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Asian eyelid surgery

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I had cysts in my left eyelid so I had them removed as well as getting eyelid surgery since my surgeon said I could kill 2 birds with 1 stone and he wouldn't charge extra. I did it 5 years ago. Right now it looks very natural, but the skin above my creases have sagged and my creases look very low. I'm considering revising it. My creases are the natural kind that start from the inside of my inner eye. I was wondering if anyone who had this type of crease, naturally or surgically, had successfully revised it to a higher parallel crease without needing epi?
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I just realized that I didn't reply to your comment, sorry!! Ok, so it's been an emotional roller coaster, up and down every single day. I realized that it's not the epi I hate. I'm glad i did it bc I hated the inner folds so much. The epi widened my eyes and got rid of my folds. The thing i hate is that they are uneven. My left inner corner is cut more than my right so I look retarded when you see my eyes from the front. At an angle, they're pretty but from the front, you can see that my inner corners are completely uneven and my left eye overall looks smaller than the right. I feel quite defeated. Teuimps and banobagi said that they will not be able to help me with a revision. So thats that. The only thing I have left is to ask my doctor next week of what my options are, if I have any. Wish me luck :sad:
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Dear all members,

Please help me......

I will be most appreciated if you could share any information from any korean frds review on this clinic name PETIT NOBLE? website www.docnoble.com. There is someone who told me this clinic Dr Koh is well known for his skill in Local Korea people.

Sorry for this urgent post,as im running out of time to do extra research hence i do not have other direct korean frds in singapore. Due to my failure eyelid surgery i left my previous job. Im fortunately enough to join back my company this time.There is opening in July,but i have to start work by July and i cant take anymore long leave so i have to do my Revision in next Early May 2011.

Please drop me an email at [email protected] or Pm me. Thank u.
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hi everyone!!! this is my first time posting on this topic........ maybe some of you guys remember me from the nose job forum lol. anyways i was wondering if anyone was planning to go to korea in dec?? i'm planning to have my eyes done.. nothing drastic. just going to remove the fat from my upper lids so it looks more open and i don't have that sleepy eye look.

anyways i'm going to vip where i got my nose done.. don't know anyone else whose gone there for eyes (mostly nose) but it's simple procedure so sure they can't screw up.. lol let me know if anyone wants to buddy up!! (p.s learning korean now so i can be asset to you :P)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Dear girls,

I went to Seoul last April for my eyelid revision surgery. I had the following problems with my previous double eyelid surgery with Dr. Charles Lee in Los Angeles:

1) Dr. Charles Lee made my folds too high and too round shaped that they didn't look natural
2) He made my folds too deep and it caused ECTROPION (the inner eyelids are turned out too much and don't look good)
3) Asymmetric folds

Even though Dr. Charles Lee did a revision surgery for me, he couldn't fix the problems. In fact, I became worse off as too many operated eyes become much more difficult for future revisions for natural looking results. I also lost a lot of my muscles that lift my eyelids and also too much scarring and depressed area in my eyelids. Dr. Charles Lee is the one of the worst people in their profession - he should not have become a doctor.

With this desperation, agony, and problems that were caused by incompetent, poorly skilled Dr. Charles Lee, I went to Seoul to search for a solution for my eyelid revision. I consulted with several doctors, and I learned from talking to them that eye revisions require much more skills and experiences than the first time double eyelid surgeries. Not all doctors could do revisions well. I would be better off finding someone who specializes in eye revisions and someone who could fix the problems I was having.

Here is some notes I made about some doctors regarding eye revisions:

1) Dr. Byun Gun Kim at BK - He told me straight out that he could not fix my "too deep folds and ectropion issues". He was giving an excuse like "your skin is too thick". He also said I should expect a little asymmetry even after a revision. He could pretty much only lower my folds. Since he was not that skilled, I opted for other doctors. His rate was the lowest among all the doctors I consulted with, which is somewhat reflects and is fair for his incompetency - $2500

2) Dr. Jyoung at Banobagi - He basically said he could lower my folds and also do something extra - ptosis correction. The issue here is that I do not have ptosis. I felt like it was his thing to do ptosis corrections even if patients don't have that much issue with it just for the sake of bigger eye effect, except I didn't want bigger eyes. I wanted smaller folds and fix my other problems. I was looking for more natural looking eye, rather than unnatural, dramatic, asymmetric eyes that Dr. Charles Lee had created. Dr. Jyoung didn't say anything about ectropion, deep folds so I pretty much crossed him out from my list. His rate was $3200 after all the discount.

3) VIP Clinic - Dr. Lee here is well known for nose and nose revisions, not so much for eye revisions. You'd better go somewhere else for eye revisions.

4) Dr. Cho at Bando Eye Clinic - he specializes in eye and eye revisions only. He is very well regarded in many Korean websites (my Korean friends checked him out for me) for his eye revision works. He is the most expensive though. However, I was looking for solve all my problems, not bargain hunting for fixing only half of the problems. Even during the consultation, he pointed out all the problems I had and said he could fix them all. Check out his website too - he spells out each problems he could fix. I felt that other doctors just say they do revisions but in fact, there are many areas they can not fix (ectropion, deep folds, asymmetry, etc.)

So, I chose Dr. Cho for my eye revisions. It has been a week since my eyelid revision surgery, and I can already tell that my problems are fixed - my folds are smaller (even though I have swollen eyes, I could just tell they are smaller already), my folds are shallower and look more natural, my ectropion issue looks much better now, and my asymmetry looks fixed. I am HAPPY about my results so far. I think that from now on, my eyes will look even better and more natural...finally, I am smiling after all these problems...I should have come to Seoul in the first place, not Dr. Charles Lee or anyone else in the states. I consulted several doctors in the states who specialize in Asian eyelid surgeries and based on what doctors in Seoul here say and what they were saying in the states, I could tell that doctors in Seoul are much better and much advanced in their technique and knowledge.

I know that there are so many girls out there (some are victims of Dr. Charles Lee whom I think he should stop operating on girls and mutilating their faces with mediocre and half baked jobs) who are wondering about eye revisions. The above are my experiences, and I wanted to share this with you. I had the same agony with my eyelid issues plus the problem of not knowing the Korean language and the best doctors in Seoul. However, I have now fixed my problems with the help of a good doctor, and I highly recommend Dr. Cho at Bando Eye Clinic to the girls who are looking to fix "all of your eye revision problems" and would not compromise with "half revisions" with other doctors like BK's Dr. Kim or others.

I am writing this out of my good heart to help those who need help. We need to help each other.
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Omg! Eyelid revision, can we please email? I am in the same boat. I emailed teuimps, banobagi, bk, etc and they are all saying they can't fix my eyes. I just learned of bando eyes, and he said according to the photos, he would do a revision and according to his website images, he seems to be specialized in revisions. But he is quoting 5,000 for epi revision and another 5,500 for crease revision. That's 10 grand for just my eyes!!!! I was a bit skeptical bc he also said if I don't bring a 'guider' I will have $500 off. I have no idea what that means. I'm really looking forward to hearing from u. Please pm me your email, I'm hoping we can keep in touch :sad:
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Guider means translator. Normally, the price quoted will be higher as the clinic is expected to give commission to the translator should the patient decides to do the surgery there.
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Hey, thank you so much. If i bring my own translator, I shouldn't be charged money.. Right? He wrote 'op fee is 4500 if you come without a guider. You have benefit when you come alone without guider' I'm so confused!!
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Eyelid_revision, thanks so much for sharing your experience. Hope you have a fast and speedy recovery. :smile:

I'm planning on going to Dr. Cho at Bando Eye Clinic for consultation this Fall. Anyone interested in traveling together and share hotel, taxi costs? Please PM me!
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Revision2011, I was planning on going in Dec :sad: when in fall are u going? I don't think I can pm u bc u don't have enough posts. What is ur email? I think bando is the only place who can fix my problem :sad: so far every clinic said no and bk doesn't count bc I don't trust them. What ar u getting dome? I need a epi revision badly :/ let me know! :smile:
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I can't seem to pm you either. Please email me, [email protected]. Thanks!! Also, how much did you pay? Hope to hear from you soon
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If u bring your own translator, you will be charged at a higher fee because the clinic will pay your translator commission for bringing/recommending you to the clinic. It will be cheaper if you go alone.
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Even if that translator is family? (my mom) So i should go alone then?
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