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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Is there a place where the email addresses of all the Korean plastic surgery clinics are listed in one place? I am trying to find the emails for Banobagi, ID, Item, Grand and Oz but their websites aren't very helpful.
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Here are the websites for the clinics you're asking for:

Banobagi - [email protected]
ID - [email protected]
Item - [email protected]
Grand - [email protected]
OZ - [email protected]

I contacted all of them and they all got back to me within a reasonable amount of time. Hope this helps! :cool:

And yeah, I have trouble with Korean plastic surgery clinic websites too. :mad:
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Are there any other translators other than Zoe, since she seems to be fully booked a lot? So does it mean she'll go to more clinics with you if you pay her more?
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Awesome! Thank you!!!!!

Do you have one for jewelryand BK as well, by any chance?
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I know this is from further back but can you define what "frequently" means? Like twice in one year, is that OK?
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Cool, I'm from Queens. We could all meet up when that time comes. Just keep in touch.

I'm awaiting Dr. Lee from Vip response.
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My big worry with these clinics is that I'll come out looking like another Korean girl. I'm Chinese. I'm happy being that and looking that way! Looking at Korean celebs and models you start to notice the same pattern: full forehead, perfect small and oval face, very high and pointy nose. You could actually call that the "Korean mold." I don't want to look like a cookie cutter Korean girl, I want to look like myself!

But since Korea is the only place that seems to offer affordable surgery and caters to Asian clients, I have been focusing there.
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If you get a lot of things done you soo definitely look like the k-pop celebrities. I'm in Korea right now and I haven't seen one person who looks exactly like what we see on tv. Maybe I haven't travel far enough. :P
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Are you saying the people on the streets haven't undergone surgery or that they just aren't as good looking at kpop celebs? :P
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Sorry, I know this is from waaaaay back, but I was wondering if someone could explain what this list is? It seems to be a compilation of bad reviews each clinic has received, and a ranking of best to worst clinics...?

They are scary sounding.

Edit: Does anyone have the email for Small Face?
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All right, I managed to email the majority of the clinics, but I am still missing the addresses of the following clinics:

Smallface (http://www.small-face.com/main/language/eng/eng.htm)
Midam (http://okmidam.com/)
O&Young (http://www.koclub.com/)
Bandoeye (www.bandoeyeps.com)

Checked all the websites but either the english sites don't load or I just can't find the email!
If anyone knows them can you please provide them?
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on the same part ? or different parts ?
twice in one year for the same part will be frequent in my opinion, but different parts, hm... I think it will be okay. :smile:
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[email protected] this was at the bottom of o&young's site
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It does not seem like english. I clicked the link but some korean letters popped out but no post was there. I think it's okay to ignore them. :smile:
Were you able to find Small Face's website ?
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