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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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hey ! dear everyone! does anyone of you know, where can I find the best rhinoplastic surgeon that he do the incision inside the nose NOT OUTSIDE please~~~~~

WOuld be really appreciated Q. Q
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How is it the incision from outside???
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Hi Hongkongphooey,

Thank you for sharing your stories with us.

May i ask you do you pay deposit to book the surgery date with ID hospital before come to Korea or you consult all the clinic after make your decision with ID? They are request to pay for USD1k for booking surgery date.

How much you pay for your revision rhino? Do you know which doctor good in eyelid revision in ID?

Thank you.
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Thank you...
I had revisional double eyelids. I had problem with my previous eyelid surgery, too high, too deep and asymmetry.
Here are some photos of my result of left eye.
It is still swelling, but I think it is failure. My eyelids cannot shut fully when closed especially with the left eyelid.
I asked other doctors about that. They say too much skin is removed and some of them also say I need skin grafting. I have to find a really good doctor for next revision.

hidarime syoumen2.JPG

hidarime shitamuki.JPG

hidarime toji.JPG
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Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you can get a revision done ASAP! It looks painful.
Did you get it done at Bandoeye? I can't believe I've heard such good things about them.
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Hi Michelin, so sad to heard about that. Cos revision eyelid need long recovery period and it's painful than a virgin eyelid operation. If you wish to do a revision again, make sure u have to wait after 6 months. This is what i heard before from this forum.
I jus done my eyelid yesterday, still can't fully open my eye nw.
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Room size is smaller than Highland hotel and the beds are very hard i prefer to sleep on couch that on bed since i gotta sleep sitting up and the bed is too hard for my butt. You can see pictures of the rooms at agoda.com I would rate the hotel 2.5 stars out of 5. They give you free water, a pc with internet and also there is wifi. free shampoo, rinse, soap though it sucks i suggest you bring your own. it's about 66usd per night through agoda for the small room. there is a mini fridge and a kettle to heat up water which i use to make my noodle soups which is the only thing i can eat after 2 jaw surgery besides shakes. i strongly suggest bringing a blender if you can, so you can make smoothies. best thing about hotel is the location which is 2 stops away from COEX mall and runs on the main subway line. Downside is that you gotta take 2 trains or a taxi to the clinic otherwise it's a 20-25 minute walk.

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There is a little bit of numbness and numb of sensation but that is normal with this type of surgery. as the days go by my nerves are slowly coming back. Dr Park is awesome and very good at what he does but he doesnt make miracles. you will be numb for a while but if you exercise your lips after surgery you will recover your senses quicker. and as you have probably read in the post i have an unusual fast recovery rate.:cool:

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highland is definitely more comfortable than star. also closer to clinic. 10 minute walk from what HongKongPoohey told me. good luck!

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Thanks for your compliment. Dr shin is a very special surgeon. Basically he will first evaluate your eye and do all his calculation and measurement. Then he will present you with a diagnosis of what he think is wrong with your eye and will suggest ways to fix the problem. Your can tell him what you want to have have done, but if for whatever reason he feel that what your wanted doesn't suit your face, he will provide a very good explaination as to why he feel you don't need it or why it won't look good on you. So you do have to share with him what you wish to accomplished after the surgery and he will tell you whether it is possible or suitable for you.

I haven't had any rhino yet done by dr shin, but I am keen to have him do my revision rhino after he did such a great job with my lateral 3D. I wouldn't feel right having another surgeon touch my nose other than dr shin. I originally thought i would have my nose done at ID cause ID cost for revision rhino is more reasonable. But i have so much faithnin dr shin that the extra cost mean nothing to me now. After my lateral 3d, I am reminded again why I choose dr shin in the first place to have my revision eyelid surgery back in January.

As for ID, other than dr park, I am not very familiar with any other surgeon there. You may have to ask hongkongphooey about that.
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This is the procedure. Contact ID and maybe 2 other clinics for consultation. If you speak no Korean hire Zoe via email she is a superb translator and a genuine caring person, she will book all the consultations for you, she has all the clinics on speed dial. Her price will be tailored to what type of surgery you want as each surgery involves different requirements from her. Ensure there are at least two to two and a half hours between consultations. After the consultations make a decision, Zoe will book the operation for you usually it's the next day, have the op as soon as poss you will need the recovery time as you won't want to fly back with stitches. You pay for the operation before your surgery, I paid cash and in full, I did not pay a separate deposit, try to pay in Korean won. You need to then complete a medical form, Zoe did mine as it was in Korean and its part of her service. Then you are on your way . . .
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As for revision eyelid I did not have this done but Shane77 has and if you read any of his postings you won't fail to see which doctor he recommends. However using two different clinics for two procedures maybe tricky, its possible but you may need to stay longer in Korea as there will also be a lot of running around for check ups between clinics. I used Dr Gim for lateral epi, it's still the eyes but it was lengthening not revision double. My revision rhino was around 4.5 million, hard to say as I got a discount because I had 4 procedures.
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I personally prefer Hotel Star than Hotel Highland. Star has a cosy warmer feel to the room, Highland room was bigger if you choose the grand rooms but lacked character. If you want to walk to the clinic choose Highland or Hotel Sunshine. If you don't mind taking the metro train book into Hotel Star. Like SparWar said, you change trains once, no big deal after you've done it once or twice and the metro station is a stones throw away whereas the other hotels the nearest metro is a good 10 mins walk. If I rewind my recovery, I would choose Hotel Star, it will only cost you a few dollars by taxi if you don't want to metro to the clinic.
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Today I just had my stitches from the corner of my eye removed. I am finally now without stitches. Fortunately my worse feared of losing my cleopatra eye line did not come into fruition. I can only hope that it become a permanent part of my eyes:smile:

Well as I mention in a previous post that after in had my lateral 3d, I was having some issue with bleeding coming from the right side of my eye. It wasn't an issue the first 6 days after my surgery. But after I started going off the ice pack and going on the warm pack, that's when the bleeding started. The first timemit occur was when I was out having Lunch with hongkongphooey and Spartan warrior. It came without notice and blur the vision from one side of my eye. The bleeding didn't occur in little dribble, but substantial amount which causes reason for concern. It happen again the following morning when woke up to blood on my bed sheet. When I went back to the clinic for my routine check up, I brought the issue up with the nurses and they assure me it was normal to experience bleeding. They try to explain to me the reason which I wasn't that impress. There were a lot of conflicting information between the translator and the nurse. I ask if I could speak with dr shin. But at the time he was occupied with another patient so I was ask tocome back tomorrow instead which is today when I have my stitches removed. Since I experience another bleeding incident this morning, I was even more keen to see dr shin to get his assurance thatbthe bleeding were normal. I dr shin in the elevator as I was leaving BK. I share with him my concern and just when he was about to explain everything to me, he has to leave in a hurry to get to another patient. I was totally gutted totally gutted that i didn't get the answer that I needed. So when I was in today to have my stitches removed, I ask the nurse if I could see him today. She told me that it would be impossible cause dr shin has a whole host of operation line up for him to do. I was quite disappointed, but just before the nurses lay me down to have have my stitches removed, in pop dr shin in surgical scrub who obviously look like he is still in the middle of an operation. Even the nurse and translator were surprise by his present in the room. He ask me how I was doing and I quickly share with him my concern. Not only did he assure me that the bleeding I've experience is normal, but he even took the time to explain to me the reason why I was expeirencing bleeding in my eye, which makes a hell of a lot more sense than what the nurse and translator told me. Not wanting to keep him away from his patient for too long, I said my thank you and he make his way out of the room. After I had my stitches removed, my friend who also had her stitches removed the time as me told me that dr shin visited her as well shorted after visiting me. While the meeting between us and dr shin were brief, just the fact he took the time to visit us after our procedure makes a huge difference. Another friend of mine who just had her V line and zygoma reduction surgery done by dr kim have yet seen him thus far. All she been seeing lately are the nurses and translator. I mean for Christ sake, she pay so much money to
For her surgery, the very least you make an effort to visit her once to ask how she doing. I know you're a busy man and all but have some courtesy.

Dr shin has assure me that after I have my stitches remove, I should not be experiencing any more bleeding. Thus far he's been dead on. I haven't had any bleeding then whole day after my stitches were removed. I'll see if i still experience bleeding in the morning tommorow.
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