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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Would you mind sharing Zoe's contact details pls? U can PM me on here :smile:

Thanks a bunch xx
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Hi Shane, thanks for the pics! When you emailed me only the 4th pic, I was thinking actually your eyes already looked pretty nice based on the post 2 jaw surgery (your profile pic on the left). Now that I saw your before eyes surgery pics, I could really appreciate what Dr Shin did for you. Great job on the revision.

I am still lost as to which doctor to go to for my rhinoplasty . Does Dr Shin speak English & any charges for consultation?
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Thanks for your compliment. Indeed dr shin did a great job with my eyes. I would highly recommend him for the eyes and nose. Speaking of nose, if you have no specific as to which surgeon to choose for the rhino, please strongly consider dr shin of BK. I know I haven't had my revision rhino done by Him yet, but if I could I would do it in a heart beat. Reason I have not done the rhino with dr shin is because he care enough to ask me to wait until I fully recovery from my 2 jaws surgery before I under go my revision rhino. Other surgeon would've just operated on me without considering my situation. Dr shin really look out for your need and would never recommend any procedure unless he feel it is to your best interest. Originally I was planning to have my revision nose surgery done at ID. Apparently ID has no issue with me going for my revision rhino a month after I had my 2 jaws surgery at their clinic. I didn't know that you're weren't suppose to do have rhino so soon after having 2 jaws until dr shin spoke to me and explain why. It turns out that when your upper jaw has been cut as a result of 2 jaws surgery, your septal cartilage will be damage. So if you're doing rhino which required tip projection, you can't use the septal cartilage, instead your ear cartilage will be used and dr shin would prefer to use only the septal cartilage to prevent additional surgery to your ears. unless it isn't enough then he will opt for ear cartilage, rib cartilage and donor cartilage aquired from a tissue farm. Dr shin were kind enough to explain why i should wait a little longer before I have my revision rhino. I am so grateful That dr shin share with me this tidbit of information that I wouldn't feel right not having dr shin do my nose as well. It only make sense thatbhe did such a wonderful job with my eyes that I could expect the same result with my nose. So do your self a favor and talk to dr shin. You got absolutely nothing to lose and every thing to gain. You owe your self that much to at least schedule a consultation with him and hear what he have to say. It won't cost you a dime and you won't feel obligated to have the surgery.

Hope this help.
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Sorry to hear of your traumatic experience at bandoeye. If ever plan to to revise your eyes, please talk to dr shin of BK. BK isn't cheap, but I can assure you that he can fix your eyes. Dr shin is known for eyelid surgery and fixing botch eyelid surgery. He did a wonderful job with my eyelid revision and I know he will be able to fix your eye.
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Thank you for sharing. I might be making a short trip to Korea 1st week of July so I plan on checking out ITEM, Grand and 365MC.
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hi ashimoto

could you pls share your b & a with me if you don't mind?
my email is tari_tigerlily @ yahoo dot com :biggrin:
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Hello everyone I am at 2 weeks post-op from 2 jaw surgery. Results keep getting better and better. I have more neck definition now and my screws and some stitches came out yesterday. It hurt a bit but not too much. Cheeks are still very swollen and it's hard to control lips and talk but I am getting better. At that. Still can't eat hard foods or chew for that matter but I can eat soft things like soup with noodles and sliced bread with marmalade or
cream cheese but I must cut it in very small pieces that I can swallow. I can't believe there is so much difference in only 1 week. I remember back to day 1 I felt like death. The pain was always there and I couldn't breathe through my nose. My vitals were low for the first night so my mother was worried. I had to stay awake and with eyes open for 6 hours after surgery. Horrible experience. The next day my vitals improved and my drain tubes and breathing tube were removed. This hurt a lot! I am glad I was not alone for this first few days. My mother and hongkongpooey kept me company and helped out to overcome those tough first 3 days. After that I regained my strength day by day and by day 7 I was walking outside already. I definitely recommend bringing a blender and lots of powdered and noodle soups in your bag because most of the noodles here are spicy flavored and you can't eat them after surgery. Good luck to everyone considering 2 jaw surgery. Try not do do it alone. Bring someone with you at least for first 3 days. :smile:
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wtf is BA
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can you post before and after pics? and what do you know about jewelry ps clinic?
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Hi there. I'm new to the forum and wonder if anyone can give some help.

I came to Seoul alone and visited 3 hospitals for two jaw surgery: ID, Regen and Banobagi.

I'm at a complete loss still in deciding on 2 issues: (1) will v line surgery make sufficient difference in correcting my facial asymmetry or do I need to go for two jaw? (2) Dr Park at ID or Dr Oh at Regen for two jaw or Dr Lee at Regen for v line)?

On the second issue,
I wanna go w ID but I'm experiencing major problems communicating with them. Regen is much more service oriented and at a minimum, I can communicate with their English translator. I'm extremely worried about communication issues post-op. I already contacted Zoe but she is not available all of this summer for either two jaw or v line.

I'm confused as ever. I was supposed to put down my deposit with either hospital today. Can anyone help me shed some light on the issue? I am desperate! Thanks in advance
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woooooooow shane is a boy!!!!! i have always thought i was talking to a girl..
i like your after photo alooot! happy for ya!! bad we cant meet in seoul, coz u'll be already gone then
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Congrats on the great recovery rate! I believe you are the person Joanne and other staff members raved about when I went for my consultation at ID.

I am in Seoul and have gone to see ID and Regen for two jaw and v line. I'm supposed to put down a deposit today but cannot decide between ID and Regen. Also, I prefer to do v line but am worried that it won't make too much of a difference to correct my asymmetry.

I'm alone and will have to go through th process alone post op as well. Zoe won't be available and I know I will have trouble communicating with ID for post op after care. Regen is much more responsive but somehow I think dr park of ID is better.

Are you well enough to help me shed some light on the above? I'm completely desperate and scared (and I'm typing on my iPad:sad:
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hey warrior!
shane told me you'll be in seoul till 7th! :smile:

i'll be there till 22nd of july
anyone of you wanna hung out? :biggrin:
especially walk off the swollen...D; and shopping! =D
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