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Asian eyelid surgery

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I will be going to Korea for 10 days vacation. Now, I am really considering if I should include a double eyelid surgery into my trip. I asked my bf, but he said no cos his worried I will be complaining about the plain during the entire trip & ruin the vacation. On the other hand, I'm thinking that since I am there, I should might as well get it done right?

So, I have already emailed a few hospitals, but only Teuim replied me. Teuim suggested I do:
1. Double eyelid surgery including muscle correction (Incisional method is recommended) : 2.5—3.0m KRW + 10% VAT
2. Epicanthoplasty : 1.2m KRW + 10% VAT

Is the price reasonable?? I've read quite a bit about Epicanthoplasty (scarring/take long time to heal/etc). So I am really afraid to do it.
If i opt for the incisional method, how long does it usually take before I can get the stiches removed? (because my bf&I planned to spend 5days in Seoul & 5days in Busan)

&Oh, I want a parallel double eyelid, and and I want to be able to see my double eyelid even when I smile (I hope you get what I mean, haha).
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Hi to all ladies ^^ I'm not sure where to do my double eyelid (incisional type). Should I do it in Singapore or Korea? Peoples alway ask me to do research about it, I did but the information is not specific enough. Sighs... Someone please share your experience with me. Will appreciate a lot. Thanks
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I have the same prob too!
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If you have read through all the threads in sgexpat and this forum, there are lots of information.

Anyway a quick update
I did my full incisional cut in Taipei with Dr Chiang (wish aesthetic) on Saturday night. I had ptosis repair, skin removal and also deepen my double eyelid.

It's my 3rd day and I am still very swollen but it is looking good. I like that my eyes are looking very alert
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Hi would you mind Sharing your pictures and mind know how much does it cost? What do you think of Singapore? Is it a wise choice or is their skill not so? Sighs.... Couldn't make up my choice as you see, to find a good doctor is always important and depend on your luck too. Hahaha please share with me thanks (:
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Hi pupuce, how does it feel? Is it hurt when the doctor inject the area to numb you? And how much does it cost? Mind sharing with us because I'm kind confuse that should I do it in Singapore and if so which doctor to go to ... Sighs.... Thanks haha
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Hi everyone,

I have always wanted double eyelid surgery, so I have been researching quite a lot. I instantly chose to clinics in Korea, because they have the reputation of carrying out a lot of Asian eyelid surgeries, and I assume they have the experience and technology to do a good job. Please feel free to challenge me on this if you think otherwise.
After browsing a few clinics, I narrowed my search down to BK and Grand. They both were appealing as their website was very helpful and detailed. Both clinics also received outstanding recognition. The only problem was that it doesn’t state when the clinics were established. Grand stood out to me as they published all the celebrities that went to the clinic.

I have been contacting BK and Grand for a couple of weeks, and they both are equally fast in their email response.

I will be booking my flights for December. I just need to make a decision on the clinic…..so stressful and hard!!!

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I requested for a GA so I was knocked out when doctor injected my eyes and the initial part of surgery. I was awake towards the end of the stitching as often I need to open and close my eyes for him to evaluate the height ;)
There was discomfort but bearable.

To be honest, except on the first night when there were some pain when I got back to hote(A pain killer solved that ;) but everything feels normal till I look into the mirror ! Lol

Today is my 4th day and still swollen although it has gone down a lot. Doctor has pre-emp me that it will require at least 10-14 days for 80% swelling to be gone.

Here is a summary-

Op- Saggy skin/ muscle correction (ptosis)/ deepen eyelid/ incisional full cut
Location - Taipei
Doctor - Dr chuang (wish aesthetic)
Cost - 45,000 NT (about S$2000)
Hotel - Deja vu (2880NT /S$128 per night
(1 station away to clinic)
Lots of eateries, shopping around
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By the way , my friend did mini incision with only a 1cm cut. Very little swelling and bruising . Looking almost normal at day 4.

Her summary -

Op - double eyelid from single
Clinic - Dr Chen ( regent clinic- beauty 889)
Cost - 25,000NT ( S$1000 estimate )
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Does anybody know any people (apart from Zoe and Nicole and Kara) who do the postoperative care, translating and taking to and from surgery in Seoul for plastic surgery? They are all busy during this time!!! :sad:
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Hi ashimi99,

It is no nice to see your post. Is Dr Park in Oz specialised in nose surgeries as well? Do you mind sending me you B&A photos to have a look? I want to do nose correction with my curved nose after an accident and maybe eye-lid as well but i am so afraid of scars!!!!

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Hi Huru,

What made you decide to go with BK? I actually booked my flights to go in December this year. Me and my sister will get it done.

Do you know anyone who has had eyelid surgery?

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