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Asian eyelid surgery

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hey im from australia as well,which part of au u're in !
For me im already set with singapore :biggrin: having consultation in less than 2 weeks time.Kindaa excited...and nervous...
I would be glad if we could share our research! (i.e which ps is good in sg so on and so forth)

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hey Via

I'm from WA

re everyone wanting to go to the 'best' doctor - I truly believe that all doctors have bad and good reviews – it’s more about ratio/balance e.g. you can’t have one good review for every bad review. To me that’s not a very good percentage.

It’s personal choice and with the bad reviews I always ask, why? If it’s bad service or nurses ignoring patients, you know what, I can deal with that….if I HAD to. What I can’t deal with is if the doctor makes a mistake and I end up looking like a freak!!! Besides, in Australia I’m used to bad service!! lol

Just my 2cents :o)
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heyhey ! =]
Oh do you mind telling me what the name of the clinic is in Singapore?
Ah that makes a lot of sense if you know Singapore well. :smile:
I'm planning on getting double eyelid surgery and epicanthoplasty and I want it done asap!
I'm not able to message you on here yet :S Do you mind keeping in touch by email?
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hey :smile:
I'm from UK too.
Do you mind sharing pictures of your eyelid surgery?
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Hey thanks for the opinion ;) yes im aware of that.YES AU SERVICE OMG.HAHAHA.ohwell,thats the risk.nothing is ever 100% but to me this one is the closest possible.

hey yes i also want to get it done asap!
the doctor is brazilian doctor that is personally invited by the sg ministry of health to practice in sg!and he have many other profesional qualifications.
note: its verrryy rare for them to get an invitation unless you ARE very good.
like BK clinic in korea,who still unable to practise in sg aft sending their application so long.

And do note that Brazil is the top country in cosmetic surgery plus he had plenty experienced with azn! anyw awkwardturtle my mail vivieeny [at] gmail
im gg there in a few days D: so nervoousssss
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Heyhey !
I sent you an email ^^ :smile:
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I checked my inbox,theres no mail?
anyway,im going for consultation for my eye surgery today.
and surgery (hopefully) on the 6th.

I hope all will went smoothly,kindaa nervouss+ excited x(
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oh :S
Maybe it went into a junk mail folder..

I sent it to ' vivieeny @ gmail .com '. is that correct?

ahhh :nuts: I feel excited FOR you ! haha =D
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Ah, this is somewhat annoying because it's my second time typing up this post (the first time I tried, my browser crashed or something...):
I might get this done in the summer, but it is highly unlikely as my parents don't support plastic surgery...at all. Though any form of plastic surgery is still plastic surgery nonetheless, I think this is a relatively minor operation. It is a lot more common nowadays, and it poses less risk than most other operations I know...Anyhow, I live in the New York City area, and I've heard good things about Dr. Eric Choe and Dr. Shinji Lee (I believe that's her name). I am still young, so I am not sure if the latter will accept me...But I'm leaning more towards Eric Choe since I've heard many good things about him. He also seems very friendly and genuinely interested in what is best for his patients, which is a huge plus. I am wondering if any of you here have had experience with him? I've gone through all 25 pages of this thread, and I believe only two people have mentioned him rather vaguely. So yes, any responses or help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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