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Asian eyelid surgery

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Number is on the right side..

His staff doesn't speak english though
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Is there a English website for IOU clinic? Can Dr. Kang speak English?
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i've only heard BAD things about that clinic.. use caution
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Hi there! :smile:
Thanks for your info.
Can you tell me whether Dr. Kang speaks English or not. Seems like hie thread is only for Koreans. I coud not find anything in English on that site. It's kinda frustrating because so many doctors don't speak English at all. :sad:
Would appreciate your help a lot!



P.s. Can you tell me about your results a bit more?
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are you going into Korea for surgery in early July? That is when I'm going and would like to talk to you about it if your interested. Email me at : [email protected]
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Anyone that has lateral canthoplasty done or knows anything about it please advise me?
I was told that I can only go for a 1mm lateral incision if i really wants to do it but the doctor was telling me 1mm is not much of a difference at all. Thus, I was wondering to go for it or not. I have round eyes and would like to have a slightly longer slit. Though I know it is a very small cut, i just kept wanting to do it back of my head.
All the girls at the clinic discourages me to do so... is it really going to be that bad???
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hey guys, i thinking of going to korea this winter time with my buddy, and i jus wondering how much does it cost ya to go all the way to korea, included hotel, food, etc. so i could save up til then. thanks!
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Hi BBgurly, I read somewhere before that after doing lateral canthoplasty, there's a possibility it might "joined" back to its original cut which also very much dependent on the surgeon's work...not sure does this make any sense.... and for some people, yes it does not make any differences if just a very small cut of 1mm (^ ^;;;. Hope this little information helps you in making your decision(^ ^;
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If you already have round eyes and the surgeon advised you don't need it, i'd listen to him. 1mm is very small and wouldn't make a difference esp since you already have round eyes. Lateral is done to achieve rounder doll-like eyes or get rid of the upward slant that some ppl have (ie. Lucy lui). So i think in your case, i would save the money and recovery time for lateral esp if the most incision he could do is only 1 mm.
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Today is my 41st day after operation. I can only say, lateral canthoplasty does little difference.

The second day after removing the gauze on my eye, i do like the length of my eye. But i think my healing power is superb that everything heal and heal, swell subside faster than what i expected. And it is also say to see the cut heal up more AFTER removing stitch.

normally doctors tell us that stitch is remove at the 7th day of the operation, but i think,if the stitch is removed later, it will be better.

Reason : After removal of stitch, the cut heal up gradually, and until today, it is left less than 1mm cut. To me, lateral canthoplasty does not help much for round eyes unless you do it with epi.
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hey there everyone, is anyone going to korea this month??
also whats the best way to find a clinic without booking online first?? or whats the area called where all the clinics are at??
is it easy to get by with english if you dont know ANY Korean??
thanks guys.....xxx

ps. what are the main things to prepare or take with u for surgery?
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