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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Cocomo u're right, it's pretty big here, it's still hush hush, but Now adays I see more people with a nose job on the train or eyes done... What I've noticed, they opt for less invasive and quick surgeries. ( e.g using threads for lifting, eyes or nose surgeries )
If u wanna know where to check to compare, these are some of the famous ps clinic in tokyo
Takasu clinic

Shinagawa biyougekka



If u like a really subtle change, I think Tokyo is the place, surgeons are really into details and natural look

But Seoul, people flocking around their clinics for invasive surgeries, it's not a taboo thing, by the numberI suppose the surgeons there got more experiences...

Sorry my English is rusty~~~

Hope it helps
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I am so sad to hear this. I really do hope that your face will get better soon. =(
It must be very difficult to be going through this dramatic time in your life and I really appreciate you sharing this burden with us.
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Emisa thank u for sharing everything u looked really great^^ btw u've mentioned that you still have a stiff expression... How does it look when you laugh ? Would you mind to take a picture of u smiling ?
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Hi ladies,

So I'll be flying to Korea this Wed (Oct 3rd) for a nose job. I made a consultation appointment on Fri (Oct 5th) and then going straight into surgery after. I know, its crazy! But my girlfriend who lives in Korea had her eyes and nose done at BK w Dr. Kim Byong and she looks great! Oh and her sister got her nose and eyes done there as well :smile:

My gf's experience wasnt bad at all, she said she wasnt in too much pain during the recovery process but she did complain that it took about 3 weeks for the swelling to go down.

Anyhow, I'll give you guys an update on the surgery and the recovery process. Please wish me luck! and feel free to send any questions. I know this a huge investment on time and money so I would like to help answer any questions if i can :smile:
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Hi :biggrin: the clinic I went to called " Chanel" clinic, I usr silicone with ear cartilage, that cost me 2500 AUD :smile: I only did nose job lol, but plan to do cheek bone as well, will consultation first lol
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Hi guys, it's been a looonngg time since I visited this website. Last time I was here, I think there was less than 150 pages. :huh: So, as you can imagine, I'm a little overwhelmed with the 400+ pages of posts. I should go back and read through all the pages, but I can't seem to bring myself and my eyes to do all that reading. So I would really appreciate it if anyone knew any good plastic surgery clinics/hospitals for the following surgeries. Price really isn't an issue, so long as my surgeon is experienced and well recommended.

1) V-line surgery
2) Jaw+mouth protrusion surgery
3) Hollow under eye surgery (would a fat graft fix this?)
4) Aegyo-sal/loveband eye surgery.

I'm so overwhelmed right now. There are sooo many clinics to pick from, but I don't know where to start. Help? :sad:
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if you are just depending on what other suggest where you should go
or to which clinic is the best, and depend on it
i would say, just bet your luck
Its your face u should do your own research
i have read almost every post, did a research for 1,5 year
and went to seoul, but when i was there
because the clinic also give other suggestion
i was still confused and could not make a decission about
mine cheek and jaw.
and if i look at your list, its not a short list
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You should definitely go back and try to read some.. maybe 100 pages or so? lol. A lot of people have gone recently and documented their experiences which of course has been very helpful!

I don't think anyone on here has had loveband surgery if I remember correctly... when are you going?
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What is a Jaw+mouth protrusion surgery? Is it the same as the two-jar surgery? I believe most reputable clinics perform that now. Email them all and see how detailed their responses sound. If possible, call their English lines. Finally, book consultations with the ones that you feel most comfortable with, and visit them in person.

Keep in mind that facial bone surgery requires a one-month stay in Korea. So budget both money and time accordingly!
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Hmm.. I'd say about 45 mins. Maybe longer, or shorter. I had my eyes closed the entire time and just trying to distract myself by listening to the radio and singing along to the songs in my head lol.
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Just realised you were talking about GA whereas I had LA, sorry! You will most likely pass out during GA than LA, so don't worry! And even if you do wake up like I did, you won't feel anything!
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Dear cocomoMadness
I gathered u r probably right. Maybe korean plastic surgeons only work for Korean celebrities and local. Foreigners seem to get a lot rush surgeries and rough post op care according to the feedback here . Maybe they only looking at the dollars :sad: sad ++ And honestly I am a bit scared and disapointed now! I was all so excited abt it!

Lip procedure :smile:
I am extremely unhappy abt my mouth as my mouth opening is very small , thin lips plus the corner of my mouth seems drooping a lil bit. So when I am tired or not smiling ,ppl constantly asking me: r u upset? I am not!! Hate it ><
I did some reasearch on this, there's a procedure called : mouth corner lift surgery which can treat my problem . However not many Australian surgeons offer this kinda of surgery . I did find an U.S surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn seems to be very experienced in this area. He based in Michigan. Has anyone ever heart of him. He was rated the top ten plastic surgeon in US. Any idea?
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Definitely! Especially before we both left to Seoul I remember all the emails we were sending eachother back and forth! Plus when you have finished the surgery you really feel you've gone through a lot! I really wish we had been able to meet up in Seoul, but the only time I had available was that time I asked to meet you at the station (before your surgery).. But nevermind. It's all done and over with. Its been three weeks since my nose surgery and it is still swelling a bit, but there's no bruising and I can breath fine. I'm also taking bromelain and vitamin c too. I've stopped taking arnica coz didn't think it helped me all that much.

It's weird.. The whole trip to Seoul and the surgery seems like a blur as I'm back at work now and no one seems to have noticed the new nose (which is a good thing I think)

Try not to think too much about when the swelling will go down etc. Just take your suppliments and do some walking everyday like its clockwork routine.
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