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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hi illumi,

Can you tell me where you did your rhinoplasty? are you satisfied?
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Hi ephemerals,

you tried teuim? can you tell me how is it? it is in one of my choice.
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well, online they have received many rants and no doubt dr kwon is a great eye surgeon, but i guess the before after pictures they posted online aren't all that great compared to say banobagi or jewelry (in my opinion). if you're going for the natural look, sure, that can be great but i'm looking for something more (but still natural) of course. that said, please do go for a consult.

i'm sure most of the surgeons in the famed clinics of korea are adept enough to do something as pedestrian as double eyelid, so it really then depends on your idea of beauty vs the surgeon's idea of beauty, and of course, price. for that you have to personally go down and experience it yourself. :smile:

oh btw, if you observe carefully, each clinic has their own style of eyes/noses etc. HTHs!
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thank you for your reply.i read some reviews about banobagi that really scared me.it was like the doctor didn't put enough anaethesia causing trauma to the patient.

i saw one of your post saying that you are currently in seoul.what surgery you decide to do?
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hi dear, primary surgery? i can say almost all the clinics are good but you gotta find the right doctor that listens to you :smile:
The really famous ones are, i only know these few but my safe bet is regen, i am really impressed with that clinic but they are so busy you'd better schedule an appointment early and if you read back a few pages, there are many reviews on rhinoplasty with regen :smile:

1. regen
2. banobagi
3. migo
4. Cinderella
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thank you for telling me.how about epicanthoplasty ? which clinic is good?
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dear you need to know what kind of eyes you like? dolly or natural subtle change? and also your eye condition
i believe jewelry has this new method of making your epi pointed slightly upwards to make your eyes brighter (according to my friends), i did not undergo eye surgery.
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natural is the best..i want it to be bigger and look natural..can you tell me which doctor? does the result look good? i want a doctor that will listen to me rather than keep insisting me to do what he say..
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