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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hi, banobagi hasn't replied to my email...it's been like 2 weeks :sad: but revision there is $1800 for eyelid...i don't know about the rest but they are definitely my top choice along with teuimps. i'm goin in june!
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Hi Koala,

$1800 from banobagi? Do u haf teiumps website too?Maybe i'll have a look on their website...june&july will be too many ppl going...im afraid the doc dont have much time for patients... :sad:
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i been tryin to get in teuimps website but doesn't work for some reason..if u find it pls let me know..are u doin magic epi?
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I wanna go to facial reshaping here.And i confuse between banobagi and idhospital.Who can tell me that banobagi clinic is ok?Cuz i saw the website.It's very different bofore&after :nuts:Amazingg..
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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you get it done something else beside the "Revision Double Eyelids"? Because the Eye Revision is only $1800. Unless you get the epic for another $1500 or something.
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Oh wow that's really expensive. I heard revision for lowering eyelid is a little more complicated so i guess they charge more since they spend longer on the patient.
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Hi! I've had the opportunity to visit Seoul many times. Surgery in Seoul is pretty scary and can be summed up as " a lot of promise and a 50/50 chance of getting what you want if you just look at the online sites."

My synposis of some of the "top clinics"

1. BK. Is really interested in targeting the international market since they "topped-out" of the local market. No Koreans in Seoul that is "in the know" will take their chances in BK. Simply put, Dr. Kim, the main surgeon at BK, is an egotistical maniac interested only in the bottomline. Proof - look at all the online posts and see if any of it is in Korean - only the internationals come here to do surgery. Dr. Kim knows that the international clients really "can't complain" and if so will have to fly back for more treatment and it'll be more money. You should go to BK as part of a broader consultation/clinic reviews but opt out for other clinics.

2.OZ/IAAN. No local Koreans know of these places. The clinics again have spent their marketing dollars targeting international prospects.

3. Cinderella Clinic. Very popular with the local Korean set but overpriced by 30% and probably higher for the international set. That's the thing, if you aren't Korean, they have already put a premium price set for you. If you come with a Korean friend, there is a start of a 30% discount automatically. It's a cultural thing. Also, the doctor is older and his tastes are more conservative than some of the "looks" that the younger set is targeting. He is really good with eyes/nose and forehead combo and it'll set you back like $15K USD.

My recommendation is to put aside about 3 days to go personally visit as many clinics as possible. If you need a reference, the Korean government has specified a "set list" of clinics that support their industry - although, BK still makes the list because of their political contributions.

I hope this helps.

P.S. Yes, I am Korean American and I will be visiting Korea again next week!


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Thanks for the tips! So, as far as price and skill, which clinic and dr. would you recommend for eyelid revision?

Have you heard anything about teuimps?
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I am headed to Korea for my double eye revision. I have not heard of teuimps but will ask around while in Seoul.

I have a working list of my top 5 clinics in Gangnam Gu area but I really want to meet the doctor and see how credible they are. Unfortunately, I've learned that their online marketing "look books" are always better than the actual end result. But still, Korea still is the leading place for getting pretty eyes.

I'm doing my double eyelid revision because I don't like the thickness of my scar when my eyes are closed - I want it to be softer.

For my eye revision, I think it'll be anywhere from $2K to $5K depending on what procedures/surgeon skillset.

Also note that there is a lot of change with each clinics - doctors come/they go, etc so I'm not even sure that some of the places that I want to visit are still viable.

Anyway, I'll be in a much better position to recommend sometime next week after my visit.

Anyone in Seoul next week?

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Hi guys, i want to do my double eyelids surgery next year, so now i am trying to get information about that.
My eyes are not big and have invisible inner eyelids ( which are sometimes seen and sometimes not). So i wanna ask for your suggestion that should i do the inner eyelids surgery ( which i heard that is suitable for Asian eyes, and i am an Asian), or outer eyeslids( coz i also want my eyes could be as big and deep as the Caucasian eyes ;))
Moreover, could u advise me which is the best clinic and doctor for this kind of surgery? i had read about your guys' thread and it seems that the BK , Oz and Vips just target the foreign market and seems not reliable for the best result. Also, i have heard the surgery in Japan and seems that it 's more reliable. Anyone heard about Angelababy, a famous Hongkong actress, it's said that she did the surgery in Japan, and the results was extremely perfect ( :d it 's my opinion, and you guys can search for her pics before and after do the surgery and will see that)
Thanks a lot.
Nice days:biggrin:
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Hi Summer,
I am headed to Korea at the end of next week. I am planning on having a revision rhino at VIP (I chose them since the doctor seems skilled with rib). However, I am still looking for a good place to do eyes. I haven't met many people who have gotten their eyes done at VIP. What clinics are you planning on visiting?

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