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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Regarding food, there's a lot of Korean eateries around E guesthouse or hospital but most are a bit pricey. There's no fast food eateries around, except for 1 Subway sandwich joint nearby n Paris Baguette (I eat here everyday) for sandwiches. For MacDonalds n KFC, u need to take a train to Itaewon station which is a more touristy area. Buy your own juice n bread for breakfast.
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For shopping ( shopping in Seoul is great!), I recommend Dongdaemun - Good Morning Shopping Mall, Tigliore n Doota. Lots of reasonable price shopping here. Outside e malls, there are stalls that sell good stuffs too. N e underground shops r great too. Next stop - Myeong Dong. Here, u find shops like H&M, Zara n other small shops. Near e hospital, walk down Garuso Road - there are many pretty shops here, but prices r higher.
When u want to go back to airport, take e airport bus, cheap at only KRW15,000 ( around USD8). Fast n easy, take u straight to terminal. There should be a bus pick up station near the hotel u stay in.
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Hi Susan,
Glad to hear that you're happy with your result, mind to share how much you paid for your upper eyelids surgery? Did u book dr. Kim here in sg during their monthly consultation, or u engage translator to shop around before confirm?
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Hi Susan,
What is the name of the guesthouse that you stayed?
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BK hospital is very clean, modern n efficient. 15 story hospital next to Sinsa Station (exit 4) . E staffs are all polite n courteous. Most speak some English, but there are English consultants to assist you at every visit. After u arrive, you go for a very fast consultation with the doctor, then, you priced to have the procedure done. It's all over very fast. Even the sedative injection is painless, u don't even feel it! No side effects from sedative. Only a bit drowsy after waking up. Drowsiness goes away after 1 hour. But must fast for 8 hours before procedure, so request for procedure to be done as early as possible, around 10.30am, so u can go eat after that. Healing is quite fast, but depends on each individual. Ice packs are given to help swelling subside.
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To Bacardi Breezer: Hi! I paid USD1500 (SGD1900) for Lower Blepharoplasty n USD1500 for upper Blepharoplasty. I was recommended by my colleague who has it done there. I requested for Dr Kim as he is the Chief n Director. He's really good. He comes to Singapore every 2-3 mths. His next visit is 4 May.u can book all your appointments online. The guesthouse belongs to the hospital, so they provide few days free stay for eir international customers. It's a cute, small, cozy room. But better to make full payment in Singapore, as if u pay in Seoul, e Seoul government tax 10% extra. U can make paymentsninto the hospital's OCBC account in Singapore. Pay into their SGD OCBC account, better than their USD account. U will need to pay 30% deposit to book a date for your procedure n to reserve guesthouse n hotel reservations. I am going BK again year after next to do fat grafting to remove e ugly folds around my mouth n frown lines. It will cost me another USD3500. But it's so worth it! When u go to e hospital, an English consultant will assist you at every visit. U can visit my Facebook to see my pics (Susan tan Lin NEO, I can add u).
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Dr. Hong can't speak English? So I definitely need to hire a translator?

There are 2 noblesse hotel, one at Yeoksam, Gangnam; another one at Dongdaemun, which one are u referring to?
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For payments : it's recommended to make full payment to the hospital beforehand ( can credit into their bank account). This is bec if you make payments in Seoul, the Seoul govt charge 10% tax! This is foe non medical cosmetic surgery. Started a year n a half ago. An initial 30% deposit is required to confirm surgery day n time, n for guesthouse and hotel reservations. U can book all reservations and appointments online at the BK website. U can also view the pre n post procedure pics for every procedure. E pics are for real ( no pthotoshop!) my eyes do look like e ones in e post op pics now!
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It's better to have the procedure done in colder months of Feb-April, as e cold weather helps hasten e healing process. Ice packs will be provided n u néed to apply ice packs everyday to resize swellings. Swellings r worst on 3rd day, but gets better quite quickly in next few days. In 10-14 days, most swellings of lower eyelid would have subsided a lot. Bruising depends on individual. Mine was very minimal ( slight reddish bruising around eyelids, later yellow, then none). But some ppl have darker brushings but they go away quite fast. For all swellings to subside, about 2-3 mths later. Final result around 6 mths later. But very painless n hardly any discomfort. No worries!
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U can visit e BK DONGYANG website. It gives full details n can view pre n post op pics, and u can send your pic to them n enquire about the procedures. interested in, they will email u the answers. But once u r decided, best to meet up w E doctor personally. He will take pic of your face, n email u answers to yr questions. All appointments n reservations can be done on their website. U can email them yr questions n their consultants will email u e answers. I really like BK DONGYANG . They r professional, courteous staffs n made my experience there so good, I enjoyed it!
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Hi Susan, thanks for your info, I'll go for their consultation here in sg next month. Btw, I try to find you on Facebook but cannot find u, may I have your email address please?
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But it's better if u can go with a friend, so hotel costs can be lower. N more importantly, after e procedure, u will be a bit drowsy, so it's better if u have someone to walk u back to e guesthouse or yr hotel. If u alone, try asking e hospital to ask a staff to walk u back to e guesthouse, it's only 5 mins away.
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To BacardiBreezer : u can mail me at [email protected]. (l for London, n for Norway, not 1ya). What procedure u want to do? I can mail u my pre n post op pics. I can't wait for 5 mths more to see e final result. M really happy that my eye bags r gone, n e shape of my eyes r so much nicer! No more sleepy n droopy eyes!
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Hi Susan,
Check your inbox, I've just email u..
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