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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hi Want2bepretteh,

How much you pay for the Lip reduction?
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hey sorry the messaging feature is not available on my account yet.

i am not sure if i can go with you guys yet until i confirm by next month. when are you booking flights and accomodation?
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hi Keiki,

the total cost of 2 jaw surgery at ID were 18.5 million, that include a V line revision and a sliding genio plasty. i spend a total of 3 weeks there while i was in korea for my 2 jaw surgery. the first day i stayed at hotel which i shared with another guy. the cost per night were about 90k Krw. i only stayed for one night there. the following day i switch over to EV chain. and that cost 50K KRw per night. i stayed for 2 night before moving to Bangrang motel where i stayed for about 5 days. the total cost for 5 night at bangrang were about 80K krw. then the last 10 days i stayed at la casa hotel. i think it was like 150K krw. it was quite expensive. this doesn't include the cost of food, taxi, subway fee, all the little thing that eventually add up to a lot.

yes, there will definete bleeding that occur after 2 jaws, mostly from one side of the nostril. it can get pretty annoying some time. someday you wake up to a bed sheet soak in your blood. not a pretty sight. when you not bleeding from your nose, you're swallowing it, which again doesn't taste all that nice if you can imagine. bleeding is just one part of the challenge you have to face. i have yet to mention about the ache and the pain. not being able to communicate properly because the inside of your mouth swell up like you have a tennis ball inside of it. and all these time i was alone by my self. it can get a little depressing some time. i had friends who stayed in the same hotel as me. but i was pretty much on my own. if you ever decide to go outside, you have to wear a mask to protect you from both the element and odd stare. eating is another challenge. i was sucking down soup every day for 2 weeks while i was there. you can't bite into anythig harder than liquid. soup and jello were part of my diet... and vitamin water as well. anyone thinking about sheding a few pound might want to consider having jaw surgery LOL. i lost 20 pound while i was in recovering mode. i kept trying to keep my pants above my waist the whole time every time i go out, which trust me you won't be doing often, cause the swelling will kept you indoor for most of the day. the only time i ever step out side of my hotel is for my appointment at ID. other than that, i spend the majority of my time in bed watching re run on HBO. my advice to those thinking about having 2 jaw surgery is be strong. on my worse day i would stare into a mirror and asking myself what the hell did it do this to my self, putting my self through all this pain. its almost impossible to maintain your composure when the pain become umbearable. there are good days and bad days. fortunately for me i had enough good days to off set any bad days i had :smile:

for some reason i can't post any picture here on this forum. so shoot me an email and i'll send you my b/a


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hope your recovery goes well! hang in there :smile: i don't know much about 2 jaw surgery...what is it for? correcting asymmetry?

please could you send me your b/a pictures to [email protected]
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We haven't book the flights & accomodation yet, still look up to get some good deal. :graucho:

If you wanna join us, please let us know.
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Hi vivi,
i am from singapore as well. and keen to go korea for some renovation.
when are you going? have you found a good hospital yet?
would you like to go together?
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Hi Shane!
Kudos to you for going through all that pain :smile:
I'm considering getting two jaw surgery done in July. My asymmetry doesn't exceed more than 5 mm but I have a severe overbite I would like to fix. I've seen the procedure do wonders with underbites but I'm not sure if I qualify for two jaw surgery. Have you seen anyone with an overbite take this route? All the clinics I've emailed and called say they won't know until they see me in person and do an X-ray.

How long was the surgery itself in combination with your V-line and sliding genioplasty? How long did it take before you could go outside without a mask (looking relatively normal)?

My parents have dentist friends who have warned them that two jaw surgery, if done wrong, will cause long-term problems with chewing and eating as one gets older. Did you have similar concerns before undergoing the surgery? I'm determined to convince them to see things my way.

Thanks in advance! :smile:
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Hi. I will be gg in early Aug. Hw abt u?
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Hi is anyone going to Korea in July? My friend, and another forumer is touching down in Korea on the 1st of July, and will be booking consultations on the 2nd/3rd of July! The forumer is looking for someone to share accommodation if possible!
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I'm so confused. I have sent my pictures to many clinics, and most clinics suggested silicone implant and claims that it is safe. However, VIP suggested I use rib cartilage because implants has a high risk of infection.

I don't know which clinics to go to. How do you guys make your decision?

I'm thinking of going for both lateral and medical epi, double eyelid surgery and mild ptosis correction, and nose reduction. Should I go to BK? Despite the bad attitude reviews, they seem to be the best at what they do.
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Hi. I will be there from 04 Aug - 10 Aug. I am considering either Banobagi or YNY for eyelid surgery.
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