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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Nicole is Chinese but she lived in Switzerland (I think I said Germany before, but it's because she said she speaks German, which is why I thought Germany) and she speaks Korean very well. When I went out with her last night, the girls at the nail parlour thought she was Korean because her Korean is really good.
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lol shouis. Mine was a locate surgeon in SG. I don't recommend him tho =( coz seriously i feel my eyes look ugly... I trying to find doctor to smooth it out. Neverthless maybe i shld drop by BK to check if they have solutions t my problem =)
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I see cool, i check up her rates etc, thanks =)
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Welcome back home! Thanks again for meeting me straight after I had my surgery. It was definitely good to see again. I never got to see you and buy you coffee so we'll have to meet up when I'm back and see the results on eachother lol. Hope you're recovering well!
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Tks! Emailed her and hope she replies me soon enough... Else I'm boarding the plane tonight. Kakao u when I'm there and u'll be stitches-free and cast-free!! Sweet recovery!
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Tks!! Will update once I've decided on the clinics... Crossing my fingers I'll make a right choice and have the surgeon understand me as well.
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Hi fallenangel... glad that you are home safely :smile: how are your eyes now? compressing is soothing .. I like it too.. hehe .. you can do hot & cold alternately with an hour intervals.

The nurse didn't give me the post-stitches removal ointment. Maybe it's for the milia? Should be applied on the wound I guess.

For the scar gel, I think you can buy it at the pharmacy without a prescription. Apply it 2x/day. Don't massage the wound. Precaution, if you feel ache or itchy, then you must stop using it. It means you're allergic to the substances in the gel.

I was also like you.. came in with 15kg baggage and came out with 30kg!!! hahaha..

My pupils are not that big either.. but my eye is narrow in length.. so I need to widen it a bit so to balance out the overall length as I did the epicanthoplasty that caused my eyes look closer to my nose. I hope you understand what I meant hehehe

Btw, did you meet Dr kwon on Saturday? what did he say about the asymmetrical?

Anyhow, do a lot of walking.. it will help to reduce your swelling.
Happy recuperation dear :smile:
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Saw Dr. Suh today... He said that my nose looked shorter because of swelling... Just as Kim from UK and everyone else has been telling me..
Overall, I'm healing well.. Drinking pumpkin juice to help with the swelling. It doesn't taste very good :'(

I also had my nose professionally picked by a nurse, who used cotton wipes and tweezers to clean my nasal passage... And I thought MY job sucked... LOL

After deswelling treatment and hair washing, I went to see Kim from UK, and hung out... Overall, the recovery process is not bad at all once you get used to seeing a weird bandaged/swollen lump on your face :smile:
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I have decided not to make a deposit at JW anymore since everyone's recommending me to visit some clinics before choosing. I will be traveling alone so I emailed Zoe for some help but she's fully booked. So I emailed Nicole and she replied pretty quick. I have not met her yet so I can't really give any recommendation about her. But from emailing, I can tell that she's very caring and genuine.
If im getting both nose and eyes done, how long do I have to stay in Korea for? I don't have that much time. Would 7 days be ok?
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As much as I like JW (they have awesome post op care), I definitely agree. You shouldn't just put down a deposit without having consulted with the doctors in person....
Before you book your tickets, ask the English consultants how long you will need to stay in Seoul after your surgery. They will have a MUCH better idea than the people on the forum... Good luck~! I'm really looking forward to reading about your ps journey in korea :smile:
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Hi Kim, i'm glad you like JW, i will def visit them when i go to korea. I have asked a few and the answer is not consistent. Some say a week while some say 2 weeks because rhinoplasty with implant would require 2 different removal of stitches?. That is why im kinda confused. When are you leaving? Is your swelling/bruising gone? Ready to show off your new nose? :graucho:

P.S: I think i would rather pick people's nose than having my nose picked by others. Wouldn't that hurt? lol
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