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Asian eyelid surgery

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There isn't much I can say because I wasn't really planning for an eyelid surgery. If anything, I was only going for non-incisional. I was going to VIP for a nose revision so I decided to get my eyes done there too because I thought "wtheck, it's only a small eye surgery. No biggie". Now I know VIP is only famous to foreigners for rib cartilage noses, but I originally only wanted a simple non-incisional eyelid surgery. But it wasn't until the doctor told me my eye muscles are weak (especially my left eye) so I would need full incisional + ptosis correction. I already had natural double eye-lids prior to the surgery. Dr. Song from VIP performed the surgery on me and I can describe my experience..

They first put local anesthesia on me and I felt like I want to another world. My whole body was numb but I am fully conscious. The first half of the surgery didn't hurt one bit but it wasn't until the anesthesia wore off, then I started to feel the pain of them stitching it up. The burning (or whatever it is called) and cutting didn't hurt one bit. It felt like it took 30mins+ per eye. Dr. Song was quite gentle. Whenever I started to say ouch ouch, he went slower and became a little more careful and injected needles to numb my eyes out a bit. It's only been 2 days but I am not THAT swollen as compared to the pics I've seen. My eyes are puffy (of course) and my under eyes are just a bit swollen. However, I don't have any "purpleness" on my eye area (as in the purple skin you see when one is extremely swollen). As of now, I feel more pain and pressure on my nose than eyes. If I were to describe the pain of the eye surgery, it was like a 4/10. I think the part where it hurt the most, total was less than a minute so it wasn't THAT bad.
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Thank you for telling me!! :heart:
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i'm so scared of doing full incision!! what did the dr tell u about recovery - how long before the swelling goes down so u look 'normal'?

i hope u have a very quick recovery and gorgeous eyes!! :heart:
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He said it depends on the person but rougly 3~6 months. And thank you! My swelling isn't even that bad. They took off the stitches today. That was a pain in the @$$
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Hi guys, I'm thinking about going to korea at the end of February, I'm 28 and from Sydney Australia. Would love it if anyone would be going at the same time so maybe we c an stay together? I can't speak Korean so it's going to be daunting.
I'm thinking of doing eyelid surgerya with lateral epi but I got protruding eyeballs as the doc calls it, and uneven eyes. Thinking of going to Cinderella, Teuim, or banobagi.

Also looking to do chin implant and adding a dimple to one side.

Anybody got any views or can provide me with any ideas on costs?
I love it how us women all help each other out by giving each other advice and have a place to go to to chat and learn from each others experiences.

Any tips would be appreciated.
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Hey Bella147 I see your from Aus? Have you done yours yet or when you planning on going?
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Aww I'll just miss u - I'm going end of march to start of April :sad:

I'm going for consults first then actual surgery in sept/oct/nov...that's when I'll have the $$$$ saved
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i didn't know even who dawn yang was until ppl started to mention her on this forum - i just checked out her blog....i don't think her surgeries were botched, but must admit on close up of her eyes, they kinda looked red - like only on the outer corners. looked a little freaky. like the Drs cut away too much or something??

is this what u mean that u don't wanna look like her? otherwise i thought her nose alright (not for me, but some ppl like that pointy look)
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depends on your eyes
but epi, lateral, double eyelid :smile:))
r u planning to come to KORea?
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