have ptosis. the doctor did mention that my left eye appears weaker but didn't say that i would need to get surgery for it...

does anyone have any similar experiences of their eyes appearing really droopy after surgery? and if you can tell me about your results, i would greatly appreciate it. i know i should be more patient but the discrepency in size of the 2 eyes are driving me nuts... so anyone, HELP!
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my folds around my eyes are probably like yours. it keeps me from wearing eye make up and i was always made fun in school. i still cant figure out what the magic epi is all about and i am looking for a surgeon in houston,tx who performs this kinda surgery. ive wanted to have this corrected all my life so that i can finally look people in the eyes with confidence. lemme know if you are going to have it done also?
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hey guys, Im new on here. And i want to get the eyelid surgery done, along with rhinoplasty (nose surgery)...I'm only 17 right now. However, i would like to travel to Korea when i turn 18+. (Heard the plastic surgeons there are more experienced with this kindof procedures and the surgeries are inexpensive there)
I would like to know how much, approx. would the two surgery cost?
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that's not necessarily true. i've seen many rhinoplasties from asia that have needed to be revised (from infected grafts, collapsed noses a year or two after the surgery, etc.) revision rhinos are possible but they will require either ear or rib cartilage, both of which can be avoided the first time around. you can get the surgery done here relatively inexpensively by highly skilled surgeons. if you live in LA, pm me for recs.
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Arggh! I feel so bad now for having done the surgery at 18 as opposed to now when magic epicanthoplasty is more prevalent.

That was almost 6 years ago, and I've had like 3 revisions since then by the same surgeon in an effort to achieve the I wanted. I wasn't happy with the first incision because it was too narrow. I liked wider eyes. I taped for months on end after the surgery to get my crease higher and achieved it but wanted the narrow to wide, tapered in the corners and flaring out at the ends sort of look exemplified by Gillian Chung's eyes:


What I got was


Not the tapered to flared out look I wanted. And there is still some asymmetry in the shape of both eyelids that I am not happy with. Are there surgeons who can help me? Like maybe inject some fat in to the lid to build the lid shape I want?
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