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Asian eyelid surgery

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To sassychick09 and JuicyMe
I agree. That is something that is comforting to hear from a clinic. I think the fact that they were honest and straight up is a very respectful thing to admit and tell a patient. I do not think that you should go around other forums and tell other friends that the clinic is not a good one because they do no specialize or perform your type of procedure and straight up told you, because most clinics will tell you "yes" because they want the business, not the reputation. Which goes to my next point that you cannot always believe forums because of such false information that people come up with their own opinions. a person cannot like the fact that "banobagi" doesn't want to do their revision because they personally said there were not skilled enough to perform such a botched procedure from another surgeon. But this "expert" who posted this comment says they "suck". So take everything from a grain of salt is what I'm saying. I've learned this "you can listen to others, but form your own opinions and experiences"
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I dont think they have enough experience with epi revisions. Which is fine. Otherwise, they seem to be good at other surgeries. Banobagi is just not for me and my needs... I never said they suck.. :sad:
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Hi bearubibi,

I will be in Seoul from 22nd September till 11th October. I'm getting my nose and eyelid surgery at BK. ;)

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I'm sorry to hear that but I'm happy to hear that you are very satisfied with your eyes now :smile:

When did you had your surgery done? Are the nurses friendly enough?

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Oh goody~! :biggrin: Maybe we can meet up if is convenient with you or if you like ?
I am most probably be in Seoul by the 2nd week of Sept
and planning to stay up to 4 weeks as I am considering getting
Mandible reduction as well. I have yet decide where to get
my eyelid surgery done though I have a few in mind...either Teuimps, PetitNoble or ASPS
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Sure! I will be with one of my friends if you dont mind. She's not doing any surgeries. Just tagging along. I'll be staying in Yeoksam. Any idea where you will be at?

Where are you from? Koreanair now are having cheap tickets! I bought mine at $831.90! ^^

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Hi, I'm not going to BK clinic anymore. I'm going to Item clinic (http://www.itemclinic.com/)

Its new and two of the doctors were from BK and also another one was a former grand plastic surgery head representative director.

They all have their each specialty and they wouldn't mind having two doctors performing the surgery on you (mandible reduction and eyelid). If you need more info, you can email me at [email protected] ;)

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Hi xvx666 I just sent you an email hope you received it ^_^
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labelwhore....the answer is yes. I blame media and hollywood. I used to love being asian in america and very proud, but coming out to Asia for the last year, the people here make me feel very unattractive and not good enough. Asians let western and white people make them feel unattractive and then bring it back to their own. Its called self hating. I think Asians make Asians feel the most unattractive
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Theres always room for improvement.

The media in asia is quite brutal too. You have to be super skinny with a cute or pretty face. I definitely want to remain looking korean though. Its definitely not a race thing with me.
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Do you care to elaborate on this?

Living in the US, I have found that most white people can't tell the difference between a stereotypically attractive asian woman and an unattractive one. White guys that I know think even the ugliest asian girls are 'hot'.

So I'm not really sure where this self-hating line of thought comes from. But I agree, asians make asians feel the most unattractive; they are quick to comment on one's physical appearance, whereas westerners just hold their tongue or talk behind the person's back.
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Hope someone can help to advise me. :smile:

- How long does it take to go from Incheon to Gangnam area?
- I will be staying at Nobless Yeoksam Hotel. What is the best way to get there from the airport? Travel time?
-- I intend to go to Teuim, Dream, IVE PS, Banobagi and maybe Clinic 9. Can someone advise me what is the best itinerary/ route to plan?
- How much time in between each appointment should I make? Like if first appointment is at 10am, next appointment should be?

Thanks so much! Please help!!! :smile:
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I will be staying at the yeoksam hotel as well but have no clue about any of the questions you asked, as I am looking at Banobagi and Dream as well. When are you planning on going? Because I will be there on the 7th of july and have consultations on the 8th, so I can let you know afterwards if you are arriving after.

Why do you think you are getting plastic surgery? I think its because of the western and white standard of what beauty is. If I probably saw you in person, I may think you were beautiful. Just like a person I saw on a previous post who I received an email from, I personally thought she was more beautiful from before the plastic surgery than from after. And others have commented on how pretty she was before. But she disagreed and she got what she asked for, which was a more western look. But she didn't look better, she looked worse by many standards and by others comments. Just sayin. But she was happy, which I guess what matters the most. I can't tell too much because that would ruin the publishing of my book that I am currently writing, but I would just say this. I would be perfectly happy be exactly the way I look but after traveling and working in Asia, I cannot say I am happy anymore. I thought I would appreciate being asian more and asian culture. I appreciate a lot of asian culture, but not the first.
I say this because I agree with you with the fact that most people cannot tell the difference in American from a stereotypical attractive asian girl from an unattractive. But it is because they like ASIAN girls...not asian girls trying to be white or have white features. We are just influenced because of hollywood and media. An example would be when I went to singapore. These pale skin and skinny skinny girls with make up and plastic surgery would wonder why these white guys "hot and rich" white guys would go for malaysians who were typically tan, athletic bodied, and have more women features. Well people, its because most people like that. Just sayin. They were so dumfounded when the answer was obvious..and I know this because I was born in America and I know what the majority of americans think is attractive.
The media has so much influence on the way we think of others and ourselves. V for vendetta is a perfect example on how much media can influence a country. But if we would have gotten rid of media and hollywood, we may think white people and western features were very unattractive...and who knows, maybe they would be trying to get plastic surgery like us. The most ridiculous thing that I saw on a post, was that a caucasian woman wrote that she wanted single eye lids because she thought asian women were so beautiful and that single eye lids were more beautiful. Then right afterward a person responded saying "that is the most ridiculous thing she has ever heard" not in those exact words but similar and I would assume from an asian person looking on the posts for double eye lid surgery.... BUT why is that the most ridiculous thing? That follow up comment was the most ridiculous thing I've heard on these posts. Is it because its rare and unique? maybe. But it is rare and unique for an asian to be famous in AMerica for their beauty, male or female. But if they were more common and seen everyday and were written in tabloids and were on front covers of magazines as much as white people...would that concept be ingrained in the future generations to come? I do not know the exact answer because I'm speaking of a korean american growing up in america where beauty is mostly and only seen through white models and actors..very rarely through asian. This is just my theory. But at the same time, I'm backing it up in my book that I am writing and hopefully getting published in the future. Rain was was the main character in movie Ninjas Assassins which was a pretty big hit here in America, but still no one knew who Rain was. They just thought it was another Jet Lee look a like film with cool features. I didn't know who he was until I came to Asia where people knew him and talked of him. Then did I find out that he was the same as Justin Timberlake was to America as he was to Asia. But I believe more talented as i looked at his work in film, dance, and music. Just sayin as well. He was the start of something good here in America.... a different perspective of what beauty can be...and I'm surprised hollywood. But then again, he did martial arts so it was a no brainer there.
So I would just say this, I think Asia will become the dominant force in many ways again...but not in our life time. And its because we give white people too much power in so many ways. But am I hypocritical then? Yes...but I'm just trying to make a living. And now I am finally being Asian the way asia wanted us to look like which I was not aware of. and by doing this plastic surgery I will hopefully and probably better my career in asia and america. But I'm just being Asian and living what American wants us to look like, right ;) I loved being asian, but traveling in Asia for the last year was a blessing and curse. I could have lived my life being happy thinking I was beautiful and just living my life in America. But then again, to know my own people do not think I was, was hurtful and now I am going through surgery. I know most people will read this and disagree and defend their reasoning for plastic surgery..fine. But this is just one persons influence and experience. Don't let me influence anything because my final outcome through my experiences in Asia, is that I am going through plastic surgery
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