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Asian eyelid surgery

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Dear everyone,

Hello. I am new here, but I need some help. I got epicanthoplasty in Canada by an inexperienced doctor. The results are a mess, but I think it can be fixed.

I need an epicanthoplasty revision. Can someone give me some recommendations and tell me their experiences? I hear a lot about Dr. Park but someone on another board kept warning me about him. She says he got too Caucasian look or something.

Besides scarring, my inner corners look very weird. It looks very round as opposed to sharp and long that I thought was going to happen (think Ayumi Hamasaki's eyes). I had no idea I would get rounder shape... it looks like my epicanthal folds look worse. Thank god he didn't take it all away, because there is still some skin left for adjustment, I think. My dermatologist told me that it was a very poor job and he recommends me find a good surgeon in Korea or Japan, or even good doctors in China. I really need your help girls... I feel so depressed. Almost at my limit. My left eye has a strange rectangular look because of the irregular scarring/excess skin...

Thanks... I will keep lurking this thread.
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wow i wish i would have learned about epicanthoplasty sooner! i thought the only way to make your eyes bigger was to do a blepharoplasty..so i did that but since i already had double eyelids it didnt do much for me except for to take away some excess fat. what i really wanted was an epicanthoplasty, but i didnt know it existed! :sad: are there any good docs in california? i hear alot of ppl talking about going to korea, but all-inclusive with surgery expenses, plane ticket, hotel wouldnt it be really costly? how much does the procedure cost? i saw one quote in beverly hills for $6000 for bleph and epi together but thats too expensive for me.
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sugarfreedi, you should go see dr. kimberly lee in beverly hills. good luck.
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Hi girls,
I am going to Korea in May too. Which days are you arriving?
I want to do my eyes there.
Not sure about OZ, but I want to check about 4 clinics there.

I emailed you meomeo_bl :smile:

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HI whitesnow
Did you book your plane ticket yet?
Are you going to Korea this coming May?
I am thinking about it too
my sister in law and her family are living in Seoul
Please email me so we can meet there
the first couple days I want to stay at her home(if you want to can with me)
and then we have to look for accommodation and we can share
please email me again at dom_bui @yahoo.com
you said you emailed me but I didn't see
which doctor will you see ???
I am going to BK to see Dr Kim
they are really responsive to my email and speak fluent English.
I am working on renewal of my passport (2 weeks ) I will book a flight to Seoul around 20 of May this year.
I am waiting for your email
I cant wait to have my nose job done
I emailed them and requested a Gore-tex implant for my bridge and ear or septal cartilage for my tip since I dont want the silicone and BK said that they will do it for me
I can't wait
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You should go to Dr Michael Bogdan but he is very expensive
He may charge you $3500 for the doubled eyelids surgery
I had consultation with him about Rhinoplasty yesterday
He said it will cost me $16,500 (Rib Cartilage)
He doesnt want to have implant on my nose
But I cánt afford it
I want to go to Korea.
would you like to go to Korea with me this summer
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^^ thanku so much for the reply! Wow! $3500 is alot! I was planning in getting it next April of next year :sad: so , I wouldn't be able 2 go with u. :sad: I would LOVE to go tho!
Have u decided on what doctor ur going 2 use?
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Hi meomeo_bl!
Yes I am going to Korea this May too!:yahoo:
I booked my flight for May 20th so I am arriving Seoul the next day.
I am planning to do my eyes at Dream clinic.
I´ve heard some bad reviews about eyes job at BK so Idk..
I emailed you again. Hope you got it this time:smile:

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Hi whitesnow, I'm also planning on going to Korea this May.
But Idk anybody there, it'd be nice to have somebody during
healing process :biggrin:

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that´s great! The more the merrier!:smile:
Do you have MSN so that we can contact each other?

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