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Asian Rhinoplasty revision

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Hi Everyone,

I am new in this forum.. I need help from u guys.. I plan go to Korea to have Nose and eye surgery.. Can anyone tell me which dr good for doing that jobs??

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I heard alot about Dr Kim in BK Clinic, and Dr park in Oz Clinic..
Is it Dr Kim is good at Nose?? and Dr Park is good at Eyelid surgery??

How about Dr Jung, and Jong?? Wat are they good at??
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  • 2 weeks later...

I need maskd2003 and kimosa give me some advice about the nose surgery, because i know them have alot experience about plastic surgery..

But i am new in this forum, i try to send them a message but i dont know the way..

Hope anyone can tell me how to contact with them..

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  • 2 months later...
Hi violet
Im also thinking of having plastic surgery in Korea.
When are you planning to visit korea??
My options are now narrowed to BK and OZ.
i heard some reputation of dr. kim with eyelid surgery
but i'm not sure with dr. park though...
and i found some review of OZ clinic.
  • 3 months later...
I have a rhinoplasty procedure scheduled with Dr. Shah in a few weeks and as the date approaches I am getting nervous. I don't live in Chicago so I have only had a skype consultation with him so far but have chosen him due to the natural-looking results of people on his website. I would appreciate it if I could email or talk to you about your experience. Were you satisfied? Did he deliver exactly what you wanted? Would it be possible for me to see your before and afters?
I hope to hear from you. Thanks!
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  • 2 weeks later...
hey everyone,

I'm a 21 year old Asian dude living in states thats pretty much got my face ruined by facial nerve problems caused by accident. my face is now pretty flat especially both sides of my checks, my expression lines are totally gone. my one side jaw is now weaker and saggier than the other side. my nose bridge got very weak, thin and undefined and it could use a reshape and my eyes lids went from doubles to one double and one single.

I've been searching for good doctor with reasonable charges on nose job and asain eyelid for some months now and reading through this board most members here seems to recommend clinics from soul..

so my questions are:
1. could anyone recommend me a good nose-job specialist that's in states that can do good job with least risk of revisioning who would charge less than 10000$?

2. I was looking at this doctor david kim here: http://www.beverlyhillsplasticsurgery.com/index.html

has anyone had nose/eye surgery from him before with good/bad results? what is his price range?

thanks for your time :biggrin:
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
The stitching looks normal. Bet your eyes are nice now. I can tell you won't see hardly any scar. My eyelids are super botched by a oculoplastic surgeon. I wear dark sunglasses during the day and try not to go out during the nites. People stares at me cuz my eyelids eyelids are very pleated and also I have a lot of scars put there by Dr. W. Of newport beach,ca. For those that are first time at eyelid surgery, don't trust someone that is overly confident either. My eyes were used as a training by Dr. W. without my informed consent. He left me disfigured for life and blamed me for it. My eyes are average for east asian. He told me me that he had a hard time with my eyelids cuz it is so small. Then why he stole my money and mutilated my face and told me in strong confidence he can do the job. Not only did he scar me so badly, but he didn't do the job I paid him for. I still have the same un even eyelid creases which I paid him to fix. He didn't address that problem. He didn't listen to anything I said at consultation time or write it down. He didn't discuss with me that he will me cutting me up all over the place. I told him I scar easily and that is why the first doctor was super careful.
Bottom line is don't used a caucasian doctor, but an asian one that done many double eyelid surgery.

Let me know people, if you want to see how ugly my eyelids are??? I post pictures so you know what a super mutilated eyelids I am wearing these day. Thanks to Dr. w. of Newport Beach, Ca.
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  • 4 months later...
Hi - I have my primary scheduled with Dr Shah for Nov 4th and I'm extremely nervous. I can't private message anyone as I just joined the forum but if possible please message me with an insight or additional information about your experience with Dr Shah. Are you happy with the results?
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Hi - Did you go through with your surgery with Dr Shah? Did you like the results?
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Hi - I have a primary scheduled with Dr Shah for November 4th and I'm very nervous! Were you happy with your results? How significant was the change? I've read some reviews that he performs very cookie cutter nose jobs and other reviews that he works with the person's natural nose. I'm very confused which is alarming as surgery is less than two weeks away! Any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated!
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