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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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that would depend what you wish to have done at those clinic that you plan to visit. general questions would be recovery time, price, post care, accomodation, post surgical advice and pre op preperation. if you have already ask those questions, you pretty much have basis covered. what are you planning to do and when are you planning to return to do it?
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That's really good advice about the salon hair-wash!
I think I'll look into dry shampoos and try to go for as long as I can without washing my hair, as you recommended. It's got to be better for the healing process, too, especially in the summer.

I was wondering if there would be any problems with washing my hair over the sink, say 4 days after v-line or zygoma. There should be no incisions or stitches near the scalp, right?
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I agreed , not able to wash hair for 10. Days is going to be a nightmare. As I have really oily hair and it will be worst that I am going to have the v line in summer. I don't want to end up with too much hair lost due to the surgery! When I had my nose surgery last winter I was told not to wash my hair for five days because of the wound at the back of my ear but I can't take it and by day 3 I already wash it but with extra extra extra carefulness not to wet the stitches. This time round I think it is going to be ten time tougher ...
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Hey Shane,

You did your eyelid with Dr Shin at BK under local or GA ? How many day after my v line surgery should I wait before schedule for the eyelid with him? Ideally I wish to get all the procedures done in ID, I know Dr Gim is gd with nose but can anybody tell me who is gd in eye there ?

Maybe Spartan warrior can recommend since you use ID and seem to know them well :smile:
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They can do both procedures at the same time like for hongkongpooey. I don't know anything about eye doctors since I don't have Asian eyes but hkpooey said dr gim did her eyes and she is very happy with the results. I like the way her eyes look also. So if you want to do everything at id I suggest the same dr.
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A million thk spartan warrior !!!

I was really not keen to use too much GA so the ideal way is to just get knock out once and get everything done. My only concern is that I will not have enough budget to do all the thing I wish to do, I was told ID price is not low cant said they are ex but in the mid high range compare to others. Well I guess their pos op care and dr experience live up to it but just my pocket can't keep up.

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that would really depend on which clinic you choose to have the V line and zygoma with. as i found out recently, different clinic have different method of draining dirty blood. at ID, when you do like a V line or zygoma reduction, there place a tube behind each of your ear to drain the dirty blood. so when th tube is removed, there is going to be external stitches that you/re going to have to take care of. but apparently if you do the same procedure at BK, the tube is place inside of your mouth. so there are not external stitches other than the one inside of your mouth. and from what i hear, removing the tube from inside of your mouth is painless compare to tube place behind your ear. reason why i know is because i met a girl at BK who went for V line and zygoma reduction and he tube that i thought would be place behind your ear is actually place inside of her mouth. but i think for precautionary measure, she was also advice not to wash her hair for 7 days. even if you have stitches place behind your ear, you can still wash your hair, but just very carefully not wet the stitches. ID would place over your stitches a water proof plaster to avoid your stitches from becoming wet. so there shoudn't be an issue if you wash your hair over a sink as long as you try your best to keep your stitches area dry.
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all eyelid surgery are done with sleep sedation in conjunction with L.A to numb the area to be treated. when i did my first eyelid surgery, i was place under G.A, but thats because i had 8 other procedure done at the same time. my second eyelid surgery were done with just L.A. but because there are no sedation involved, i feel a little painful when there numb you with the needle. but the pain only last a few second then i can't feel anything. the third time were done with sleep sedation plus L.A. but because i needed a ptosis correction along with my standard eyelid surgery, i was awaken after the sedation wear off. but by then they had already numb the area while i was in deep sleep. so it was virtually painless, even though i was aware and concious. my most recent one were were sleep sedation and L.A. but by the time i woke up from the sedation, the surgery was already over. different surgeon will do thing differently. but usually when you're doing ptosis correction, you are require to be awake throughout the entire procedure.

its always ideal to to have both your V line and any other procedure done at the same time to avoid going under anesthesia twice. but if you have to, i would suggest you reverse the role and have your eyelid surgery first then your Vline since V line will required much longer recovery period compare to eyelid surgery. so i siggest you do the eye first then scedule for V line 5 to 7 days laters when the wound in your eye have time to heal and no risk of tearing during your V line surgery. you can probably get away with 4 to 5 days. but i prefer atleast 7 or when the eye surgeron remove your stitches.

i dare to say that Dr shin is great with the eyes. if you have seen my eyes before and after surgery, you will know why i recommend dr shin so highly. i would suggest that you consult with dr shin first about your eyes. i know you won't be disappointed. i can't comment about ID for the eyes or nose since i only had 2 jaws done at ID. but as spartan warrior pointed out about hongkongphooey eye and nose, it does look pretty good. but until i see her 3 to 6 months post op result, i am reserve about recommending ID for anything else other than facial contouring.
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Been trying to catch up on the past few days posting. May I add that Shane is generous to share with us his pictures, and always there to answer our queries base on his experience. We should be really thankful coz no one has the obligation to do that.

Even if we have any doubt, we should always clarify things politely, and lastly, never jump into conclusion. :smile:
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Thanks, Shane! I didn't know that about BK's contouring procedures.
Does it mean that BK's point of incision is from inside the mouth as opposed to ID (sideburn area)?
I remember reading somewhere that the point of incision affects the degree of change possible with the procedure (e.g., if the incision is made in the sideburn area, you can get a more dramatic cheekbone reduction). Have you found this to be true at all?

I sent you an email asking about your opinion about eyelid revision :smile: I hope you received it!
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HongKOngPooey, can't thank you enough too for the sharing. Hopefully you will still be around in this forum since you are now back and will be busy.
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basically you can have anything soft that can fit into your mouth that doesn't required too much chewing. there's a lot of food that fit into this catagories. when i had my first zygoma reduction and V line, i was living on porridges every day for about 2 weeks. you can't live on juice and milk alone because you're be on strong antibiotic for about 1 to 2 weeks. and taking your medication without some form of solft solid food will cause extreme gastric. i learn it the hard way twice when i was recovering from my two jaw back in april. some time you are torn between not having any appetite and the need to take your medication on time. after 2 jaws, expect to sleep through almost an entire day when you're not walking about. so its going to be hard to keep a regulated scedule and feeding your self properly before taking your medication. some would say that i'm brave for coming to korea alone for my 2 jaws. but if i had a choice, i would bring someone with me. you need someone there to keep your dicipline and to help prepare or purchase the food for you. becuase i was alone, my diet for 2 weeks consist of mushroom soup, jello, and vitamin water. i didn't have the benefit of spartan warrior who had her mom present during the recovery. i told my parent i was in korea for braces. my parent would have never approve of my decision had there known i was here for 2 jaws. i was only feeding on porridges after i left korea and it was the most solid food i ate ever. i tried cup noodle on the 5th day during my recovery, but trust me, its not going to be easy. it might be for you since you're not having 2 jaws. but when hongkongphooey had her V line, she was at the mercy of soup and protein powder herself. so plan ahead before you have your V line. stuff your fridge with as much soft food as you can fit into it. and as spartan warrior suggested, bring along a blender as well. stayed close to a 7/11 if you can or find a hotel with a kitchen so you can prepared food. the most convenient i think would be to order out. but it does get pretty expensive after a while. i'm not sure if this answer your questions. but to sum it up, anything soft and small that you can fit into your mouth. no spicy or sea food, and avoid fruit with tiny seed such as strawberry and kiwi. you can have the juice version of the fruit as long as it doesn't contain the seed from the fruit.
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Hey HongKongPhooey,
I hope the flight back home wasn't too difficult! I'm glad to hear you're back home and recovering nicely. Has a lot of the swelling gone down yet?
ID is still on the top of my list for facial contouring--hopefully my experience there will go as smoothly as yours did :smile:
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thanks for the back up emisa. that's right, if anyone has any doubt about me of any of the picture that i post here, all you have to do is ask. i'm a human and i do make mistake some time. i would appreciate any positive or even negative remark if mention in a polite manner. i'm only here to lend a hand to those who need it.
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