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Asian Rhinoplasty revision

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  • 4 weeks later...
had mine done by anil shah (chicago) i am still swollen 3 weeks post op but i am liking my nose so far...it still looks like me but an improved version of me..
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Had mine done by anil shah ,chicago 3 weeks ago, my nose is still pretty swollen but post op, never had any black or blue marks, it was my primary, i am asian with bigggg/round nasal tip, it wasnt a hug/drastic changed , was done open , he used my own rib which was the most painful part but so far...i am liking my new nose...i still look like me but with an improved nose..goodluck!
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took arnica 5 tabs 3x daily 5 days before and a week after along with bromelain, i think it helped the swelling and never really had black and blue marks post op.
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  • 4 months later...
Oh, how I wish all these patients would follow up a year later about how they're doing! :< It would be so amazingly helpful for the rest of us...

I am looking for the best asian rhinoplasty revision specialist to fix my nose, price is not an issue - I just want to pick an extra-competent surgeon so that I don't need to go through it again. If someone on this forum can help me, then I will GLADLY post in-depth reviews/photos and bi-monthly follow-ups, to give back to the people on this forum.

I am willing to go anywhere in the world for the best, but I'm preferring to stay in America since you have no recourse if complications arise overseas (like for me). You can't easily hop on a plane back to Korea or Taiwan if something goes wrong, and your doctor can just forget about you entirely.

About my surgery:
On 6/10/2011 I had my primary rhinoplasty performed by Dr. Wei-Chung Liang of Taipei, Taiwan (www.cosmetic-clinic.com.tw). I did a closed rhinoplasty with nostril reduction (alarplasty), tip refinement using ear cartilage, and bridge augmentation with silastic implant. For the first 4-6 weeks (after initial swelling subsided) I was pretty optimistic about my results. The stitching from the alarplasty always looked off and it was hard to smile, however.... Now that it has been 10+ months, the scarring on my nostrils is HORRIBLE and my tip has become droopy due to poor tip support. It's still awkward to smile, as I always have the sensation of something hard/foreign on my face, pushing down on my upper lip.

More importantly, for the past week or so my nose bridge has started hurting... sometimes very sharp and sudden pain, right between my eyes. Sometimes I think I can feel it shifting... It doesn't look red or inflamed yet, but I am terrified that it's a ticking time bomb, that it will extrude someday. My skin is VERY thin and you can already see the edges of the implant.

Can somebody please advise me on an excellent revision rhinoplasty specialist, that they have encountered through their research? Time is of the essence for me, but I want to aim for the best and NEVER the cheapest.
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I know that it has been a long time since you've posted here, but would you be willing to share some more info or photos about your experience with Dr. Anil Shah? You have no idea how much it would mean to me... I'm searching for a great rhinoplasty specialist to revise my nose.

My email is [email protected]. Thanks!
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  • 4 weeks later...
So sorry to hear thay you're not happy with your results.
I think quite a few people on this forum have had luck with using rib for their revision. Maybe you could look into finding a dr that specialises in rib in the states.
I'm planning to get rhino in Korea but I'm nervous about using silicone, and since silicone is so much more widely used there I'm worried that if I go with rib the drs may not be as experienced with it.
I'd love to hear your thoughts about silicone
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  • 3 weeks later...
Just saw this thread and wanted to share my 2cents on Dr. Anil Shah if anyone is still looking for information on him.

I had my primary rhinoplasty done by him in Dec. 2010 (so am now at the 1.5 year mark). I am generally happy with the results. The only word of caution is that Dr. Shah tends to veer more towards the conservative side (in my opinion) in order to preserve the aesthetic balance of the face. That's not necessary a bad thing, but if you are going in there looking for a HUGE change (completely different nose), I'd discuss your expectations with him at length so you're not disappointed.

As for my own results, I am more or less happy with my nose. My rhinoplasty wasn't dramatic (he ended up not even needing to put in anything (ear cartilage or artificial cartilage) to increase the height, since I had enough cartilage in there already). It was more of a subtle change, but I am satisfied with the way it looks.

Just keep in mind that your nose will keep changing up to two years after the procedure, so don't expect to have to have it exactly the way you pictured right away. The good thing about Dr. Shah is that he is excellent with the post-op maintenance, so even 1.5 years after, I am still going in to him at intervals (monthly/every 3 months/6 months - whatever he thinks is necessary) to make sure my nose is progressing the way he wants it to, and to help it along (kenolog injections in the tip) if it's not.

Help that helps! ;)
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  • 5 months later...
hi, I would like task about your experience with dr. Shas , i am planning to have a revision. would you share any info about this doctor
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Hi, did you have surgery with dr. Shas . could you please share your experience
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Hi, I would like to ask about your experience with dr. Shas , I am planning to have a revision.
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Hi , I also look info on dr Shas , Did you consult him? or did you have surgery? Any info greatly appreciate
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