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Asian eyelid surgery

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Hi antheamae:

I am new to this thread but have spent the last year researching various options for upper eyelid (full incision) surgery and magi epi. I am pretty confident that I will move forward with Dr. Park at Oz Clinic, but not sure of the timeline. I would love to go in March, but I have two young kids and have to try and coordinate childcare with my parents and my husband's work schedule. The thought of making it a family trip kinda makes me cringe, but that's an option too. Have you decided where you are going to have your surgery? Are you all set for March? April may be a possibility for me. I would love a compadre too for tourist stuff and shopping and recovery :smile:
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Hi Lvluv,

I am new to this thread that you created and found it most helpful in my research for eyelid surgery and epi. After months of research and four consultations I am thinking I will travel to Seoul to Oz Clinic and have Dr. Park perfrom double fold surgery and the epi. Do you have any helpful suggestions or feedback on your experience? From what I could gather on this thread you went to Oz for your procedures. How was recovery and is it realistic to say I'd be fairly presentable by day 5 after the surgery? I am looking to visit relatives in the same visit, but feel a bit worried about what to expect. How was the recommended hotel and recovery in Seoul? Any advice would be great.

Thanks much and the thread has been a great resource,

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  • 2 weeks later...
hey everyone~!
i'm going to get incisional eyelid surgery in a months time at renai private hospital in shanghai. haven't decided on which doctor. anyone here know of dr. zhao jun and female dr. wang? dont know which doctor to choose. dr. zhao jun is more famous but my good friend recently got hers done by dr. wang and she is quite happy with the results.
anyone here who had surgery done at renai who could recommend the hospital's best eyelid surgeon. they might all be just as good but just want to minimise the chance of anything going wrong by choosing the best. can't go to korea or anywhere else only shanghai and hong kong.
reply soon guys~!
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  • 2 weeks later...
hi everyone,

i'm looking into a revisional eyelid surgery either at the BK Clinic this August 2009 or the states. I had a bad eyelid surgery last year... my fold is too big and too deep. i also have a great discomfort when I open my eyes, and now I can never fully open them because theres always this sensation there... that is what really bugs me most. Anyone thinking of a revision this summer in Korea?

Please feel free to contact me through email if you just want to talk about the revisional eyelid surgery.
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my mom, grandma, and aunt all did eyelid surgery. of course they did this in korea, and results are perfect!

my mom got it redone here (hawaii) for the second time and they totally screwed it up. her eyelids were swollen and it stayed like that for a few years. the swelling never went down and she always complained that it looks like a mosquito bit her on her eyelids.

i think korea does a really good job on the eyelid surgeries (they make it look very natural) and of course im pretty sure its cheaper there than it is here. my mom got it redone again for the 3rd time to fix the errors of the 2nd time and it turned out really well!

i dont have double eyelids so my mom asked me if i wanted to have it done... but i dont know how my dad would feel about it (might not like it) but i think i might just stay with my eyelids :smile: because even if i poke a pencil and make a temporary double eyelid, i look TOTALLY caucasian (im half korean/half caucasian... and not that im against look totally caucasian) but maybe its just better to stay the way i am ;)
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I had an eyelid surgery about one year plus ago. after the surgery, one of the eyelid had another fold on top of the cut fold. so i ended up having two folds on one eye. and it felt uncomfortable because i can feel the fold. so i went back to the doctor for a revision. he told me he will anchor the fold more so there wont be a double fold. i also requested for a higher crease. after i recovered from the second surgery, i was so shocked to find scars on my eyelid. these scars are small depressions at where he anchored the eyelid i think. not only that i feel that my eyelids are not symmetrical and recently, the double fold on one eye came back again.

Does anyone know of a good doctor who can help me? I need to get rid of the scars and have a nicer, symmetrical and natural eyelids and also to solve the problem of the double fold on one eye. after researching, bk clinic, oz clinic and dr eric choe seems good. How much is their cost? and i seem to have read some negative feedback on bk clinic and oz clinic and have doubts about the doctors skills. Anyone can help me with my questions? cos i really cant afford to do revisions again and again. its very scary. Thanks
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can you tell me which doctor did your mom abd family used for revision eye lid surgery in Korea? what clinic did your mom used in hawaii which wasnt helpful?

Thanks fo ryour reply.


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I'm considering revision surgery but I don't know where to go. Either BK clinic in Korea or somehere else. any suggestion? are you from Canada? how long ago didi you have your eyelid surgery? have you contacted anyone for consultation? what did they say about waiting period and etc...

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Hi Darling,

have you done yor revisional surgery? who didi it? how did it go? I am thinking about revisional surgery too.


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Hello Honey,
How was your revision ? Are you happy with the result? what was wrong? Did dr Kim do your surgery?

Thanks for your reply

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Hello Honey,
How was your revision ? Are you happy with the result? what was wrong? Did dr Kim do your surgery?

Thanks for your reply

Originally Posted by kimosa [​IMG]
LOL it is painful but thank goodness it was over quick. Since I had my nose done at the same time, I got shots in my nose as well and damn, my palms were like dripping wet! Gross I know but I'm starting to get sweaty palms just thinking about it [​IMG]
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Hey GlorianaA,

Yes, I'm vigorously emailing doctors in Korea about my situation and see what they can do. it seems like a lot of them do revisions. I just ahve to pick the best one. Dr. Kim from BK clinic seems pretty competent, but I'm scared hes just after my money and would suggest unnecessary procedures. I want a doctor who has my best interest in mind.

I'm from Canada, and I had my surgery done 10 months ago. I know its not going to improve much, so I'm planning a revision in August 2009.

Keep me posted on your research too! You can give me your email if you want to discuss.

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Thanks for yoru reply . I have i have the same problem with my eyelids and looking into revision this August in BK clinic also but I am not 100% sure about my choice with Dr Kim . what is your e-mail address? my e-mail address is : [email protected]. you can e-mail me.

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