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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hey dan4me !! Didn't you have your nose done at Regen? I was wondering if you could tell what method did their used for a higher bridge, silicone or Gore-tex implant? How much did it cost? Also could send me a B&A picture, I would appreciate it so much. I want to go to Regen for my nose job and this will help make my final decision. Thanks soo much ! My email is twinklinglilstars@yahoo.com
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Nope, I did it at BK. :smile:
I sent you email. I used silicone for nose bridge and septal cartilage for nose tip and hump removal for 4500 USD. It was done by Dr. Hong. My cheekbone and v-line were also by him aswell. :smile:
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can i see before and afterr as well?
am japanese and visiting korea this summer
yu seem to have good experience, please share!
thank you very much!
email :

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Hello everyone!

My friend and I are considering getting our eyes done sometime in July and I am so happy to be able to chance upon this forum!

But there are simply too many pages to browse through, but thanks to you forumers, I am able to gather information about reliable plastic surgery clinics in Korea!

You guys are like doctors! All those medical terms! I only know about rhinoplasty and some epic plasty haha.

I am on a tight budget (T-T) but I plan to remove the hump on my nose, get double eyelid and fix my asymmetrical eyes. Can anyone recommend good and relatively cheap clinics? They say Dr Kim from BK is good with eyes? Anyone can give an approximate price?

He is coming to Singapore on the 5th and I'm going to meet him for consultation! So excited!

Also, is closed or open rhinoplasty better? I understand that closed is cheaper and there is lesser swelling...

Please give your advice! You can send me your pictures at melissachanph@gmail.com!
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OMGosh I already have oily skin! Will that affect my recovery?
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hi susan58

the email that i got for B&A pictures, is that from you?
thanks anyway even though i never requested from you :P
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hi caitlinlim,

how much did u pay for all procedures?
can u tell me the breakdown of the cost?
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make-up base from Chanel is the answer. :graucho:
it really controls oil during the day. I originally have oily skin, and still oily but this product saved me big time ! :smile:
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No. It will not affect your recovery. Korea's air is drier than SG, so it will help during your recovery. Your face will be less oily vs having your recovery in SG. Oh yes, you will have more oily hair during the first week after op. So... do find a salon near your place, or find ways to wash the hair yourself slowly. :biggrin:
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haha. I'm using an oil control toner bought from my facial center. Will give that a try after I've used that up. ;)
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Hi all,

I have booked my travel to Korea from 5/15 to 5/31. I am consulting with Regen, Banobagi, Oz, and Grand for fat grafting, revision tip rhino, and maybe V-line surgery. Are any forumers going around that time? Maybe we can meet up for company/support.
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Hi Susan88,
Would you mind sending me your B&A surgery for your eyes with BK?
My email is michellejaines@hotmail.com.
Thank you very much!
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