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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Thank you so much Shane and HongKongPhooey for your advice.:smile:
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Shane, I am interested to see/know too :P. Is it because of alot of revision or touch up required? Initially was considering more than rhinoplasty but I worried results not desirable the 1st time & need to go back for more revision. Do we have to "maintain" for rhino? Is it permanent? Do we need to "touch up" along the years due to "wear & tear" etc? Sorry if I asking stupid questions.
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You really should save up because they are pretty competent and caring at ID. BK is pretty good also from what I have heard but they are more expensive and their aftercare is not as good as id's. Did you get a quote from them yet? They might knock off a million or 2 if you are doing more than 1 procedure at id.
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I had v-line and cheekbone reduction at BK, and no offense but I was very happy with my after care at BK as well as my result. I did have consultation at ID, too but I decided to have surgery at BK at the end. The price was pretty similar compared to BK and ID, but the reason why I selected BK was because the guest house was given for free for 1 week and it was located in walking distance (it took about 5 minutes). I hope this helps ;)
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I remember when I had consultation with Dr. Hong, he told me that if I had protruding side cheekbone, he would make incision on my sideburns. But since my cheekbone was protruding forward, he said he will make incision inside my mouth. :smile: and I did have tube after v-line surgery. :biggrin:
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Happy birthday, hongkongpooey jie!!:P:P
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the scar were a result of bad surgical technique used when i had my mandible angle bone remove. the surgeon actually made the incision on the outside rather then on the inside. i have a similiar scar line on the other side, but its really faint, almost invisible. but the scar on the left didn't heal properly and i develop keloid which required 2 steriod injection to get rid of. i will take care of the scar once i've finish with everything else. the scar is not really a priority for me at the moment althought i will get treatment for it very soon.

if you were following my previous post, it should be no surprise as to who i recommend for nose...dr shin of BK is the man you want to speak with. i will be having my rhino revision next year in april at BK. the reason why i didn't do it earlier is because i just had 2 jaw back in april and dr shin were caring enough to ask me to wait a year before i undergo revision rhino. you owe yourself to at least speak with him and hear him out.

hope this help
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i would've gladly shown anyone my pre surgery face if i met them in person. as i mention in previous post that i have big plan to unviel this photo when i launch my blog in a few months and i wouldn't want to risk having the photo shared on facebook or other social media site before i officially launch my blog. its really nothing personally and i'm saying you will leak my photo intentionally. but better to be safe than sorry. as soon as i launch my site, i will load the photo up to my blog so everyone can go see it.
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if you planning to go to korea in augustfor your 2 jaws, you can tag along with me as i will be accompanying another girl on the forum for her 2 jaws as well. i will be doing my zygoma revision at ID as well. i already set the date on the 20th for surgery. pm me in your interested.

when i was doing my 2 jaws, i was technically alone although i met with 13 other people which i met on this forum there. but i was technically alone since i didn't have anyone there other then a few friend who were staying in the same hotel as i was. it wasn't fun to recovery alone in a hotel room, but its certainly doable if you considering it. just make sure to stuff your fridge with all the nessesary food before doing your surgery cause you won't feel like going out for the first few days after surgery. stayed near a 7/11 or GS25 stored if you can. and keep your mask close by at all time. you will need your phone and credit card for sure. i brought a small suit case with me during the trip as i didn't want to deal with hauling large baggages through the airport. try to come when the weather is a little bit cooler is my advice so you won't sweat alot thus not required too much change of clothing. just take a few shirt and pants with you and re-use or wash them on a regular basis. you won't feel like going out shopping or touring anyway with your bloated face so most of the time you're be staying indoor anyway so nobody will notice that you have on the same shirt and pants everyday.

hope this help.
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just go with whomever you felt most comfortable with. i'm sure dr gim is a wonderful surgeon and will do an equally impressive job with your eye as dr shin would. when i reached BK, i was directed to Dr shin and was immediately taken in by his thorough examination of my case. he knew exactly my concern and know how to fix it. and the great thing about DR shin is that you don't feel obligated to have the surgery done by him. dr shin was one of my choices for 2 jaws, but end up having the surgery with ID instead. when i went back to see Dr shin with my friend for her eyelid consultation, he complimented the wonderful job that dr park did on my jaw. that really made me feel good knowing that dr shin is very biase toward surgeons from other clinic.

i pretty settle on 2 clinic for any future procedure that i do or recommend to other people. for things such as facial contouring, ID would be my first choice and for procedure such as eyes and the nose, i won't feel comfortable with one else other than dr shin. even if i have to go under the G.A twice to have my nose and zygoma done at a different clinic, i would.

so my advice to you is talk to both dr shin and gim before making your decision. i would assume that both shin and gim practice the same technique when performing eyelid surgery. its really all down to how comfortable you are with either one of them.

hope this help.
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Shane thanks for the information about your neck
i already had an operation on mine stomach
i also had keloid, the hosopital also gave me injection for the wild meat
but i wanted to do the zygoma and v line
does it mean i also will have the keloid
is there an possibiltiy that i can have it done in mine mouth instead
outside ??
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the only reason why i had so many procedures was due revision as i am not happy or satisfied with the result. you could definetely avoid having so much procedure if you do it right the first time. i wish i had gone immediately to Dr shin and Dr park when i first started out then i wouldn't need to have to have so much things done in the first place. as for rhino, normally the result will last forever if proper care is maintain. so you need not to worry about wear and tear. from what i heard, silicone on the bridge of your nose will last for 20 years, after that it started to shrink little by little. that is why dr shin suggest dermis for the use of the bridge. dermine is a combination of fat and skin so there is no way your body is going to reject it. but it is quite costly.
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actually we were talking about the draining tube that the surgeon insert in to drain out the dirty blood. you mean you have a tube outside of your mouth behind the ear? i know that the incision for zygoma reduction is made near the hair line and inside of the mouth. but what i'm curious about is where do there stick the tube after you had the surgery, behind the ear as ID or inside of the mouth like what i see with my friend.
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you need not to worry about keloid formation as it only occur if the incision made on the outside rather than the inside. all good surgeon will practice incision on the inside of the mouth. any surgeon who doesn't and suggest V line or zygoma reduction incision be made on the outside you should avoid at all cost. i was naive when i first started having plastic surgery so i figure that V Line incision is made on the outside like the surgeon suggested.
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I had my nose revised by Dr Lee at Banobagi. I probably would have been able to go back to work after 1 week if I'd only dnoe my nose. They remove the stitches around Day 7-10
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