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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Tks Emisa, indeed it has been a relief to blog alittle on the forum, and seeing the flood of replies. It has been encouraging and I do feel better letting people on the forum know more about my experience. Hope it'll benefit those who have yet to go through the surgeries to have a better idea of what to expect and also to better equip themselves before plunging into a life changing experience.

Oh, hope your gathering at MBS on wed will be a good one! :smile:
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Hey Via, thanks for the link. I found it really insightful and it gives me hope that I'm really going to see positive results very soon. :smile:

I'm resting alot currently, as I can't go out to face people much just as yet, and I can't wait to move around like before once I'm looking better, as it gets really boring for me now, staying home everyday. So here I am, updating the forum everyday. Haha
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Hey vny, I totally understand how confused you may be feeling now, as I was in the same situation just barely 2 weeks ago. I think the best bet is to go with a surgeon u feel comfortable talking to, have a translator who can clearly translate what you want to the doctor, as you wouldn't want the doctor to decide how you should look, but rather, be able to communicate what your expectations of the surgeries are, the kind of look you are going for, and whether it can be achieved on your facial features.

After what I have been through, I do think having good aftercare is important to a patient's well being, physically ( as in taking care of your wounds such as disinfecting for you, changing the dressing every alternate days for hygiene etc) and mentally ( giving you assurance you're healing well and they are there for you through this period of time). But of course it is only how I value it, some people may disregard aftercare service so long as the surgeon is able to deliver results and the price is reasonable. I will prefer the full package and actually wouldn't mind paying abit more for good aftercare.

Of course price is also a factor to consider, after all, we all do go to Korea with a budget in mind. So long as you've found a surgeon you can place your trust in, price is secondary as you can do a slight negotiation to bring it closer to your budget.

I suggest you not to rush into doing the surgery like I did. I felt I had no choice as I had only planned 7 days for recovery and flew back to my country right on the day of removing my stitches. Because you will hate yourself for making a hasty decision and not giving yourself the chance to seek another clinic or surgeon's advice. I am still crossing my fingers I did not make a wrong choice, although mine was a carefully thought, yet hasty decision on my part due to the short amount of time I had in Korea. Please don't make a mistake like I did. If given a chance, I will have seek more clinics for advice, and even if at the end of the day I still ended up choosing to do my surgeries with Grand, I will have felt more at eased, knowing I made a choice, out of the many choices I have, rather than wondering now what if I had done the surgeries with another clinic, will it turn out better and different? Will other surgeons also suggest the same method or take a different approach? You know what I mean?

All the best to choosing the right clinic, I hope you will have a great result! Stay positive and don't worry too much if you have decided on a clinic already! Trust your instinct!!
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I am still keeping you in my thoughts and hoping for the best results! :heart::heart::heart:
I hope you are holding up well! :smile:
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Hey Eightbelow, I guess we are all in the same boat... All we can do now is pray for a positive result and be diligent with our own aftercare, by eating the right food, doing cold and warm compresses if it still helps. I understand how u feel about going with the choice of doc that Sha**77 has recommended becoz I was also listing Bk as my one of my choices as well until another forumer told me to give it another thought. It must have been hard to only know the truth after the surgery. Dun dispair, I believe the surgeon's skill aren't that bad, only thing is they are always way overpriced for their services.

I agree with you my stay in Seoul was way too rushed, as even if I do opt to stay longer, it would have been their holiday break for their mid-autumn festival. So in fact I will be lengthening my stay for an additional 1 week with no potential benefit of seeing the doc or nurses for aftercare nor be able to remove my stitches in time before they closed their clinic for holiday. So which explain why I only stayed for a week, just sufficient time to be able to remove stitches. I guess this is a lesson learnt, to better plan for a surgery trip way beforehand so that I can anticipate and accommodate any changes during the stay in Korea. I had planned 2 months in advance but not in detail, until the last one week or so before the trip.

Let's hang on and pray our recovery will reveal some good results yah!!!
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Unfortunately, my Korean is quite limited. I'm actually leaving from Canada, by the way would you happen to have kakaotalk haha

Wow thank you so much for writing that detailed post about what to eat, it's very helpful to a lot of people (and me) who are going to Korea for Ps in the future! :biggrin:
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Wassup KK:smile:

Appreciate your kind thoughts.

I am progressing from a male avatar (if u rem how they look [yucks!]) to a female avatar now... Some of my friends said I look .... kinda good while some said:"u look weird"....

Anyway, other than my right eye squints and my nose is swollen, I can say my profile looks way much better than what I used to be. I can only pray that my ROI yields me a 100% satisfaction :smile:
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Thanks Emisa! Hmmm fat graft sounds very tempting... maybe I will get it done then try to go for a 2nd fat graft 6 months later... I'll see how it goes in the consultations. I think I'm gonna plan on coming in March too being that it's not during peak season. If I could meet up with you guys that would be awesome! Please let me know :smile:
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Wow, that's quite scarey! You are conscious and hearing everything?! How long were you conscious for?
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Thank you for the information. That really helps. Bargaining at a hospital, who would have known! Do they try to skimp out on other things if they give you a cheaper rate? For example, using a different type of anesthesia or cheaper material for implants or something?
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I am just afraid that becuase they seem to be so popular, they will not take the appropriate amount of time to do a "foreigner's" procedure. I mean if a celebrity's face is on the line, I am assuming, they would take a great deal of time and effort... I am just not sure if they will with mine as well... I just hope they're not so busy and flocked with patients that they rush through procedures.... =S

I have never heard of lip procedures other than injections to make them look more "plump." Actually... I recall my friend telling me about getting a little bit of liposuction around the corners of her mouth becuase she thought it made her look "puffy." Apparently, it didn't help much... She got it done in the U.S. However, I am not sure about turning the corners of your mouth up. Let me know more infomormation if you found out ^^
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Thank you for your suggestions. That sounds great! I am going to try that. VERY excited!!!! =)
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I just read that you were coming from Japan^^ I just wanted to know, aren't there a lot of great surgeons there too? I heard that plastic surgery is pretty big there too~ ???
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WOW!!!! Your nose looks excellent!!!!!!!! I am speechless... Which clinic did you go to and how much was the procedure? Did you get anything else done?? =)

Thanks in advance for sharing!
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Wow, that's so scarey! Would you be able to share which hospital it is? Perhaps by pointing us to it discretely? E-mail or something? I did hear that Korea does not have any malpractice laws.... It's quite frightening... Even though it might be a rare case.... ???
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