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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hi Shane,

Initially i m thinking to have my rhino at jewelry. After you mention your friend get infection, i need to consider others clinic. How much ID quote you rhino? Is Regen, shimmian good for rhino?
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Question, do clinics normally charge consultation fees. Just wondering, I plan on 5-6 clinics to consult with in Nov. So far ID is asking for a 50,000KRW fee.


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Which consultant you spoke with at ID. I think you may have spoke with Joanne. As nice as she is, her English conversational skill is not up to par. Sometime the way she explain certain procedure may not be very clear. I as having a hard time understanding Joanne in the begining and even now I still do. But I've grow accustomed to her speech. Now I can pretty much guess what she want to say before she even says it.there is actually another consultant named Irene that work part time I think at ID that has a much stronger command of English. I got a chance to speak with her just a day before my 2 jaws surgery and she was extremely helpful. She is Taiwanese and could speak English, mandarin and Korean very well.

I agree with you, you want to do it right the first time so. Better go with a
clinic that you're most comfortable with. Just as I did when I choose dr park over dr shin or BK. I knew dr park would be the better choice for 2 jaws even though I like dr shin better. You got to go with who you're most comfortable with :smile:
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Hi can you suggest the closest and cheapest hotel/motel near ID by any chance. I hope you have a quick and Healthy recovery. Thank you for sharing.
I'm going in a few months for a 2 jaw surgery at ID. Than after a month think of a rhino.

Anyone know if they have monthly rentals?
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Hey I am new here but I had read a lot of pages in this forum. I am not new to ps , last yr I was in Seoul for nose job at Real and was thinking of going back late July / early aug. Anyone want to buddy up? I know where to get translator too because I use one last time. I was in Korea for 2.5 months last yr and this time have plan to stay for at least 4 weeks or more. Don't think I can get pm so please leave me your email if u wish to travel together.:smile1
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I went for a consolation with dr jung at shimmian in may and consult was free! I do not know about the rest of the clinics though.

1 week before my trip, I emailed them saying i wanted to consult dr jung and a guy name Jay replied saying that consult was free and gave me directions to the clinic. So when I was in Korea I called and made an appointment.

Just to share my experience,

The whole thing was a breeze. Mr Jay works with the clinic and is a translator, I think. I went into a room with him and a female consultant first and she looked at my nose and asked me what I wanted to achieve and made recommendations while jay translated. After that I waited a while more and went into another room to meet dr Jung. He also made recommendations and showed me pictures of his pervious clients and talked about what his going to do to me. He speaks English but he told me his mandarin was better. (I'm Chinese btw, but I suck At it lol)

After that I went back to the first room with jay and the female consultant and they asked I would like to go ahead. I just told them no and I only considering surgery and I'm leaving in a few days. And they were fine with it.no pressure and I left. the whole thing felt really comfortable and professional.
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I'm sure in some way, jewelry Is pretty good in rhino. But if there don't provide good post op services, no matter how good your nose look in the end, if it's infected it really doesn't matter that much. So a good post op care package must be provided after the surgery. If you do your surgery at BK the very least there offer to put you up in their guest house near their clinic for a few days. Not have you leave their clinic as soon as you're done with the surgery.

ID quoted me 4.5 million for rhino revision which is a pretty good price for revision. But it's hard to schedule a surgery date with dr gim. That's how good he is with nose, and let's not forget.. He haven't had an infection case since 2006. That is always a good thing to hear whenever you're having any elective surgery. So I would recommend ID as one of the clinic of choice for your rhino.

I think regen could be good. Although I personally never known of anyone who have had it done at regen. I did went for a consultation at regen. And the price there quote were ridiculously high for what seem like a typical revision rhino surgery. The quote I gotten from regen for my revision nose job were 7.5 million fixed. Not using rib cartilage, just septal and ear cartilage with silicone for the bridge. I personally don't think thenprice is worth considering. You better off having it done else where at a much cost effective price.

But my primary choice for nose job would be dr shin of BK. twice dr shin did his magic for my eye and both time I am extremely satisfied with his work. I never feel comfortable having anything else done by another surgeon or another clinic. Dr shin would be my number one choice. Even for procedure I had never had done by him, he will be the first surgeon that I'll talk to before I visit anyone else. I know I'll get a straight answer from him every time.
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Anyone in spore have sinnech or bromelain to sell away? Otherwise any website I can buy them, I wasn't sure will there be a problem buying these drugs online. Anybody in sin can advise how you get hold of the med?

Sorry too many questions but just want to get ready to combat the football size head!
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Today is the second day since I had my lateral 3D done by dr shin of BK. And no surprise, I am really satisfied with result thus far. I know it's only the second day, but my room mate was shock to see how wide my eyes has become. I too notice that my eye is now wider and brighter then before. Dr shin did mention that the changes might be subtle but I think he was just being modest. It hard to imagine how good it will look 3 to 6 months from now. Mind you, I am still swollen a bit under the eyes. So the result that I am seeing now is still too early. Dr shin mention that as the months goes by, my eyes would only get bigger and brighter. even if my eye remain the same as it is now for the rest of mylife, i'll still be extremely satisfied. I can see my friend who also had her eye done by dr shin coming along very nicely. She did incision eyelid surgery with medial epi and epi 2D should I just did lateral 3D. Lateral 2 and 3D is pioneer by dr shin. So the way to get it is having it done at BK hospital by dr shin. I could be wrong since thisnisnwhatni've been told by Anna. So correct me if I'm wrong. Regardless if it is pioneer by dr shin or not, I couldn't be more happier by the way it turn out.
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I went to a VIP, Real and regen for consult last nov but they didn't charge any fee. But mid nov onwards all the big clinic will be busy bcos major exam just over and many student start doing consult as well as surgery so hard to bargain with price.
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Have u book you ticket already , I am going end July if time is not a prob for you do u want to make adj to go with me end July?
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Will u consider last week of July , I am planing to go around 26/27 July , because was on holiday till 24th I am pretty must firm on going just need to book the ticket and didn't want to do it too soon just in case I need to move the trip to match travel buddies date.
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Hey vivi!

I am from Singapore too want to buddy up? Maybe ppl think I am overactive in looking out for travel buddies here. I wish to book my ticket soon so that I can get a cheaper price and make sure hotel r available. As for consultation I can always decide later because I had done these before so I am not too concern about it. Further more I know ppl in Seoul that I can ask to make appt for a small fee. Actually with or without buddies I am going anyway but it will be good to have moral support and friends to kill time.

Can't wait to be back in seoul and meet up with friend there !
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I will be there last week July , first will hang out with friend for a couple of days then will do consultation 1&2 aug hope to get surgery 3rd...... Well thats my plan if it fit your timing let me know we could share the room pos surgeries.

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