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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hey I am also planning to go in December for the same procedures :graucho:once my holiday starts from college.Where are you from? :smile:
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Wow thats cool :smile: - ive put them on my list now. Yumi seems really nice - she mentioned you in her email :smile: i think because i mentioned you in my first email haha

Im tempted to just go with them but i know i should go to more just in case. Not sure if i should use a translator anymore... As all the ones i go to have english speaking consultants..

Did you use a translator??
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That is what i was thinking. Most where i am looking only have 1600 exchange!! Hopefully most accept gbp. I know BK do and I think ID do as well... Will see - but thanks ^__^
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ooh i do have a HSBC acc. I use it when i am in HK. Didnt know atms gave good rates? I shall def ask my bank tho. Would make life so much easier!! Not sure if id be able to juat draw out 7mil krw tho haha
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Please do keep me updated. =)
How was their service and was the doctor pretty empathetic?

Yes, I will definitely keep your advice close to heart!
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Keke, no worries. Same here, I'm pretty new. I actually dont use MSN, but I think i sent you an e-mail. =)
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Wow, I didn't know you can bargain with the doctors. How do you go about doing that? Do you say that another clinic quoted you a lower price or something?
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Hmm, the thing I was thinking of is on page 28, post #409... The person seems to have put it through google translate and posted it here... But since the original doc is now a dead link, IDK whether it should be taking seriously.. Although, their prices are so dirt cheap that it really is questionable...

I do believe someone on this forum recently got her tiplasty done at wonjin, along with mini v and zygoma. IDK what her username is on the purse forum... but you should find out and ask her! :smile:
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Yes, find out what the rates are, but they're usually WAY better than changing in person :smile:

My bank let me use my card without incurring any fees and although JW did offer a cash discount, I thought it was too much bother, so I just paid with card...
but the max you can withdraw at one TIME in Korean atms is 300,000 krw. But you may withdraw a total of 3 mil krw in one day... but this also depends on your home country. In the states, the max is 2,000 so in Korea, my max was a little more than 2 mil.

I speak Korean :P But if you are booking several consultations, I think a translator would be a good idea, especially for going around. Even though you may be good at figuring out subways, maps, etc. when you just arrive and need to get to places on time, it may be very helpful to have someone help you. Besides, you're not only hiring a translator, you're also hiring a friend to help you along the recovery. Thank goodness I had Yumi, because otherwise I think my recovery would have been prolonged and I would have hated my stay in Korea.

When are you going again? good luck! :biggrin:
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Hey Eightbelow... I am highly likely staying in the room that you've stayed before as the auntie mentioned about you (I guess) when I told her I am from Singapore. 1st level...
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Emisa u look younger like teenager ,I love that,.....what u do for fat graft only at paranasal?.
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aww, thanks the reply! you sound like such a a sweetheart for sure...... hope the results are exactly that you hoped for!......

thx for the advice too,.. ahh! i am so scared of makign the decision that i THINK i want to make(??)(!) hahahaaaaaaaaaaa...

stay beautiful~~
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Hi fallenangel... my knowledge is nothing compared to many other forumers here :smile:
I don't think the ointment is for the swelling.. and yes don't suffer yourself from the itch..
Btw, keep your fingernails trimmed short & filed ... as we are sleeping, sometimes we can accidentally scratch or rub our eyes.. I did that too.... :sad: but the funny thing was that many times I subconsciously stop it abruptly or gently scratched my eyes in my sleep hahahaa
When do you think you can apply some make ups? Did you ask dr Kwon bout that?
Have a good one :smile:
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hahahaa, aww, yours was probably a LOT less gruesome because it's really the bone works part that were a little hard to watch for me (i'm pretty hard to gross out for reference hahhah)....... and surgical thread doesn't really count as implant :smile:! they're just holding things together :smile:! oen of my good good friends has actually screws in her body from breaking bones so now i'm not sure how i feel....... still prefer no foreign obejcts left inside me from surgery if i get any though hahaaaaa...

happy healing kkkkkkkkkkkkkim120! you seem like such a fun person! :cool:
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nono worries, cocomo! i'm so glad you found it informative too! for me, it'm one of those people that want to KNOW what exactly they're gonna do hahahhh....... i know mydoctors must be so annoyed by meee jk!

happy researching??? how's it gonig??
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