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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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ohhhhh gosh i hate reading replys late :P I have already booked one accomondation under the help of clinic.. I should have seen this reply ealier. however, it could also be possible to change my dorm later.. if you have more space then =\ keep contact =D
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Please get your eyes checked for infection. When I had double eyelid surgery there was a little swelling and I could fully open my eyes within 2-3 days, after 7 days immediately after my stitches were removed I wore make up to cover the redness and you could not tell I had surgery. To reduce eye swelling you should apply cold packs as often as you can. Also swelling can occur later if you have dissolvable internal stitches.
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Are you choosing your docs based on how hot they are? For any facial contouring I recommend you go for a consultation with ID Hospital.
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I am back home but as promised here is what happened at my last check up. So I was 12 days post op for V Line with Sliding Genioplasty, Revision Rhino, Lateral Epi, Paranasal Augmentation.

First I had my 3rd and final facial at The Face Clinic, this is free if you have surgery with ID Hospital. This facial was the same as facial number 2 cold face mask but no facial massage as with facial number 1 which was awesome.

Then to ID where I met the lovely Zoe, my translator and now a friend. I had the stitches inside my mouth removed, no its not pleasant but it is bearable. It hurts when they pulled my lips back with the big lollipop stick as I am still quite swollen but this is the only way they can get to the stitches. Usually mouth stitches are removed 14 days post op but as I was flying home the next day they were removed early. Dr park said I had healed well enough for this. They left a few dissolvable stitches in my mouth so when I fly home it was extra security my wounds would remain closed due to cabin pressure, they did, I had no problem with my 11 hour flight except eating the food as I still can only eat soft foods like noodles and very slowly. So slow that the trolley dollys were clearing everyone's trays and I had just finished my starter!

I also met Dr Gim again, he checked my eyes, nose and Paranasal. Again I asked lots of questions I had prepared on paper, always ask questions. The plastic alien looking nurse removed my stitches and also cleaned the inside of my nose removing lots of dried mucus, a relief, I can now breathe even more. However there is a lot of swelling inside my nose as I have dissolvable stitches practically the whole length of the inside of my nose, this should completely subside in a month.

I have a lumpy scar, called keloid, by my left eye after lateral epi, I am a bit concerned about this but Dr Gim said it will go. Tip, never rub keloid bumps it will spread, always gently tap with your finger, another doctor told me this and you only get it if you heal too fast.

Then it was a sad goodbye to Zoe, I can not express enough my gratitude to her in helping me, especially immediately after surgery when i was panic stricken and in a lot of distress, Zoe if you read this you were my rock, thank you for everything without you I would not have come to Korea, you totally exceeded my expectations as a translator.

I also met and hung out with Shane77 and Karen his friend, Spartan Warrior and Mom who always spell my user name wrong! After initial 5 days of revovery, we did so much together, lots of tours, shows, dining in restaurants, shopping of course, chilling out and laughter, in fact I was having such a ball I extended my stay for 2 more days, no extra charges with Korean Airlines. I strongly suggest this to all of you try hook up with as many people from this forum as you can, looking back now I can truly say these guys changed my experience from just getting life changing surgery to an adventurous holiday, for that I thank you all.
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I had my stitches removed on the 4th day after surgery, no infection, just bruises and swollen make me can't fully open my eye. I ask the consultant about the swelling, she jus ignored and said it's need time for healing, at least 2 weeks to reduce the swelling.
I heard they said the 1st to 4th day use cold pack. After that is hot pack. I try to take anti flammation medicine to reduce the swelling since I dunno what can I do for the puffy swollen eye.
Thank you for the quick reply and helps.
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Actually the hot jewely doctor is no longer hot from what i heard. He gotten really fat and old. This is a direct quote from zoe. But i agree, you should never select a surgeon base on how cute or hot there are :smile:
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swelling is normal when you doing incision eyelid. Even non incision eyelid surgery you can expect some Minor swelling. Typically swellig will subside within the 7th or 10 days after surgery. But it can be longer depending on individual to individual. But you have to make sure that the swelling is a not a result of an infection. If there is discharge from the wound, you pretty much in the safe. Keep the ice pack on longer every day and don't go on the hot pack yet. If the swelling persist or become worse, see a doctor immediately.
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God what a terrible post op care service. Which clinci did you choose to have the eyelid surgery with? I do agree that With any surgery, time is an essential commodity in healing and you need plenty of it. I would say give it a few more days before jumping into conclusion. When I had my double eyelid surgery at BK, I swell up just as much. But eventually the swelling does goes away. Keep putting the ice pack on for as long as you still swell. The longer the keep the ice on the less chance the swelling will become worse. Unless occluded it's an infection, in which case you want to see a doctor immediately and get yourself on antibiotic. I certainly hope it's not somethig as serious as an infection. Its not pleasurable experience when I had an infection in my nose from the implant.
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Hi Shane, I know u had few surgery experience. Could it swell in 2 weeks? Tomorrow is my 7 th day post operation, and it is obviosly to tell I had a surgery. I'm worried and getting mad when look at the mirror.
Sorry for asking a stupid question. What condition I néed cold pack and hot pack? The 1st to 4th day I use cold pack, after that I change to hot pack. This is the post care instruction I found in forum.
Can I take anti flamation medicine for reducing my swollen and bruises?
Thank you for the quick response.
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If you look closely at my avatar, you can see my before and after photo of my 2 jaw surgery. Maybe its not so clear. Don't worry. I sill post a better pic here later.
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Big grin!!! :smile:)
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For those who has been been asking me for a more perspective view of my two jaws before and after. Here you go. You can see from my before photo, that i have a severe malocclusion in my jaw which not only affected my bite, but my profile as well. So the choice to have 2 jaws surgery for me was a no brainer. You can notice the huge difference in my profile after the 2 jaws surgery.
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Actually i had more than just a few surgicsl experiences. The last time i counted, i was up 44, but who's counting anyway ( apparently i am LOL ) before you go all crazy and break every mirror in your house, please tske note that and any surgery that required incision, will cause dome amount of swelling and bruising. Everybody is diiferent, so we can't all expect the same degree of swelling to occur in everyone. My friend experience tightness and swelling 6 days into her post op. but now her swelling has pretty much subsided. Another thing you should take note of is assymetry swelling. Meaning that your left and right ete may swell at a different pace. Again, totally normal. It does't matter the conditio of your ice pack. Just keep having them over your eyes for as long as you can untill the swelling improve. Walk around will also help with the swelling. I really don't know which clinic you had the eyelid surgery with but if you have to go online to retrieved post op care for double eyelid, that mean the clinic could care less about patient post op care. If thats the case, please mention the name of the irresponsible that you had the eyelid surgery with. I don't care what kind of bargain you recieved from the clinic, but if there don't treat you just as well before you hand over your credit card, you setting yourself up for potential problem in the future. I really hope you take great care of your self since yhe clinic won't.
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I have not decide on any clinic yet, will hang out with friends the first week I'm there and take my time going for consultation. However I have already make up my mind to get the surgery done on 6/7 aug. I will be leaving on the 26th aug so I have almost three week to recover. I just hope that by day 10 I'm gd and look normal to get back chilling out with buddies in Seoul again. Can anybody tell me after 10 days pos op do we look normal? I know it depend on individual healing rate but just in general gd enough to not scare ppl? Lol :smile:
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