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That will depend on what you planning to do. If it really invasive like V line or zygoma reduction. 10 day is not enough to look normal. I would say 14 days onward you will start to look decent, but not normal. I would say the general rule of swelling is. Your swelling will peak on the 3rd to 5th day. You will relatively normal in 2 to 4 week. Back to normal in about 3 to 6 month. Completely heal in a year. Thats just a ball park number. Everyone is different so expect different outcome.
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Hey Shane !
Thk for the quick reply :smile: yes I am looking at v line and maybe forehead implant , when u said decent, u mean swelling still really obvious? How abt bruises?
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I was going to go to Dr Shin for v-line because of such praise that you give. But then you posted this pic which is obviously photoshopped.

Every single strand of hair is in the exact same place!
And the exact same length after the months it would have taken for the swelling to disappear.
And the angle of the photos is exactly the same. I have never seen such accuracy before. Even professional photos in fashion magazine do not have such accuracy!
It is obvious that you used the smudge tool for your nose. It looks stretched and blurry at the tip.
The blemishes on the underside of your chin and on your cheeks disappeared and you applied a color filter to the after photo.
The vertcal thickness of your chin is much thinner than before which is not possible with 2 jaw surgery except getting a concurrent genioplasty.
The underside of your jaw is unnaturally tight and is not possible even with an aggressive facelift unless they remove your lymph nodes.

Extremely suspicious don't you think?!
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i agree
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Hi Shane,

I've booked my flight to Seoul for a short trip (just 3 days) to check out which clinic I will end up going for lipo. I'll be in Seoul July 1st to July 4th. I will be checking out ITEM, 365MC and Grand. Just wanted to ask if there are any questions I definitely need to ask? I have asked many in my emails but I know you have a lot more experience in this than me.
Thank you!! :smile:
I will also update my visit experiences after!
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Now normally i wouldn't lowered self to gumshoo level and get into a heated debate with her/him, but since my reputation is at stake here, i thought i would follow up my previous post with another before and after photo. I figure i was partly to blame for the accusation against me for posting a simulation photo. So to satisfied all the doubter out there, here is a non simulated none photoshop of my before and after pic. The picture was taken about 2 month apart. The after photo was taken by ID when i was there this time for my one month check up. Other then the fact that i am wearing the same shirt when my after photo was taken, i doubt anyone can make claim that i photoshop this. I am still a little swollen from since the surgery but overall the result is no difference from the simulation that i posted before.
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Day 10 your swelling will indeed still be very obvious unfortunately. There are exception to the case such as spartan warrior came out of surgery looking the same as he came in. So unless you share the same millitary metabolismn, i really doubt you would look normal after just 10 days. You will see improvement after you peaked, but you hardly notice the difference i think. Bruising will occur once you have stop swelling. While i had a lot of swelling during my recovery, but very little bruising. I think that contributed to my thinker skin tone. So i say give it atleast 2 weeks. In 2 week you will look pretty normal although you may still need to wear a mask wherever you travel. Im still wearing one right now eventhough everyone told look i look fine.
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I would say after a few days after surgery you can start washing your hair. But usually clinic wpuld suggest atleast 7 to 10 days cause thats usually when all your external stitches are removed. You have to take all nessesasry precaution to avoid getting your incision area wet other wise you will delay your recovery time and required to keep the stitches much longer. Any wound that doesn't heal properly are at risk of an infection. So its not to be taken lightly. Another reason is risk of seperating your stitches.
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It's true, when Shane sent me his before and after photos, he made sure to tell me that the nose was photoshopped to show the surgeon what he wants his revision to look like.

Shane has been a fixture on this forum, volunteering a lot of his own time to help anyone who has questions. I think it's paranoid to suspect that after so many helpful posts and emails, Shane would try to mislead us through minor photoshop work. The main point of his photo was to show the improvement jaw surgery made on his profile.
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Thanks, I've been wondering about this too. I know this is the least of my problems, but I'm dreading living with oily, unwashed hair. 10 days seems like an eternity!
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thanks for the backup ooh_la. i made the fact that i photoshop my nose very clear to those who bring it up. i may have failed to share that little fact with some people whom i send the photo to. please understand that i recieved alot of request for my before and after photo from both email and PM. so at time i may have just sent out the photo without first explaining it. but the picture that i regularly send out was the same that i use as reference for future nose revision. so i take the blame for stirring up unessesary accusation upon myself. had i been more specific, there probably be no cause for suspicion in the first place.

i have no alterior motive other then to help out as many people as i can, and i sure hope that my experience has been of benefit to those who seek them. alot of people make use of this forum as their salvage to seek answer for their plastic surgery inquried. but faild to return to share that knowledge once they had the surgery. a lot of the people that i met who have done their procedure back in april no longer or seldom trek through this thread anymore and that's a worrying trend in my opinion. there are new member joining up this forum everyday and i felt its only right that i continue to share my experience and knowledge with everyone here as i will continue to do so long after i am done with plastic surgery.
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i know what you mean. when i had my first eyelid surgery back in january, i was told not to wash my hair 3 days after my surgery. it was a lot easier back then since it was the middle of winter in korea and i was mostly staying indoor. but when i had my lateral 3D done this time in the middle of summer, it was unbearable. i feel so dirty not being able to wash my hair so i started washing my hair the second day after surgery which wasn't very smart but i knew the kind of surgery that i had required less precaution then say having a V line surgery. clinic will provide the same post care rules to follow for every patient having surgery related to eyelid. so i was pretty sure that washing my hair 2 days into my surgery weren't going to such a big deal. i did however heed their advice about not washing my face since i do have stitches in the corner of my eyes.

my advice is to go for as long as you can without washing your hair. and when it become unbearable, go to a salon to have it wash professionally. that what my friend did when she had her eyelid surgery. it cost about 10,000KRW to have your hair wash in an average hair salon which isn't very cheap. so i suggest that you go for as long as you can without washing your hair. once your external stiches has been removed, then start washing your hair gently. you don't want to risk tearing your newly heal wound.
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