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Asian eyelid surgery

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I'm going a year later. Right now I'm trying to save some money. Maybe I go sometime Fall 2011 or early 2012. I might go to BK with Dr. Kim in Korea. I also would like to get a revisional double eyelids done.
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Hey guys been surfing this thread all these while,I have a question ;
what do you guys think if I were to have 2 surgeries (eye and nose) at 2 different clinic?Is it normal/common to do them within the same week?

Do advice!Thank you very much :biggrin:
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lol I was thinking about doing the same thing, nice question
I think it's possible, like if you do eye surgery one day and you wait a week(or after they take the stitches out) you do the nose. I don't know if it's possible to do it within a week, probably thou
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I was wondering if you need a travel buddy? Because I wanna get it done like a year later to save money. I'm 17 btw
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you said you were interested in dr jung in the rhinoplasty thread. dr jung does eyes too. you canseach for pics of his work here
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Can anyone please recommend me a good clinic to have double eyelid surgery/epicanthoplasty in Korea?
I've looked at BK Dongyang, Oz, Vip but I am unsure.
If you've had double eyelid surgery done, I'd be very grateful if you could share your experience ! :smile:
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sorry dont mean to be rude but i think theres an asian eyelid surgery thread below already,
they'd discussed their opinions etc there as well..
so yea im sure if you'd posted it there you'll get more help.
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thanks for the reply :smile:
im more of doing them at one go now,im not sure,
but i think its possible since few of my friends just had theirs done at diff clinic (eyes first then nose)
Where & when are you doing yours?

TIA :biggrin:
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hey :]
ah I didn't realise, thanks for letting me know.
where are you planning to go for surgery?
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hey no worries,Im doing it in singapore (in early dec about 3-6dec).
Im not going there especially for surgery as im a permanent resident there& had reside there as well.
I think my mind will be more at ease if i do it there instead of abroad (kor,taiwan,japan),
plus my current choice of ps is a recommendation from frds (basically they has the exact eyes that i want & said this ps is an expert at that).

Many factors also stopped me from gg abroad for surgery.
In anyway,this is just me.the rest of the people had been doing it in (kr,jap,tw) and had pretty decent results as well,so yeah :biggrin:

What surgery you planning to do & when?

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Hey everyone

I'm planning on getting revisional surgery during summer 2011 in Korea.
I prviously had double eyelid surgery in Malaysia about 4 years ago and since then my eyelids have sagged and become very asymmetrical plus i think i've developed mild ptosis.

i've been corresponding with the BK clinic for a while. they were my first choice as my sister got her revisional there and the results were fantastic, but after much thought i've decided that they're way too expensive and i've tried researching other clinics.

so far i've started emailing the Teuimps clinic and i'm going to start emailing the Oz clinic aswell as i've heard they're pretty good.

Teuimps is way better then bk in terms of price! they're so much cheaper but i'm not sure how great their work is although looking at their website and reading some reviews they seem to be ok.

it would be great if some of you could reccommend some surgeons from Korea.
also, if it would help some of you guys, i could post up my emails with the bk clinic and teuimps clinic.

here's a short review on the bk clinic based on what my sister told me. she got her surgery about 2 years ago before they expanded:

alot of people find Dr kim to be arrogant and unfeeling which is why they choose not to go to him, but my sister said that he was great because he didn't "fluff" things.
he was very professional, straight to the point and realistic.
he had a good idea of what would look good and what wouldn't.
after the surgery he was very concerned with how she was healing and very pleased to see she was healing well.

the clinic was clean and the staff very friendly. they also offer a shuttle bus to taxi patients back to their hotels or patients are also able to stay at the clinic rest rooms free of charge for up to a week.

she's incredibly happy with the outcome
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Hi All

Long time lurker, first time poster ;o)

I'm looking at getting eyelid surgery and (possibly) rhinoplasty as well - maybe in Korea (most likely), or Singapore (50/50 chance) or Thailand (slim chance).

I have been researching for at least two years solid - it's something I believe you need to give some serious thought. I've researched clinics, doctors, real-life feedback/reviews and even the techincal issues re surgery (pros/cons, healing/down time, scarring, recovery, accommodation etc).

Now I'm getting more serious about the surgery - I now have saved up the money.

So anyone interested in surgery in Korea or Singapore??? Looking to 'connect' with people also interested in surgery. I don't have a firm date I 'need' to go or have the surgery done, so I'm open to suggestions. Thought we can share our research and maybe save some money on accommodation etc :o)

BTW: I'm from Australia but you don't need to be

My email address is: [email protected] <-- this isn't my real name, this is just an email address I have set up when connecting with people from the net...you know, just in case there are some crazies out there :o)

Hope to hear from people soon
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