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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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I would say that dr shin of BK did an amazing job with my ptosis problem. I had it done twice before having it done by dr shin and before shin, both time were a dramatic failure. Not only did dr shin fix my ptosis, he made my eye bigger and brighter. I get non stop compliment from people about my eyes as before my eyes were only of my worse trait. I just had lateral 3d done by dr shin of BK and already loving it, swollen and all. Talk to dr shin first. He will advice what you really base on the contour of your eye socket. Unlike other surgeon, he does all the measurement and calculation precisely. He won't suggest thing that you he felt you don't need and he will explain to you why you need something if you needed.
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Thanks my dear :smile: dr shin had always been on the top of my list. You won't be disappointed if younger your eye done by him, I guarantee it.
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I can't believe how great you look when I say you yesterday at hongkongphooey room. Damn, you 7 days post op didn't look one bit like my 7 day post op. Its as if you never had any surgery done. I'm so jealous of you bro. I look like a blow fish on my 7th days while you look like brad Pitt. It's just not fair :graucho: but so great to see that you recovering from your 2 jaws nicely. You should change your nick from Spartan warrior to 2 jaws warrior ;)
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The doctors are able to communicate in English. There are also two staffs who can speak chinese too. So there isnt really any communication breakdown. They are nice, I've recommended my friends there and they love the staffs there. However, I believe everyone's expectations are different. My mom is very satisfied with her results, that's why she's going back to ITEM for more jobs done haha. Their aftercare are fine but I believe our own aftercare is even more important. ^^
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I don't recommend you Bandoeye. I will up-load some photos of my result in a few days, and you will see the reason.
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I concur. I had v line and look like Alvin The Chipmunk, you have two jaw and look like you just walked off a catwalk. It's not fair and you are not a good example for one week swelling simply because err umm.... You don't have any swelling you lucky sod, most people look like Humpty Dumpty after 2 jaw, not you, what is your secret?
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Hongkonghooey & Shane - Joanne from ID told me that "Dr. Kim jun-sung is specialist in rhinoplasty in our hospital." Is Dr. gim another nose specialist at ID? How many rhino doctors does ID have? Thanks!
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Hahah this is too funny! But SpartanWarrior, I'd love to know your secret as well :smile:
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I totally agree with u on personal aftercare. When will your sister do lipo? I would love to know about her selections, cost quoted and suggestions for recovery care. I haven't done any ps before so I'm very curious and nervous about the procedures! I don't know how much to save up in total to get all the stuff I want done. I've only been to Seoul once for vacation...nervous about going alone. Thank u! :smile:
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Well like I told hongkongpooey I have always been active. I was in military for 5 years and I have never stopped running and exercises though right now my swelling is minimal I still can't move around a lot and have little strength left. My best advice is to run every other day for 30 minutes prior to surgery then after surgery walk 10 minutes every hour. It gets pretty boring walking in circles inside the clinic but believe me it helps!
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Hi Guys,

Yesterday was 8 Days Post Op For V Line, Sliding Genio, Revision Rhino, Paranasal Implant

First I had lunch with Zoe, not had any solid food for 7 days so she insisted it was OK to eat some noodles, she was right, they tasted lush. Slowly but surely I slurped my way through my soup noodles. Zoe was telling me all about her day then she got a call and had a cancellation from a girl that couldn't get time off work so if any of you guys still require the most caring translator in the world then Zoe has free slots but I know from being around her and speaking to other people she does get booked up fast so get in there quick.

Noodles down and time for my second check up. First I had all my stitches behind my ears removed, where they harvested the cartilage and where I had my blood drain tubes, it hurt a little, Zoe was so good she held my hand told me to stay calm. I hate pain. Second they removed the stitches around my nose, ok not too bad, then the stitches around my eyes, again not too bad. Then the splints inside my nose were removed, these are in there to help maintain the shape while new tissue forms. I can't say it was really really painful but it certainly wasn't pleasant, its an instant pain and once removed it was a huge relif as my nose passage was free to use, I could breathe halleilujah! I asked Zoe to translate every last detail, I was having a conversation with the Korean nurse and Zoe translated both ways so I knew what was happening next, this put me at ease. Finally my nose cast was taken off, Dr Gim had arrived in the room by now. The mirror was handed to me and ..... wooo hooo I am chuffed to bits, it looks just like the nose I ordered, I have Megan Fox's nose on my face, how bizzare is that! It looks amazing, I am so pleased, not to brag but I wear it well, it suits me. The bridge, the width, the length, all of it, just what I asked for. If you know me personally you will know I don't recommend people lightly but Dr Gim if you read this, you are the best Rhino Doc, thank you.

However there was a downside, as I am a slow healer and because it is revision rhino when the tissue grows and connects with the silicone implant it is softer tissue than if you were having virgin rhino. Dr Gim said I had not produced enough tissue to hold it in place so he put another cast on, what a bummer but hey ho so long as I get the nose I don't care, shame I have to maintain my undercover look with hat and face mask till Tuesday, I would don a trench coat but its too damn hot here!

Then Dr Park came in to check on my V Line progress. My stitches in my lower jaw and chin are all dissolvable, I think Dr Park did this intentionally as he knew I didn't have a clear 14 days before I flew home. My X Rays were on the TV screen and I asked him if I could have this emailed to me, he said no problem I will put it on a CD for you, so he asked the nurse to do this. I asked him a few questions that he can only answer after my operation. Apparently I have had 4mm reduced from my chin, this is called sliding Genioplasty, and around 2-3 mm shaved all around my jaw line, some massetur muscle removed too. This will give me a nicer slimmer face. You see, I really should have 2 jaw surgery but no way am I brave enough so everything I have had done will give the 'illusion' of 2 jaw hence the paranasal augmentation that will push out my upper jaw and the sliding genio to push back my chin. However I will always have a slight underbite and I am so ok with this.

Then off to the Face Clinic for my second facial. Personally I preferred the first facial. This one irritated my eyes a bit, having just had my stitches out they put this wet eye pad on me before going under the heat lamps but this time it stung my eye so I had to remove it but the stinging continued as it had seeped in. It ended with a cold face mask and no facial massage so facial number one beats facial number two hands down.

As you can tell my whole attitude has changed, everything is great and because I can now breathe out of my nose I slept a full 6.5 hours straight, something I haven't done since I got here 9 days ago. Also not to put too much of a finer detail on it, as I hadn't had any solid foods for so long I couldn't go if you know what I mean but it all went back to normal this morning.

Final check up next Tuesday and my posting will be shorter as there won't be much more I can help you guys with. I hope you have enjoyed sharing my journey so far.

Its now time to check out of Hotel Highland, I strongly suggest room 212, it's massive for 99million KRW per night. I'm off to another hotel for a change of scenery and going to actually do something today, I'm off to the market to buy some real fake handbags maybe.

Have a good weekend!
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