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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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I have not decided yet, but I think after Thanksgiving is a good time. I am from the Midwest. Thinking about Banobagi, BK and Regen. What about yours? What would you like done?
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Hey Bingu - hows your reseach going?
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Saw your visitor msg, but I must be really really bingu stupid I can't figure out how to reply or post! LOL

It's going... getting my quotes and such. I just keep getting all confused and panic and then I calm down when I see nice b&a's and then the cycle starts all over again haha!
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Haha, OK. You are too funny! I know I am getting a little panicky too, but also excited. Can you share the simulation pics? mia.ann2020@gmail.com
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Hi Bingu,

I dont mean to burst your bubbles, but ive read some bad reviews about Wonjin. please go to cozycot's cheekbone reduction page 367.

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Emailed =]

I'm probably not going to make any final decisions until my in-office consults. In the meantime I am trying to read every forum in existence with PS personal experiences and infos xP
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Oh yeah... photoshop magic lol. But I do like their suggestions. And they're the only ones giving me a visual idea of what the proposed procedures may do.

Definitely no final decisions until I consult with places in person, though.

I just wish there was an easier way to find reviews both good and bad for all these different clinics.......
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Hi, I just signed up because I hope to do rhino to my very flat Asian nose. Can someone share who is the best nose job surgeon in Korea & the recovery time? Or is there any one in Singapore? Thks!
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I'm Day 4 post op and my head is still like balloon. I am on a liquid diet for a week. The recovery would have been a lot quicker/easier without the V-line surgery.

As for my nose, i only refined the tip. Dr. Lee at Banobagi lifted my columella and I think he sutured the lower cartilages together to make the tip more narrow. He also re-adjusted the old ear cartilage graft that was there from before.

My primary rhinoplasty was 3 years ago and it was done very sloppily. I had an oversized silicone implant in, the ear cartilage graft on the tip was uneven and had a bump, and the nose was overall deviated. I ended up taking out the silicone implant 6 weeks after the surgery and left the ear cartilage in.

I chose not to have any implants anymore because it does not suit my face. I already had a decent bridge and a good profile view. I have a flat face so a tall nose makes me look like a bird. Otherwise, I don't really have any problems with silicone if it's done properly. If you're not sure about augmenting your nose, silicone can be a good choice because it is very easy to remove, unlike Goretex and rib.
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Hi, can email me your B/A pics? Thanks!

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thanx for sharing!

omg liquid diet for a week!? u poor thing!

which doctor did ur first nose job?

after hearing about a few opinions from other girls who've gone thru nose jobs i think i will give silicone a chance - but only using an I-shaped silicone

i know theres a good percentage that need revision after silicone but theres also a lot of success stories and u really dont know how ur body will react to silicone until u actually try it

ive heard about a girl who got rib for her first nose from VIP, she didnt like it cos it was too big and she had a lot more difficulty finding a surgeon to do revision for rib

i was so stressed before trying to figure out what implant to go for so i could avoid revision but i think ive now come to terms with it

the only way to guarantee no revision is to not do any surgery and im too vain to do that lol
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