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Asian eyelid surgery

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So, I recently met many people who just came from Korea to come to school here in the States. BK has a great reputation for delivering great results.. I think Dr. Kim is just not overly friendly.. he is more business like. That was my conclusion. A few ladies got their done by the other two doctors and they were very happy and keep telling me to go there. So I've decided to definitely have a consultation :smile:
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I agree with this to a certain extent. But I still believe that there is that "universal" standard of beauty, that there is a certain pre-defined ratio or proportion that is ideal for all faces, with slight deviations within that ideal ratio that differentiate ethnicity or "race".

Maybe that's why the "mixed" look is in, it often takes those variables in ratios and make them more homogenous.

Our genes are not meant to be that mixed or mingled to the extent of how it may be today. We are NATURALLY drawn to mixed people because their ideal ratio do not fit into any specific category or ethnicity.

We end up being perlexed by that mixed look due to the "exposure effect", which means the more we end up being exposed to something, or look at it for a long time, the more likely we become attracted to it.
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Hi everyone~ I would like to contribute my surgery experience and outcome with everyone here as
I've gained a lot from other forumers' contributions. Okay here goes.

Clinic: ITEM Clinic (http://itemclinic.com/)
e-mail: [email protected]

The procedure I had was enhancing my double eyelid where one side of my natural double eyelid fold
is very much smaller hence I have that one big one small eye look, together with magic Epi and
levator muscle correct at ITEM clinic by Dr.Chung WooJin. Beside doing eyes surgery, I had Mandible
reduction and chin contour refinement done by Dr.Kim JinSung of ITEM clinic. It has been 13 days since
my surgery with ITEM clinic and although still too soon to tell but I sort of like the outcome of my eyes
as he gave me a subtle magic epi which am very pleased as I was very worried that will end up exposing
too much of my caruncles/eye corner, the red part, and I do not wish to loose out too much of my own look.
Although it has been just 13 days, I am surprise I do not experience major swelling from incisonal double
eyelid, guess it is due to me having thin eyelid? At the moment, am experience some itchiness at times after
cleansing my face and am reframing myself from rubbing and apply the ointment given by the doctor and somehow
it helps to subside the itchiness after while.

As for my face, am currently in swelling stages as I did mid face fat grafting as well. Right now I looks
like a mini chipmunk + granny(as fat grafting to maxilla area) + alien as well for having to wear the head
compressor garment which is not comfortable at all but am getting used to it day by day now. With all the
long walks while I was in Seoul and now back home, my massive swollen face has subside a lot compare to
the first couple of days and I can now really see that my prominent jaw no longer there and the curving of
my side face looks natural so far. Can't wait till the day my whole face swelling totally subside and
I can really see the new contour of my face shape.

Initially I was opting to do my eyes surgery at Teuimps but I can't find much information on the
doctor who specialized in facial contour at Teumips as I would prefer to go under the general anesthesia
once and not separately as is very bad for health plus I do not have the luxury time to stay too long over
in Seoul. Too bad Dr.Song from Busunko who specialized in facial contour and nose does not do eyes surgery
so in the end I made a decision to choose ITEM because I really love the genuinity of the doctors there
and most importantly I felt very comfortable with them and not been pressurized in doing any unneccessary
procedure as the doctor will voice out and advise not to do it and explain why as well and did not rush me
out, which I think not many will actually spent such a lenghty time to explain it one by one. And there were
a few people still waiting outside for their turn before I went in.

And about language issue, Dr.Chung speak fluent english so you do not have to worry about
language barrier and same goes to Dr.Kim (although he does not speak as fluent as Dr.Chung but
at least he tries communicating in English) The best part is that I had a face to face consultation
with each of them directly without having a middle person to translate which is very important to me
as I need the doctor to be on the same pace as me and understand my concern and requirement.
And both of them are very patient and listen to my quieries without interrupting. Elaine the english
speaking consultant too very helpful and carrying. Thanks to her for helping me to point out certain
issue that worries me to the doctors as well during our consultation which I forgotten to voice out.
Couldn't thank her enough, I really appreciated.

What amaze me more is their attentiveness before and right after the surgery. Both Dr.Kim and Dr.Chung
had a short face to face consultation with me once more before heading to the surgery room, and they
make sure if I am okay to proceed with the surgery and we went over once more with the details.
Elaine too accompany me into the surgery room and explain to me what they (the nurses) will do to me
and she was so kind and sweet for accompanying me till I was knocked out. I was very scare and
my body started to shake badly from the cold as well and needed someone to clam me down at that
moment. I am not sure how long I was asleep as they are getting fat from my thigh area first then only
do my eyes which I was semi awake but very drowsy and after going through some pain during the
eyes surgery I was knocked out again for mandible reduction. By the time I woke up I was already in
the recovery room and Dr.Kim came in and check on me together with Dr.Chung and assured me everything went
smoothly and well. Their staff are all very nice too and thanks to the night nurse who took care of me
during their Korea Thanksgiving day, can't believe they are all so hardworking!

Anyhow, I didn't really get a good night sleep over the clinic the first night due to some blood clogged
in my throat and I tried to cough it out but my face was so massively swollen I bearly can moved.
And I kept having salive with blood drooling out from my massive swollen lips. So I am basically
busy wipping myself and half doozing off and awake for many times until near morning about 7am only
i was able to really sleep but not for long as Dr.Kim came in and check on me and he brought me to
the surgery room to do dressing on me which is very sweet of him as I thought the nurse will be the one
doing it. After a while Dr.Chung came in and check on my eyes condition too. After that I was allow
to go back to my hotel. I am glad I made the right decision doing it at ITEM clinic as I really
appreciated the after care they provided and the doctors' attentiveness.
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Hello people,

Had my eyes and nose done at ITEM clinic last friday. The nose and eyes already looking good even though its still swollen and a little bruising can be seen. I was at the subway this afternoon and this ajumma approached me and told me that my eyes looks nice.

I will update more after I got my cast and stitches removed. You guys can email me at XXX if you have any questions. ;)
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First-time poster here to share a very positive plastic surgery story with you guys! I've been lurking around these forums for over a year, gathering research and reviews for my surgery.

I got my eyes and nose done 4 months ago at Dr. Liang's Cosmetic Clinic in Taipei, Taiwan. (http://www.cosmetic-clinic.com.tw/) The results are very dramatic, and I have benefited from improved range of vision, with my breathing unaffected. I am VERY happy with the results and my experience... out of the 4 surgeons I consulted with, Dr. Liang was my favorite by far. Personable, thorough, compassionate, with a VERY good artistic eye. His clinic was very nice and clean, and his nurses were kind and professional. My surgery lasted nearly 5.5 hours for a total of 5 procedures (upper/lower eyelid, epicanthoplasty, nose augmentation, alarplasty, lengthening / tip work). This doctor really takes his time and hates to rush, so I was the ONLY patient he operated on that day. There were seriously FOUR nurses and a doctor tending to me for the whole day!! I felt so pampered, haha. :biggrin: They spoke soothingly to me and tended to my every need, then sent me home with a HUGE kit of meds, herbs, soft ice packs, gauze, q-tips, etc! It also helped a lot that my own mother was supportive of my decision and accompanied me on the trip, then took care of me during post-op. I was very lucky to have that support.

Anyway, I have no idea why this doctor isn't more famous than he is among foreigners, but my guess is that it's because he's a bit less "commercial" than the other clinics in Taipei. (For example, his entire site is in Taiwanese, and it's really plain/technical. No ads or beauty head shots, lol) Luckily I speak fluent Mandarin Chinese, so I was able to consult with him over the phone before I visited him. I really recommend clicking around his website for the before/after pictures, so you can gauge his skills for yourself.

This was my first (and hopefully last) plastic surgery experience, and I had researched for it for a very long time. I have heard that Taiwanese doctors have a good reputation and offer reasonable prices, so I saved up for the trip from America. Turns out it was the right decision for me, and these days I'm feeling very relieved and happy. If anyone wants to ask me anything about my experiences, feel free to PM or reply to me!

Photos below! Warning: the before picture ain't pretty, as I had serious ptosis and eye bags and a wide flat nose :P Luckily that's all fixed now!

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Hi milyway,

Yes, Dr. Wei Chung Liang can speak okay english, since he studied in the US for a while at UCLA. I would recommend trying to call his clinic using a Taiwan phone card at some point, however, if you are serious about consulting with him. More importantly, he is always makes time for his patients, as I was the only patient he saw all day on the day of my surgery. He also spent a very long time on my in-person consultation, which was free. I have absolute trust in his skill and integrity.

As for reproducing another person's looks... this is rarely a good thing to ask for, and it's possible that you may have to revise your expectations a bit. (I don't know who Angelababy is, btw.) You do not have Angelababy's face, so you cannot expect to have her exact nose pasted onto your face... it may not be ideal or even achievable.

The best thing is to aim for a significant improvement on your OWN looks, a better version of "you." Do you want all of your loved ones to not even recognize you?

Anyway, I am confident that my doctor was a very moral, competent person, so you can check out his site and determine for yourself if he can deliver the results you want. He is certainly capable of delivering some VERY dramatic, pretty results, as shown here.

I asked for dramatic results on my eye (without the "wide-eyed fish" look), and I think he delivered them very well. You DEFINITELY don't want the doctor to go overboard, or you might wind up with a permanently shocked expression! So think hard about what you want to ask for, be sure to know what you are getting into. Best of luck!
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Thank you, milyway! I believe he used a silastic implant for the bridge of the nose, then used harvested cartilage from my ear to refine and lengthen the tip. He explained to me that you MUST use the patient's own cartilage on the tip, as you do not want any pressure on the tip from the implant.... this is how implants extrude and become infected. I did a lot of research on the subject already, so I knew this. ;)
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Maybe I am wrong but somehow I got the impression that forummers here are more interested in Korea (because of the Korean Wave?) or because many here are Koreans because I don't seem to find many people talking about plastic surgery in Taiwan.
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Probably because Korea is really famous for their plastic surgery? And also probably because most of the people had done their surgeries in Korea?

Btw, I heard angelababy had hers done at Japan.
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Ya, I heard that Japan can produce such results but very expensive and again, language problem.
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