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Asian eyelid surgery

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Hello dear, I am planning to have eyelid revision with dr.Cho too, so would you mind to email ([email protected]) me the Before&After picture of your eyes to help me make my mind up? And also please tell me the price of your eyelid revision would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot & looking forward your reply xx:smile:
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Hi there,

Dont do unroll you are absolutely sure. go to more clinics. Dont rush to decide. Take your time.
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Hi Pupuce,

I was also looking at Dr Chen from Regent or Dr Chuang from Wish.
Aiming to go Jan 2013.
I was leaning more towards Dr Chen but he doesn't do Epi on the other hand i've read about bad reviews on dr chuang for nose job (which doesnt affect me since im not looking to do my nose). I know dr chen does very natural double eyelids but i do not want my eyes to look like i haven't done anything to it because i have hidden lids not single lids & on good times my double lids pops out on 1 eye LOL

Can i know why did you decide on dr chuang?
Did you go for parallel or tapered?
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I did quite a lot of research prior to going Taipei but I was open to both doctors and will decide after I see them

First of all, I felt Dr Chen was too cute for my liking. Talks like very man-ja and seems like trying to reassure a little girl;)
I think he is proficient in the mini incision for achieving double eyelids but possibly not so much in other major jobs.
I saw lots of people there but mostly for the mini incision.

Dr Chuang was busy but professional. there were lots of people there but plenty of major jobs. Nose, boobs, fat grafting, eyes
I needed a levator muscle (ptosis) correction, saggy skin on one eye so I prefer someone who is used to handling bigger PS jobs
Only thing I didn't like was the Ms Eileen ( manager of clinic) very bossy and pushy.

I read his bad reviews but there were also good reviews. He is still operating and in a way, practise makes perfect. Besides, there is no guarantee with any doctor because a good one can also screw-up

My eyes are still swollen. Only thing was the doctor/nurse who removed my stitches, left some on my eyelid and I had to them removed locally for a freaking $200!!
Other than that, I am liking my new bright eyes ;)
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Wow~ $200 bucks to remove excess stitches -.- that's crazy lol
did you know that you needed a ptosis correction before visiting? or did dr chuang recommended that to you?
Any idea how much is dr chuang charging for mini incision + epi?
Was his schedule super packed? or was it easy to book a consultation +surgery on the same day?

Can you send me a picture of your friend's eyes with dr chen & yours?
you can email me [email protected]

i actually booked an appointment with dr chen already but since i can't have my surgery done on the same day (due to my flight timings) i was thinking might as well i visit dr chuang for a consultation to confirm what i really want.

Can you also share which hotel you stayed in?
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It's crazy expensive here in Singapore and for $200, I get to talk to doctor for 10 mins ;)

I knew I has slight ptosis and did a fair bit of research. Was really scare but read that many people were doing levator muscle correction like nobody's business in Korea so I convince myself to go ahead. I read everything I can find so that I am prepared for the outcome, risks and recovery time required( ptosis takes longer as more swelling)

I had a few emails with Dr chuang before and when I booked the consultation, he actually reserved a slot for me on the same day. I waited till 8pm for my surgery and it finished at 10pm.

I stated at deja vu which is about 15 mins walk or I station away. Great location as its like 5 mins to dr Chen ( for my friend's surgery ) and like 15 mins to Dr chuang (if not distracted by shopping along the way)
Also blue line is convenient to go to other sightseeing area.

Cost about $128 per night

Think mini incision cost 25,000NT and 10,000-15,000 for epi!
Better you wrote him first n book a slot. Last minute will be very tight.

Will try to send pics. Actually I deleted away my post surgery pic as I looked really scary ;))))))
Swollen like a frog eyes... But I put on sunglasses n was out everyday ;)

Dr Chen even operate on Sundays in my friend's case but dr chuang is close
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I haven't posted much on here, but I feel like since I just recently did this I could post. :smile: Also, there isn't much about Japanese clinics here.

I went to Otsuka (a few people mentioned it) because my teacher told me it was famous. As background, when I was young my parents wanted me to get it but I rebelled, but now that I was about to turn 30 I decided on my own to get it done while I was studying abroad.

Here is a horrible disembodied image of my eye before and after. I am very unphotogenic and don't wear makeup, so sorry for the bad quality:


I got what is called "FB", which stands for "forever brilliant" and has a long guarantee. It is a NON-cutting surgery, so it takes 20-30 min. I cried for several days with "omg, what did I do to my face" but after about 4 days, I was out and about. I looked just slightly puffy eyed, like I hadn't slept, but otherwise no one had a clue. The after image is from Oct 2011 and my surgery was June 2011, so you can see it didn't take long for it to look fairly natural. It's been over a year and no one can tell, it looks natural, feels normal, and I'm really glad I did it.

The FB costs 157,500 yen (student discount of 10%!). It is a lot more than Korea, but I was already in Japan and I had to do it between semesters. Healing was fast. They were nice. Hospital looked like an average clinic in Japan, which means not as sanitary as the US and as if the whole place/equipment was built in the 60s.

I don't have any current photos because I hate taking photos, but if anyone is planning on going to Otsuka, I'm happy to take more and go into detail. :smile:
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Thank you for sharing :smile:
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I've emailed Dr Chuang to book a consultation and he has also quoted me for mini incision + epi. Now my concern is whether i need a epi or a levator muscle correction. I don't exactly have droppy eyes, i just want BIGGER EYES :graucho:

The scariest part of this all is the recovery period. how long did your swelling lasted? i read that if its just mini incision it should take about a week.. but now i want an epi or levator muscle correction to have bigger brighter eyes.
i applied for 3 weeks leave & i hope its enough for me to recover :P
Both you & your friend's photo would be a really good gauge for me to decide on what i wanna do & with whom too LOL

how many days before stitches removal for you & your friend?

Did you specially avoided any food before & after surgery?
just wish i can still eat like nobody business in their night market after surgert..
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I have emailed you pics of my current state. I am not a good healer as a normal bruise on arm can take up to 2 weeks.

My friend had mini incisional and I had the full incisional so looking at our photos will be very different to decide.
Of course mine will look worse and lots scarier;)
Also ptosis (levator muscle correction) will require even more time as it cuts beyond the orbitual fat and lots of tissues are " Injured"
Even though she is also still slightly swollen at 1 mth post op.

It's true that recovery period is the hardest but I think you are young so recovery will be faster!
Do more research so you are mentally prepared on the realistic recovery and how long it takes to look very natural . At the sane time , what procedure you need.

I had saggy skin at my age above 40 years old so full incisional is almost unavoidable .As for levator muscle correction, It needs full cut as well.
Whereas the mini incisional might last you a good 10-15 years if you are now in your 20s but if in late 30s or 40s, it might not last long as skin will start to sag soon ;)
also can only remove fats but not skin/ levator

I still eat and travel around Taipei after surgery. Didn't care that I have 2 sausages on my lid and it's Sjests an interesting topic ESP with the shop assistants

Just prepare arnica pre and post op. lots of vit c and avoid all other vitamins before surgery
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For those of you who had eyelid operation, did you feel it during the times when they told you to open and close your eyes?

- For my eyelid surgery, I felt doctor sewing at one point
- For my lateral and epi surgery, I felt the doctor searing the outer corner (hurt like a mother!)

Anyone else can relate? =/ I'm considering eyelid revision but that pain during surgery was seriously painful
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Me too, same situation. Right eye has extra crease on a good day so it looks like a much bigger tapered double lid. But try as I may the left never does the same. Please do share your experience afterward if you go ahead with Dr Chen or Chuang! :biggrin:
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