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Asian eyelid surgery

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Worries, if you recall which forum you saw the negative review on Dr. Cho from Bandoeye, please let us know. I'm reconsidering going to him for lowering my high and deep eyelids. Thanks so much!
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im now in kr just done my eyes w dr kwon fr teuim a few days ago. shall do a review in a few more days when its less swollen so i'd be able to estimate the outcome of the double eyelid.

for those whom are wondering where did i pop out from, i was active only in the nosejob thread until i did my eyes here on an impromptu decision. hope my review will be able to help! =)
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Hi, dear can I check with you how much is the cost of your double eyelid surgery with Dr Kwon? Can u share ur pic of progress? I'm thinking of revision in lowering my eyelid. My email is [email protected]. Thank you
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Hi dear members,
Do any of you heard anything about this clinic Abgujung seoul plasic surgery? I had seen soompi forum CLICK under Beauty n Fashion thread under Double Eyelid surgery page 364-365(got pic) this forum lady did her 3rd revision by Dr Lee Min Goo. Her previous twice eyelid surgery was DONE BADLY other clinic very bad experience. she is now happy with her result after lowering eyelid and ptosis collection with Dr Lee. I had similar high crease problem like her i posted my pic in this purse forum under Revisional eyelid surgery,you all can take a look for reference.
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Hi Dear members,im back from Dr Kim bkdy review le. He mention that i have ptosis problem need levator muscle advancement and lowering eyelid surgery.. however the cost is rocket high $3500 usd. he say if i just do lowering eyelid i will still look sleepy,after calculating min air ticket and hotel and expenses its gonna cost me almost $6000 le. Omg im lost really dont know what to do..so upset dont know who can i look for im afraid to go korea alone because communication problem hence my case is revision not easy...i thought i could go for my revision in May but now need to reconsider le.
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Hi Worries, did the price he quoted included the ptosis + revision on lowering your eyelid? Usually revision price is much higher than primary surgery by $1000 extra unfortunately. How about trying to find out other reputable doctor/clinics's price then? BK's price is usually much more higher than the others....plus I read that there's lots of unhappy cases with BK from other forum as well..... And yes I heard Abgujeong Seoul Plastic Surgery are not bad, maybe you can try contact them and get their price quoting? How about Dr.Kwon from Teuim? Awww don't be upset *pat pat* why not save up more then only go ahead with your revision? I was too planning to head to Korea in June but am still doing my search on good doctor/clinic for double eyelid haha as this will be my first surgery and don't wish to make any hassel decision so am crossing my fingers I will able to make up my mind soon before June else I will have to reschedule and head to Korea instead in Autumn and bear with the 10% tax which is sux big time which means I have to spend more but then I guess I don't mind and giving me more ample time to save up more for shopping spreed during my stay there haha.
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hi dear i pm u le..ya dr kwon teumip,banobagi,even VIP clinic and bandoeyes dr cho had replied my email since last 2 weeks le. btw VIP seems more gd in nose as i read in forum
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Dear bearubibi in case u never receive my pm here's my update: My email replied from dr kwon teumips, bandoeyes dr cho and VIP cliic says i have to wait till 6mths. Only banobagi base on pic say i can revision (price was quoted differently after my reply). Mine is mini incision already can revision somemore my case is complicated. I need Ptosis correction with eyelid lowering.

Something to share with all of the members, this morn i called Banobagi and Abgujung seoul plastic surgery the first line is computer operator in korean, i dont understand korean so i press one number and happens someone attended me.They put me though over the phone for 5mins another gal attend she cant even speak simple english..just say call me back with my number drop down. Although Abgujung seoul plastic surgery is gd in review but bad impression is they straight away hang up my phone after that i called again cant get though. This makes me freak out!

I wonder if i go korea alone or with our dear forum members for consultation even got translators that might be a gd choice provided my revision turns out well. What if its not? After i come back singapore i got no one to turn to? Depression again? lose my job again? lose my freedom to step out of house again? Hence revision over revision is v risky, i rather pay abit more to bk dongyang at least i got Elaine who is currently working under Dr kim, she live in singapore. she can takecare our post ops.

Regarding about Bk Dongyang bad review after sales service had been clarifIed by elaine. Bk Dongyang clinic is very big there are many other doctors work under Dr Kim however diff dr got diff principle. In Korea many Dr will try to accomodate paitents requirements and budget, some paitents insist to skip procedure without considering the outcome results may vary. For Elaine she work under head of directors Dr kim if Dr kim did the same thing like others she will lose her job. So till now she got no complains under her case but she not sure to those who walk in by themself.

However she really understand everyone has budget so usually if Dr kim advise procedure for maxi results,if paitent cant affort Elaine will feedback to Dr kim n will diagnose again see what solution to come out with. Thus Dr kim n Elaine will explain why necessary and the prone and cons about skipping procedure. Moreover i had seen 2-3 revision eyelid case with Dr kim seems to be gd too. This makes me finalise to go to Dr kim,i rather squeeze all my money to go for it that saving here and there to korea end up after calculating the cost in revision surgery, air ticket, hotel, transport fees and food expenses added up diff comparing to i spent on bk dongyang trip to korea average diff about 1k but this can brings me back to singapore safe n sound with accompanies and assurance.

I would say if going korea to search for clinic is rather gd for people who can speak korean or usually primary eyelid surgery stands the most advantage because no other complication but must do research well ya.:noggin:
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Apologies for the long awaited review. I wanted to included as much detail as possible hence I waited till I leave kr before this review.

Some background info, prior to double eyelid at teium I had a nose job else where, n it was also the reason why I was in kr in the first place. The doctor at this particular clinic happen to be overseas when I wanted to do my eyes hence I went shopping for a surgeon around the gangnam area. A fren pointed out that dr kwon at teuim seem to have good review, hence I went for consultation on the 7th day while I was in kr.

Did not have prior appt because I do not have the phone number, I was wondering on streets and happen to see the building. There is no obvious signage for ICL building, u’ll have to look out for it. From Sinsa subway exit 1 its appox 800m ahead. Met with Dr Kwon, he can understand simple English, but not very conversant in it. After some guessing, smiling and sign language, another dr at the clinic came in to help translate. I raised my concern about droopy eyelids and having slight ptosis in addition to increasing the height of my original double eyelid fold. His diagnosis was that my ptosis was very slight and didn’t need to be corrected. As for the droopy eyelids, during the double eyelid surgery, he can remove some skin to correct it.

Initially I told him I wanted eyes like angelababy’s, big wide parallel kind, but decided against it after he told me I’d need epi for that. The epi according to him was not to reveal more of the eye or to correct Mongolian slant as with most ppl; as my eyes are already showing a lot of the pink flesh. The epi he suggested was to release the skin at the inner corner of the fold so as to make the double eyelid a out fold, instead of usual in fold (aka tapered), done by most Korean doctors. Heard from fren that he is one of those few kr doc to perform out-fold, not sure about this, pls do your due research on this. Hence after consultation, decided to go with just a normal double eyelid which will increase the height of my original one. It’s a primary eyelid surgery. Wanted to do it there n then, but his appt is full for the day, so I can only have a slot the next day, and i was scheduled to be the last of the day. =p Not that it bothered me, I had only wanted it to be done.

So the next day, I was instructed to fast for 2 hrs prior to surgery. Went to clinic, and was prep for the surgery. Because I had my nose cast on, they had to remove it so as to facilitate Dr kwon doing my eyes. But because there was a wire sticking out of the bridge of my nose, in between the eyes, the nurses were all stunned when they saw this. 3 of them plus 1 recept stood beside me, stunned. Lol! I had to assure them that it was meant to be that way. I was sedated for 5 mins while they do LA on the eye area. During the surgery, dr kwon asked me to open n close my eye several times to judge the symmetry of both eye. And I think during the surgery, he had stitched and un-stitched a couple of times. I mean, it can be good or bad, depends on how u judge. I suspect that it could be this reason that y I’m having v bad bruising on my right eye, my left eye was ok. But it also shows that he is a meticulous person that he had at least bothered to do my eye till he thinks is good enough and not leave it half-****. The surgery perhaps has also taken longer then estimated so they had to do another LA injection. OUCH big time! =p

Right after the surgery was brought to the recovery room, rested for a while and was able to walk back to where I stayed on my own. Because I’ve limited time in kr, doc wanted me to remove my stitch 4 days later. The eyelids that night was super painful after LA wear off. I had to tk painkiller and keep applying ice pack to alleviate the pain. Eyelids will be VERY swollen at least for the next 3-4days.

On the day of removal, it was a nurse who helped me with it. And maybe eyelid surgery is common there, seems like most patients do not get to see the doc at removal of stitches? Cos I had to ask to see dr kwon b4 I was ushered to his rm. After a short debrief, I left.

During the period with stitches, the wound is to be kept dry and keep applying the ointment that they provide. Don’t think they charge of the home kit which includes medication, ointment, gauze and ice pack.

Keep applyng the ice pack to prevent swelling.

Can only apply make up after 2 weeks.
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