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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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who was the surgeon who did your eyes? first and last name please. and maybe some before and after pics?
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hey shane. could you email me your before and after pics for both your eyes and your two jaw? my email is [email protected] thank you
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i havent been to jewelry but i heard they charge low fees which is good but also i have heard that someone got an infection after eye surgery. if you want pics pm me your email and i will send you some. and remember this is 2 weeks post op of major surgery so there is still swelling.
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Heheh, i thought the name shane is obvious. Not many girl if any with the name shane i would think :smile: but thanks for the compliment. I am scedule for a zygoma body reduction in august. Hoping to look much, much better :smile: too bad we can't meet. But im sure spartan warrior can keep you company. I already help you set the appointment on the following day that you arrieved in korea. Just tell them your name or speak with joanne and tell her that shane sent you.
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i cannot talk for other clinics but i can tell you dr park is really good and pioneer of 2 jaw surgery. he is also the one performing vline in ID. correction of assymetry depends on where the assymetry is found. if its on the chin or jaw line then vline can fix it. if its on mouth or cheeks obviously you need other type of surgery. pictures would help.
i had surgery with dr park so i can vouch for his skill. good luck in your decision.
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thank you! yeah i am probably that person. haha. for assymetry remember what i said before. it depends on where the assymetry is. you really should ask the doctors that to be sure vline will fix that. when is your surgery. i am in seoul until july 4. if you want me to be there for you after surgery i can do that. i know what it feels like to be out of the operating room without seeing a familiar face and everyone speaking a language we dont understand ^^,
Today me, shane and another surgery buddies are hanging out and bonding together. if you want to join us any of these days send me a pm or give me your email and we go from there.
best of luck whatever you decide to do. there is english speaking staff in ID so after care is not that bad. and try to negociate for 4 days to stay in hospital after surgery cause you need your rest and the nurse care is a big plus. you are paying for surgery so why not get the most out of your money. did you try calling joanne? i have her cell number if you need it. like i said pm me or give me your email and i will send you what you ask for.
good luck =)

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shopping with a girl? scary scary scary they take forever. lol. jk. yeah i am game. i have taken a few friends i met at ID already so i know a few spots in case this is your first time in korea. i am staying until the 4th of july. american independence day. i need to be home and celebrate. if you can pm me or give me your email i can give you my contact info and pics of before and after surgery if you are interested.
see you soon!
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Wow. Thanks for answering my post so quickly. I was a bit of a mess today and just got back to the hotel. R u guys still hanging out? I was supposed to leave for HK tomorrow, then will be back in about a week to do the surgery. The difficulty lies in making the decision because Joanne and Dr. Park seem to give different answers when it comes to whether the V line will provide th desired effect.

I would love to meet up if you are well enough. I'm in the gangnam area and can go wherever u guys want to go, if u r available. I can't ask my friends or family for any advice because nobody around me supports surgery. Would greatly appreciate if u can share your info, wisdom, experience w me.

I'm a new member therefore do not have PM privileges. But here is my email: [email protected].

If u see while u r still out, email me and I can give u my phone number. Am on whatsapp and kakaotalk!
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i dunno how to pm here.. my email is eastasiandreams at hotmail dot come..
dont be scared of me since i would be totally a pumpkin when you met me lol!
send poor lil first-time-korea girl an Email plz Q.Q
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Pls forgive me for my bad manners. Im typing on my iPad and entire sentences disappear on me. U r a total sweetheart for the advice you've already given. If we don't end up meeting up before I leave tomorrow, I still wanna thank u for being so generous:heart:33
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You're welcome! Hope you are slurping through the soups I left you. I agree, if anyone is about to embark on 2 jaw, please don't do it alone, it's very scary. Anyone undergoing any type of jaw surgery should bring lots of protein powder mix and as the warrior said, powdered soups, any food you can mix with water will help a lot.
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Hmmm I emailed you to that address but it bounced back. Are you sure it's the right one? Check spelling and domain.
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